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Discover the purpose and significance of Genesis in Christian beliefs, the creation of Adam and Eve, their fall due to disobedience, and the concept of stewardship. Explore the differences between the biblical account and scientific explanations of creation.
Day 1 the earth was formless and void and then God created light. • Day 2 God separated the water above from the water below. • Day 3 God created dry land and plants. • Day 4 God created the sun, moon, and stars. • Day 5 God created the sea creatures and birds. • Day 6 God created the animals and Adam and Eve. • Day 7 God rested. What do you think the purpose of the story is? How is it different from he scientific account?
GENESIS • Christians believe that God made the world and everything in it. • They believe that God was pleased with his creation – he looked at it and said ‘It is good!!!’ • God gave the world to Adam and Eve to look after as stewards (babysitters)
God made Adam • Adam was the first man • God told Adam he could have everything in the world. • He let Adam name all the creatures; birds, fish and animals. • But Adam was still lonely
God made Eve • God made Eve from Adam’s rib • Eve was the first woman • She was to be Adam’s wife
God told Adam and Eve they could have everything in the Garden of Eden, EXCEPT the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge The Tree of Knowledge
The Serpent Appears • The serpent convinces Eve that it is okay to eat from the tree. He says God is being unfair! Eve takes an apple from the tree.
THE FALL OF MAN • Adam and Eve both eat from the Tree of Knowledge. • God appears • They hide from him as they realise that they are naked. • God knows they have disobeyed him
Original Sin • Adam and Eve are said to have brought sin into the world because they disobeyed God • God gave us freewill so we could make choices • People suffer because they make bad choices • God is like our parents, he lets us make our own choices
THE FALL • Adam and Eve disobeyed God • This caused us to separate from God – like falling out with your parents! • Freewill allows us to make choices, it was a gift from God • Sometimes we make the wrong choices!!! • The message from Genesis is important – it is about our relationship with God and what happens when we ‘fall out’.
YOU NEED TO KNOW • What God asked Adam and Eve to do with the earth –care for it! • Consequences of the Fall- women suffer in labour, man has to work hard throughout life • How our relationship with God works – like a parent, we get to make our own mistakes and choices. God always loves us!
Christians and Muslims believe that: God/Allah created everything for a purpose. The beginning of the world and of life was not accidental – It was planned Human beings are different from other creature, in being created in the ‘Image if God/Allah’. Humans are believed to have an eternal soul That the world created was basically ‘Good’ and it is human sin which has made it bad (original sin)
Creation: The Bible and ScienceAim: To investigate how different people explain Creation.
Creation: The Bible and ScienceAim: To investigate how different people explain Creation.
Creation: The Bible and ScienceAim: To investigate how different people explain Creation.
Definitions of stewardship • A steward is like a caretaker who looks after and cares for the world • Stewardship is a God given responsibility to manage or control the Earth. • It means carefully looking after something for the real owner. Christians and Muslims believe the Earth belongs to God.
Chrisitianity and Stewardship (Caring for God’s creation) Christians believe we should care for the world and this is called Stewardship. They believe we have been given dominion over all animals and the environment and as a result we have a responsibility and a duty to care for each other. They believe they will be judged on Judgement day on how they have made a positive impact to the world. Christians believe that the world does still belong to God. We are simply caring for it, as caretakers. God made the world for us to live in and look after.
What does the Bible say? • “Let us make man….and let them have dominion….over all the earth…” (Genesis 1:26) • “God created man …. And said, “… fill the earth and subdue it, rule over….every living thing.” (Genesis 1:27-29) • “You appointed him ruler over everything you made; you placed him over all creation.” (Psalm 8:3-6) • When you lay siege to a city … do not destroy its trees..” (Deuteronomy 20:19)
So does “dominion” and “rule” mean we can do what we like? • NO – dominion means “kingship” implying we should rule wisely. It means being responsible for God’s world. • NO- doing what we like has led to the current situation where fossil fuels are running short, some species of animals are extinct and the world is heavily polluted.
Muslim beliefs • Allah created the universe • Everything created belongs to Allah, not us • Allah gave human beings the responsibility to care for it • On Judgment Day Muslims will be asked to account for how well they have looked after this gift. • Also: • Prophet Muhammad is a role-model in the example he set about caring for Allah’s creation. • All animals no matter how big or small are part of Allah's creation and should be respected. • He often spoke of the importance of planting trees and gardens from which animals could benefit from. • There are many examples in the Hadith of how the prophet avoided waste, was kind to animals and respected the earth.
How important is Ummah and Fitrah to Muslims? • According to Islam the whole of creation is a Unity. • One depends on all the others and the whole is perfectly balanced, also known as Fitrah. • If the health of one part is damaged then the health of the whole is affected. • Humans in their role as Khalifah most guarantee that the whole of creation is kept healthy so that the needs of human beings will be met. • If some human beings go hungry, that is the fault of the Ummah.
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."Genesis 1:28 (Rule over) Dominion: Having authority over something (eg: people over animals) With responsibility comes stewardship… The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.Genesis 2:15 Stewardship: The responsibility given by God to look after, protect and manage the Earth’s resources, environment and living things.
You are – Its what makes you human 7 bars of soap Lime enough to whitewash a wall Small amount of magnesium Phosphorous enough for 2,200 match heads A pinch of Sulphur 5 Buckets of water Sugar to fill a sugar server Iron enough for a medium nail Potassium to enough to explode a toy cannon What is made up of all these ingredients?
What else makes you You! Your Soul Mind Emotions Personality Experiences Influences Family, Friends Literature, Media Community, Religion Country, Law But what makes us different from Animals? Compassion – Benevolence Intelligence Morality – Conscience
Your Soul What is the Soul? A reflection of the image of God in human beings. Part of the human nature that isn’t physical. Part of humans that lives on after death. The Spiritual aspect of humanity that affects the physical you. The part of humans which allows people to relate to God to worship. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God iii i he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 2:7 The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground iiii and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man iiiii became a living being.
Chico Mendes A Christian who cared for the environment
Who was Chico Mendes? • Chico Mendes was a rubber tapper who lived in Brazil in South America. • He was a Christian • He was concerned about the destruction of the environment
Chico Mendes was concerned about deforestation in particular
Where did Chico Mendes live and work? South America
Chico Mendes introduced the idea of setting aside areas of forest for collecting rubber and Brazil nuts
He taught that it is possible to generate income from the forest without destroying it.
Chico Mendes was the founder of the Alliance of the People of the Forest
He is well known for being the leader of a non-violent campaign against deforestation by the cattle barons and plantation owners
Chico Mendes was murdered in 1988 at his home in front of his wife and family
Task: Using the information from the powerpoint on Chico Mendes – List any points that show Stewardship and state why you have chosen them. Eg: Chico Mendes introduced the idea of setting aside areas of forest for collecting rubber and Brazil nuts. This shows that although he needed to use the forest he wanted to do so in a way that would be sustainable and do little damage, yet still provided an income for the people that lived there. Therefore he was looking after the forest and the people while he utilized it’s resources.