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Algebraic Expressions Explained: Key Concepts and Practice

Dive into the world of algebraic expressions with this comprehensive lesson covering variables, terms, exponents, and more. Learn to translate verbal expressions into algebraic form and practice evaluating expressions. Discover the importance of factors and mastering exponents. Engage in practical exercises to solidify your understanding.

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Algebraic Expressions Explained: Key Concepts and Practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2:00 4:00 1:10 5:00 4:50 4:40 4:30 4:20 4:10 :00 Time’s Up! :10 :20 :40 :50 1:00 :30 3:50 3:40 3:30 3:20 1:20 3:00 2:50 2:40 3:10 2:20 2:10 1:50 1:40 1:30 2:30 Click Me! • Evaluate. • x + 8, if x = 5 • 24 ÷ y, if y = 2 • 3z, if z = 3 • 18 – 3m, if m = 3 ANS: 13 Do Now! Warm-Up! ANS: 12 Warm-Ups Rock! ANS: 9 ANS: 9

  2. 1-1 Variables and Expressions

  3. Translate these expressions  brb TTyl omw lol rotfl omg bff jk Translate idk

  4. *Writing algebraic expressions* Write *Key Words!*

  5. *Vocabulary Check* • Variable — is a letter or symbol used to represent a value that can change. • Algebraic Expressions — contain variables, numbers, and one or more operations, but NO equal signs. • Evaluate — to evaluate an expression means to find its value. • Term – May be a number, a varible, or a product or quotient of numbers and variables. Example: x y n Example: 5x 3x –7 x + 7 Write Example: 5x 0.1d 7

  6. Vocabulary Continued • 5. Factors- Are the quantities being multiplied together.

  7. *Understanding powers!* Exponent Write 85 You say it like, “8 to the 5th power!” BASE

  8. *evaluating exponents* Write *Key Words!*

  9. *Writing algebraic expressions* Write Translate into an algebraic expression. Eight increased by a number n 8 + Step 1: Underline “Key Words” Step 2: Determine which operation you’ll use (+, -, x, ) Step 3: Replace with numbers and/or variables! Step 4: Check your work! Does it sound like it makes sense? Example #1

  10. *Writing algebraic expressions* Translate into an algebraic expression. Seven times x squared Write ∙ x2 7 Step 1: Underline “Key Words” Step 2: Determine operation you’ll use (+, -, x, ) Step 3: Replace with numbers and/or variables! Step 4: Check your work! Does it sound like it makes sense? Example #1

  11. *Writing algebraic expressions* Translate into an algebraic expression. Write The sum of c squared and 21 times d 21d + c2 c2 + 21d Step 1: Underline “Key Words” Step 2: Determine operation you’ll use (+, -, x, ) Step 3: Replace with numbers and/or variables! Step 4: Check your work! Does it sound like it makes sense? Example #2

  12. *important Note* Write For key words like more than, less than, and subtracted from, the numbers and variables should be reversed to make sense. Eight more than a number n 8 + n 8 + Reverse it! Example #3

  13. *writing algebraic expressions* Write 7 less than a number n – 7 n – 7 Hmm… a tough one! Example #4

  14. *writing algebraic expressions* Write Three-fourths of the perimeter p p ¾ ∙ Example #5

  15. *translate to a algebraic expression!* 5 times a number Do It!

  16. *translate to a algebraic expression!* x to the 18th power Do It!

  17. Translate into an algebraic expression. • 1. The difference between 24 and x. • 2. Three fourths of a number. • 3. The quotient of 9 and a number. Lets Practice ANS: 24 – x Math Rock! ANS: ¾ x Do Now! ANS: 9 x

  18. Think –Pair -Share • Explain the difference between an algebraic expression and a verbal expression. Algebraic expressions include variables, numbers, and symbols. Verbal expressions contain words

  19. H.O.T. Problem • Define a variable to represent a real-life quantity, such as time in minutes or distance in feet. Then use the variable to write an algebraic expression to represent one of your daily activities. Describe in words what your expression represents, and explain your reasoning.

  20. You can do it! • Jim and Julie are writing algebraic expression for three times the sum of n squared and three. Is either of them correct. Explain your reasoning. Jim Julie Jim is correct, Julie left out the parentheses around the n^2 +3

  21. Homework Time *Classwork* *Time!* Write Homework! Get Ready! HW: page 7 #11-27 odd, 34-36 ALL

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