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The Cold War Part III: The Non-Aligned Movement

The Cold War Part III: The Non-Aligned Movement. The “Third”: World. Read the Article, and answer the questions. Then, we’ll discuss. . “Third World” Countries. During the Cold War, most of the world is divided between NATO and the Warsaw Pact

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The Cold War Part III: The Non-Aligned Movement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Cold War Part III:The Non-Aligned Movement The “Third”: World

  2. Read the Article, and answer the questions. Then, we’ll discuss.

  3. “Third World” Countries • During the Cold War, most of the world is divided between NATO and the Warsaw Pact • Those not allied with the 1st world (NATO) or the 2nd world (Warsaw Pact) alliances= Third World. • Former Colonies NOT aligned= Non Aligned Nations • These nations wanted to assert their new independence and make their own choices and decisions • They were tired of being pushed around & exploited • Used their non-aligned status to get the most from both sides • Get Weapons, Training & Barter Agreements from Soviets & China • Get Loans, cheap grain, & investment projects from the U.S.

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