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Marion School District Annual Report to the Public October 25, 2012. Marion School Board Meeting MSD Central Office Board Room 6:00 p.m . Marion School District Mission Statement.
Marion School DistrictAnnual Report to the PublicOctober 25, 2012 Marion School Board Meeting MSD Central Office Board Room 6:00 p.m.
Marion School District Mission Statement It is the mission of the Marion School District to provide our students with a basic program of instruction so that they will acquire the academic, social, and decision-making skills needed to become productive citizens in our rapidly changing technological world.
Marion School District Mission Statement (Continued) We recognize individual differences in students and believe that all children can learn. We strive to meet their needs and interests by offering a balanced curriculum and creating an atmosphere conducive to learning.
Marion School District Board of Education President Mr. A. Jan Thomas, Jr. Vice-President Mr. Steve A. Sutton Secretary Rev. Jeffrey Richardson Mr. Wm. Bart Turner Ms. Darrylee Arms Mr. Brian Proffitt Mr. Daryel Jackson
Marion School District Administration Superintendent Mr. Don Johnston Deputy Superintendent Mr. Jeff Altemus Assistant Superintendent Mr. Alfred Hogan Director of Elementary Education K-5 Dr. Robin A. Catt Director of Secondary Education 6-12 Mr. Hugh Inman
Federal Programs Mr. Homer Peters Special Education Ms. Sue McQuay Ms. Helen Johnson Technology Coordinator Mr. Tim Taylor Technology Trainer Ms. Nancy Hardy AcademicProgramsStaff
Maintenance & Custodial Services Mr. Dusty Duncan Food Services Ms. Susan Madison Transportation Mr. Doyle Jones Health Services Ms. Leslie Brick MSDSupportStaff
New Licensed Positions MES 1 Special Education MJHS 1 Instructional Facilitator MHS 1 Science Teacher ALE 1 Social Studies Teacher
New Classified Positions • 1 Special Education Paraprofessional • (MES)
Teacher License Status 2012-2013 Adding Areas of Licensure: • 5 Special Education Teachers • 2 English/LA Teachers • 1G/T Teacher • 1 Middle Level Teacher • 1 Social Studies Teacher • 1 Counselor 2012-2013 All core content teachers are highly qualified.
2012 Minority Recruitment Report • With a loss of one minority teacher and a gain of six, our minority teachers grew by five teachers for the 2012-13 school year. • Our overall district percentage of minority staff increased to 16% for the 2012-13 school year. • Marion School District is using TalentEd, Recruit, & Hire as MSD’s on-line application service to better serve our applicants and to provide our district with intuitive software to recruit, hire, develop, and retain the best teachers and leaders possible to positively increase student achievement.
Board Members’ Training All MSD board members received last year’s required annual training by December, 2011, and will have completed this year’s required hours by December 31, 2012. In accordance with Act 1775 of 2005, all members of a local school board of directors who have served on the board for twelve (12) or more consecutive months shall obtain no less than six hours of training and instruction by December 31 of each calendar year.
Annual Licensed Personnel Professional Development MSD provides at least 60 hours of on-site professional development annually. Every certified employee completes a minimum of 60 hours of training per year including at least 2 hours of parental involvement and 6 hours of technology training. Teachers who teach Arkansas history units or courses must also complete 2 hours of Arkansas history professional development annually.
Annual Licensed Personnel Professional Development (continued) All administrators complete an additional hour of Parental Involvement training for a total of 3 hrs. Administrators must also have training in instructional leadership, data disaggregation, and fiscal management. All secondary counselors and administrators have received the initial 3 hours of training in scholarships provided by the Arkansas Lottery. They must complete a one-hour update annually. All licensed personnel renewing their teaching license, must complete 2 hours of Child Maltreatment PD Training. All have completed the training.
Professional Development for the 2012-2013 School Year • Marion School District provided 392 hours of professional development between June 1, 2011 and August 17, 2012. • Teachers were able to earn at least 42 hours of the required 60 hours before school began. • Our Instructional Technology Facilitator offers our staff technology professional development throughout the year: New Teacher Orientation, Smart Notebook, Smart Response
Marion School District Schools • Avondale Elementary • Marion Elementary • Marion Intermediate • Marion Middle • Marion Jr. High • Marion High & Crittenden Prep Academy 12-13 • 4169 students PK-12 • 316 Certified Teachers & Administrators • 210 Classified Employees
Marion School District Mileage and Meals Miles Traveled in 11-12: • 341,760 miles for regular daily routes • 57,115 miles for trips • 7,680 miles for after-school program • 11,237 miles for summer school Meals Served in 11-12: • 740,074 meals served to students • 23,411 meals served to adults • 46,613 meals contracted and served
Why did the U.S. Dept. of Ed. offer states the opportunity to seek flexibility from aspects of No Child Left Behind Act? • The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the most recent authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is the principal federal law affecting education from K-12. • NCLB, passed in January of 2002, had the goal of all (100%) students being proficient by 2014. • Because of the rising number of schools across the nation that were judged inadequate by NCLB, the U.S. Department of Education in September 2011 invited states to seek a waiver of specific requirements.
What did the U.S. Dept. of Ed. require states to address when submitting ESEA Flexibility requests? • College-and Career-Ready Expectations for All Students • State-Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability, and Support • Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership
Arkansas ESEA Flexibility Approved June 29, 2012 • Through the ESEA Flexibility request, Arkansas affirmed its planned course of action regarding the establishment and assessment of college-and career-ready expectations for all students. In 2010, our state Board of Education adopted the nationally based Common Core State Standards in mathematics and English language arts and literacy, and we are now in the process of transitioning to implementation of these standards: • Grades K-2 School Year 2011-12 • Grades 3-8 School Year 2012-13 • Grades 9-12 School Year 2013-14 • We are also a governing state in the multi-state Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). PARCC is developing a common assessment aligned to the Common Core State Standards, which is scheduled to be completed and ready to administer in the 2014-15 school year.
Arkansas ESEA Flexibility Continued • The U.S. Department of Education required all states seeking an ESEA Flexibility to develop and adopt guidelines for local teacher and principal evaluation and support systems. Through its ESEA Flexibility request, Arkansas affirmed its current course of action regarding the establishment and implementation of a statewide system for educator evaluation and support . • Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS); Teacher Evaluation System • Principal Evaluation System • Arkansas is staging implementation of this evaluation system over several years, with a cohort of schools and districts piloting the system in 2012-13 and 2013-14, and implementation for all remaining districts by 2014-15.
Arkansas ESEA Flexibility Continued • Under this ESEA Flexibility, Arkansas will continue to hold all districts and schools accountable for the academic performance of all students, while strengthening the state’s focus on proficiency, growth and graduation rate gaps. • Starting in summer of 2012, schools were classified in one of five accountability and assistance levels. Schools meeting their proficiency gap closing goals were placed in the Exemplary or Achieving levels, schools not meeting their gap closing goals were placed in Needs Improvement level, schools with the largest proficiency gaps for student subgroups and for all students were placed in the Needs Improvement Focus Level. The state’s lowest performing schools were placed in Needs Improvement Prioritylevel.
Important Differences That You Will See • Annual Measureable Objectives (AMOs) • Targeted Achievement Gap Group (TAGG) • Classification System: • Exemplary • Achieving • Needs Improvement • Needs Improvement Focus • Needs Improvement Priority
Annual Measureable Objectives • Schools will no longer have to focus on meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) – a single measure, assigned arbitrarily that was the same for everyone regardless of where they were starting from or the challenges in their student population. • Instead, we’ll be able to look at performance, growth, and graduation rate (for high schools) and establish Annual Measureable Objectives (AMOs) that are unique to each school. • Each school and school district is assigned AMOs based on student growth, student performance, and graduation rate (for high schools). By looking at the data in different ways, schools gain clarity regarding the areas in which improvement efforts should be focused.
TAGG Students • Targeted Achievement Gap Group (TAGG) – one population group which includes: • Economically disadvantaged • Students with disabilities • English learners • It only takes 25 students to make a TAGG group! • Eliminates multiple counting of students who are in more than one subgroup.
What Does the ESEA Flexibility Require? • Adopt college-and-career-ready standards and assessments • Set new ambitious but achievable Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) toward specific goals • State, districts, schools, student groups • Implement system of differentiated recognition, accountability, and support • Identify high performance and/or growth, persistent subgroup issues, lowest performance, schools not meeting annual targets • Goal is to reduce the proficiency, growth, and graduation rate gaps by half by 2016-2017 • Implement educator evaluation system
Commissioner Discusses ESEA Flexibility: Dr. Tom Kimberly • http://www.arkansased.org/divisions/communications/video-gallery/39/commissioner-discusses-esea-flexibilit
Avondale Elementary School Grade Levels • Pre-K • Kindergarten • Pre-First • First Enrollment • 720 Students PK-1 • 51.5 Certified Teachers & Administrators Principal Mrs. Glenda Bryan Assistant Principal Mrs. Kristi Rice
Avondale Elementary School • Status: Accredited by ADE and Advanced • All 2012-13 teachers are licensed. All teachers are highly qualified in core content areas. • Two (2) teachers are currently working under an Additional Licensure Program • Accountability Designation: Needs Improvement School in both Literacy and Math (AES receives designation from MES.)
AES Proposals Toward Meeting 2012-13 Annual Measureable Objectives • Implement Common Core State Standards in all curricula areas.
AES Proposals continued • Promote the vision at AES that ALL students can be successful learners and can strive for excellence.
AES Proposals continued • Continue professional learning communities that embrace learning rather than teaching, work collaboratively to help all students learn, and use data from formative and summative assessments to make decisions concerning curriculum and instruction. (Defour, Eaker, and DuFour)
AES Proposals continued • Continue to implement behavior interventions to reduce inappropriate behavior in the classroom. (Canter, McLeod, Dr. Joe Martin)
AES Proposals continued • Provide Response to Intervention (RtI) to students in need of help academically and/or behaviorally.
AES Proposals continued • Provide after school tutoring (2 days a week) for students with academic improvement plans and/or intensive reading intervention plans
AES Proposals continued • Use Classroom Walkthrough to support high yield teaching strategies and authentic student engagement in learning.
AES Proposals continued • Incorporate guided reading into the literacy curriculum for both kindergarten and first grade
AES Proposals continued • Continue to promote parental and community involvement through our HEART Committee (Helping Educate And Reach (kids) Together), Watch D.O.G.S. and Magnificent M.O.M.S. programs. Parent Night Magnificent Mom Watch Dog Dad
AES Proposals continued • Use communication tools such as Newsletters, Calendars, notes, and School Messenger messages to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so parents know what they need to do to help their children be successful in school.
AES Proposals continued • Continue use of technology resources to enhance student learning (SmartBoards, SmartTable, mobile laptop computer labs, iPads, iPods, and netbooks) • Continue use of HeadSprout, Education City, Starfall, Reading Eggs, IXL Math, Accelerated Reader software
AES Proposals continued • Implement the use of iPads in the classrooms *Each teacher has an iPad for use in their classrooms at this time. It is our goal to add more iPads as funding is available to do so.
Marion Elementary School Grade Levels • Second • Third Enrollment • 609 Students 2-3 • 46 Certified Teachers & Administrators Principal Ms. Joyce Liphford Assistant Principal Ms. Jamie Brothers
Marion Elementary School • Status: Accredited by ADE and AdvancED • All 2012-13 teachers are licensed. All teachers are highly qualified in core content areas. • Two (2) teachers are currently working under an Additional Licensure Program • Accountability Designation: Needs Improvement School in both Literacy and Math
AYP Reports were replaced in 2012 with ESEA Accountability reports. Schools & Districts will be held accountable for their All Students and Targets Achievement Gap Group (TAGG) for the purpose of designation.
Marion Elementary School Progress You must test 95% of all students (including mobile) to meet percent tested. You will be a “Needs Improvement School” the first year you do not test 95% in Math or Literacy.
Marion Elementary School Progress Continued Your percent proficient must meet or exceed your AMO. We met performance for “All Students” in Literacy only. – GREEN You can be classified as Achieving through one year, or three years in performance or growth (where applicable). In order to be designated as Achieving for Literacy or Math, a school/district must meet the projected AMO or 94% proficient. ESEA TAGG information is provided as well. Look for two green boxes together! No Two Green Boxes together in One Quadrant . Thus, this school is Needs Improvement for Literacy and Math.
MES Proposals to Meet or Exceed the 2012-2013 Benchmark • Become Bucket Fillers by giving sincere compliments, helping without being asked, and genuinely showing kindness and respect to others. To make bucket filling a habit and a way of life, resulting in individuals with full buckets who are healthy mentally, emotionally, and socially. Have you filled a bucket today? • Create a safe, bully-free school environment by “speaking up for those who won’t speak for themselves.” (Kevin Horner, three-time “People’s Choice “ award winner) • Continue to implement Failure Free Reading Program to enhance student fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension for SPED and students performing in the bottom 10%. Our Failure Free students reading levels grew from 0.8 to 2.5, and reading passages scores rose from 59% on pre-tests to 94% on post-tests.
MES Proposals (Continued) • Use effective strategies for working with parents by sending home Weekly Book Bags with activities to increase vocabulary and enhance reading comprehension skills for parents and students to work together. Continue to use technology through the use of the Smart Boards, Computer Lab, Smart Response Systems, iPods, Portable Notebook Lab, iPads, and Front Row Sound Systems. • Through the Accelerated Reader Program, MES students read an average of 127 books last year, and 28/28 MES classrooms achieved Model Classroom. Our goal this year is also to meet the criteria for Master Classroom and Master School.