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The Hunt for the Sources of the Galactic Cosmic Rays — A multi-messenger approach. Alexander Kappes UW-Madison 4 th TeVPA Workshop, Beijing (China) Sep . 24 – 28, 2008. Outline. Energetics of Galactic CRs and source c andidates The missing PeVatrons and the Milagro skymap
The Hunt for the Sources ofthe Galactic Cosmic Rays — • A multi-messenger approach Alexander Kappes UW-Madison 4thTeVPA Workshop, Beijing (China) Sep. 24 – 28, 2008
Outline • Energetics of GalacticCRsand source candidates • The missing PeVatrons and the Milagro skymap • Neutrino fluxes from Galactic CRsource candidates Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Energetics of Cosmic Rays • Galactic component: • GeV – PeV • rE ≈ 10-12 erg cm-3 # ≈ 4×10-14 cm-3 • similar to energy density in light and magnetic field • Transition: somewhere between 107 and 109GeV • Extra-Galactic component: • > EeV • ~10-19 erg cm-3 J.K. Becker galactic extragalactic Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Multi-messenger Astronomy: Cosmic Rays, g-Rays and Neutrinos • Even after 100 years sources of (Galactic) cosmic rays (CRs) unknown(CRs not back-traceable due to Galactic magnetic field) • Multi-messenger astronomy is key: CR IM CR Photon field p p p g AND • Neutrino telescopes: • Unambiguous prove for CR acceleration • Still under development • No sources found yet • g-Cherenkov telescopes: • Very mature • Discovered many (Galactic) sources • Problem of synch/IC-pion ambiguitynot overcome yet p + p()→p0 + X9 p + p()→p + X9m+nm9 e + ne+nm Flux ratios (for E-2):(p+p) (p+g) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Estimate of Gamma Flux from pp Interactions • Steady Galactic CR density (~10-12 erg cm-3) requires 1041 erg s-1(finite CR containment time) • Corresponds to release of 1050 erg in CRsevery 30 years • Emissivity in g-rays for interaction of CRs with interstellar medium: ≈ 4×10-14 cm-3 (nIMspp) spp ≈ 40 mb for E-2; ≈ 0.2 energy released in CRs ≈ 10-12 erg cm-3 F. Halzen, arXiv:0809.1874 Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Estimate of Gamma Flux from pp Interactions cont’d The sources of the Galactic CR should have fluxes visible to current g-ray detector(in particular, they have to show up in the Milagro sky map) • Source candidates with known TeVg-ray emission: • Supernovae (release ~1051 erg every ~30 years): • nIM 100 – 1000 cm-3 in star-forming regions where SN typically occur • why don’t we see more SNe in TeV, why have all SNe cutoffs << 100 TeV? • Binaries: only few observed up to now; again cutoffs << 100 TeV (absorption?)not visible in Milagro map • Pulsar wind nebula:thought to accelerate (mainly) electrons • Maybe something unknown!? Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
The Missing PeVatrons • SNRs generally considered as best candidates for Galactic cosmic ray accelerators • But no SNR spectrum extends above a few 10 TeV(“knee” corresponds to ~300 TeV) • Possible reason:“Direct” high energy -ray emission only in first few hundred years • Detection still possible by observing secondary -rays produced in nearby clouds • Milagro-like experiments better suited than Cherenkov telescopes Gabici & Aharonian,arXiv:0705.3011 at 1 Kpc 400 yr 10 TeV 2000 yr 8000 yr (104 solar masses) 2000 yr 8000 yr 32000 yr Cherenkov telescopes (e.g. HESS, Magic) Air shower arrays(Milagro) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
2007 Milagro Sky Survey At 12 TeV MGRO J2031+41 J1852+01 MGRO J2019+37 MGRO J1908+06 C1 C2 • Several sources along Galactic plane • Large accumulation in the Cygnus region • Additional small “cluster” at l = 40° Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
MGRO J1908+06 • Milagro: • Spectrum extends up to 100 TeV ! • Strong indicator for protonacceleration in this source • H.E.S.S.: • E-2 spectrum withoutcutoff indication • Flux@ 1TeV:3.2×10-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 (H.E.S.S. Coll., ICRC’07 proceedings) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
MGRO J2031+41 • Milagro: • Flux @ 1TeV for E-2:2.4×10-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 (Milagro Coll., ApJ 658:L33, 2007) • MAGIC: • E-2 spectrum • Flux@ 1TeV:0.45×10-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 • Lower flux probably due to high photon backgroundin Cygnus region (MAGIC Coll., ApJ 675:L25, 2008) Milagro Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
VERITAS observation MGRO J2019+37 • Milagro: • Flux @ 1TeV for E-2:3.5×10-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 (Milagro Coll., ApJ 658:L33, 2007) • VERITAS: • Not seen in first observation:Fg< 30 mCrab (99% C.L.)consistency with Milagro requires < 2.2 (VERITAS Coll., ICRC’07 proceedings) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
The Role of Neutrino Telescopes • Several g-ray sources with hard spectra • Photon production ambiguous • Air-shower array currently only in Northern Hemisphere • Cherenkov telescopes only small field of view (few deg2) • cover only small part of sky (at a time) • large photon background in star-forming region(e.g. Cygnus) can hide sources • Neutrinos unambiguous sign forhadronicacceleration • Neutrino telescope properties very similar to air shower arrays • “all sky” sensitivity • increasing sensitivity with energy(fast decreasingbackground) • angular resolution O(1°) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Gamma and Neutrino Spectra • E-2 with Milagro normalizationassumed (MGRO J1908+06 index = 2.1) • spectrum cutoff @ 180 TeV Halzenetal, Phys.Rev. D78, 063004 (2008) Neutrino spectra for all sources Spectra for MGRO J1908+06 J1852+01 MGRO J2019+37 MGRO J1908+06 MGRO J2031+41C1 C2 10-10 E2flux (TeV s-1 cm-2) 10-11 gamma flux 10-12 neutrino flux 10-13 1 10 1000 100 E(TeV) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Significance for MGRO J1908+06 IceCube with 80 strings Halzenetal, Phys.Rev. D78, 063004 (2008) 10 years p value 1 atm. n observed events signal + atm. 2 signal events 3 1 10 100 Ethresh (TeV) • Source size and detector angular + energy resolution taken into account • Milagro measurements favor lower sensitivity curve(dashed line) • Individual sources probably hard to detect for IceCube Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Significance forstacked Sources • p-value = 10-4 after 5 years but large error band (not shown) • Optimal threshold @ 30–40 TeV (determined by loss of signal events) Halzenetal, Phys.Rev. D78, 063004 (2008) 5 years 10 years Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
AMANDA II • Search for muon neutrinos in 6 Milagro source regionsin AMANDA II 7 year data set (3.8 years livetime) • Per-source flux sensitivity improved by a factor of 4 compared to fixed-point search for any of the six sources Shown by J. Braun @ COSMOS’08 Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Simulated Neutrino SkymapIC80 (5 years) J1852+01 Galactic Latitude (°) MGRO J1908+06 Galactic Longitude (°) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Conclusions • Straight forward calculations show that sources of Galactic CR should show up in Milagro sky-map • Sources might not be (easily) visible for Cherenkov telescopes • largest energy density might be at several 10 TeV(interactions of CR in molecular clouds) • large photon background in SN regions, e.g. Cygnus • Several Milagro sources show indications for hard E-2 spectra with one (MGRO J1908+06) possibly extending to at least 100 TeV • Hard to decide from g-ray signal alone whether g-ray sources are CR sources • Neutrino telescopes can unambiguously identify sources of cosmic rays • IceCubewillbe able to detect stacked Milagro sources after several years(individual sources difficult) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Backup Slides Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
TeV Gamma-Ray Sky Map Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing
Simulated Neutrino Skymaps IC80 (5 years) Galactic Latitude (°) Galactic Longitude (°) Alexander Kappes, TeV Workshop, Beijing