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Measuring parameters of Supermassive Black Holes Измерения параметров черных дыр. А.Ф.Захаров (Alexander F. Zakharov) Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics , Moscow ASC FI RAS E-mail: zakharov@itep.ru
Measuring parameters of Supermassive Black HolesИзмерения параметров черных дыр • А.Ф.Захаров (Alexander F. Zakharov) • Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow • ASC FI RAS • E-mail: zakharov@itep.ru • XXXXth Rencontres de Moriond • “Very High Energy Rhenomena in the Universe” • March 15, 2005
Outline of my talk • History • Black holes in astrophysics • The iron K -line as a tool for BH characteristics • Mirages around BHs and retro-lensing • Black Hole Images • Conclusions
Black hole history (I) • 1783 : The Reverend John Michell (invisible sphere) • 1798,1799 : P.S. Laplace (Exposition du Systeme du Monde Part II, p. 305, Allgemeine Geographifche Ephemeriden, 4, S.1, 1799) • 1915 : K. Schwarzschild • 1928 : Ya.I Frenkel (EOS for degenerate electron Fermi-gas with arbitrary relativistic degree and typical WD masses) • 1930 : E. Stoner (the upper limit for masses of white dwarfs for uniform mass distribution) • 1931 : S. Chandrasekhar (the upper limit for masses of white dwarfs for polytrope mass distribution) • 1932 : E. Stoner (EOS for degenerate electron Fermi-gas with arbitrary relativistic degree) • 1934, 1935 : S. Chandrasekhar (the upper limit for masses of white dwarfs for arbitrary relativistic degree) • 1935 : A.Eddington (rejections of the upper limit for WDs) • 1939 : R.Oppenheimer & G.Volkoff (the upper limit for NSs and the GR approach) • 1939 : R.Oppenheimer & R.Snyder (the collapse of pressureless stars and the GR approach) “Every statement of this paper is in accordance with ideas that remain valid today”(Novikov & Frolov, 2001)
Black hole history (II) • 1939: Einstein considered a possibility “to create a field having • Schwarzschild singularity by gravitating masses”; • Einstein (1939): “The main result of this investigation is a clear understanding that Schwarzschild singularities do not exits in real conditions”; • 1942: Bergmann:” In reality, mass has no possibility to concentrate • by the following way that the Schwarzschild singular surface would be in vacuum” • 1958 : D. Finkelstein & 1960 M.Kruskal (causal structure of Schwarzschild metric) • 1962 : R. Feynman “Lectures on gravitation” (“it would be interesting to investigate dust collapse” (23 years later OS paper!) • 1967 : J.A. Wheeler: black holes predicted to result from “continued gravitational collapse of over-compact masses” (the birth of the BH concept)
Black holes in centers of galaxies(L.Ho,ApJ 564,120 (2002)) • Ho1 • Ho2
Macho_96_5_light _curve • Macho_96_6_light _curve • Likelihood functions for BH microlenses • Probable masses and distances for BH microlenses
Many galaxies are assumed to have the black holes in their centers. The black hole masses vary from million to dozens of billion Solar mass. Because of the small size we cannot observe the black hole itself, but can register the emission of the accretion disk, rotating around the black hole. Black holes in galaxy centers
Seyfert galaxies give us a wonderful possibility of direct observations of black holes in their centers. They often have a wide iron K line in their spectra, which seems to arise in the innermost part of the accretion disk close to the event horizon. Hubble image of Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 shown at the left. Seyfert galaxies and K line
Fe K line origin K(6.4 keV) analogous to L in hydrogen, electron transition to the lowest level excitation by electronic shock h > 7.1 keV neutral iron photoionization and recombination Fe XXV, XXVI – 6.9 keV hydrogen-like Fe
Emission lines in Seyfert galaxies O VIII 0.653 keV Fe L 0.7– 0.8 keV Ne IX 0.915 keV Ne X 1.02 keV Fe L 1.03 – 1.25 keV Mg XI 1.34 keV Mg XII 1.47 keV Si XIII 1.85 keV Si XIV 2.0 keV S XIV 2.35 keV S XV 2.45 keV S XVI 2.62 keV Ar XVII 3.10 keV Ar XVIII 3.30 keV
ObservationsTanaka, Nandra, Fabian. Nature, 1995, 375, 659.Galaxy MCG-6-30-15, ASCA satellite, SIS detectors Sy 1 type The line profile of iron K line in X-ray emission from MCG-6-30-15. Width corresponds to 80000 – 100000 km/s. • Variability Sulentic, Marziani, Calvani. ApJL, 1998, 497, L65.
Observations Weaver, Krolik, Pier. ApJ, 1998, 498, 213. (astro-ph / 9712035). MCG-5-23-16 K FWHM = 48000 km/s RXTE observations (launched Dec.95)
ASCA observations. Seyfert 2 galaxies. Turner, George, Nandra, Mushotzky, ApJSS, 113, 23, 1997.
Properties of wide lines at 6.4 keV ·Line width corresponds to velocity o v 80000 – 100000 km/s MCG-6-30-15 o v 48000 km/s MCG-5-23-16 o v 20000 – 30000 km/s many other galaxies ·Asymmetric structure (profile) o two-peak shape o narrow bright blue wing o wide faint redwing ·Variability of both o line shape o intensity
Possible interpretation • ·iron K emission line o 6.4 – 6.9 – 7.1 keV • · radiation of inner part of accretion disk around a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy r emission 1 – 4 rg
Interpretation 1. Jets ? Blue shift has never been seen ? Broad red wing 2. Multiple Compton scattering ? Line profile ? High frequency variability 3. Accretion disk !!! Line profile !!! Variability !
Simulation result Spectrum of a hot spot for a=0.9, q=60 deg. and different values of radial coordinate. Marginally stable orbit lays at r = 1.16 rg.
Simulation result Spectrum of a hot spot for a=0.99, q=60 deg. and different values of radial coordinate. Marginally stable orbit lays at r = 0.727 rg.
Simulation result Spectrum of a hot spot for a=0.99, r = 1.5 rg and different values of q angle.
Rings summation Classical expression for the ring area should be replaced in General Relativity with where is the additional relativistic factor, appearing due to the frame dragging.
Simulation result Spectrum of Fe K line in isothermal disk with a = 0.9 and emission region between 10 rg and marginally stable orbit at 1.16 rg. The figure presents the dependence on q angle.
Simulation result Spectrum of Fe K line in isothermal disk with a = 0.9 and emission region between 10 rg and marginally stable orbit at 1.16 rg. The figure presents the dependence on q angle (large q values).
Simulation result Spectrum of Fe K line in isothermal disk with a = 0.99 and emission region between 10 rg and marginally stable orbit at 0.727 rg. At large q one can see the lensing effect.
Simulation result Overview of possible line profiles of a hot spot for different values of radial coordinate and inclination angle. The radial coordinate decreases from 10 rg on the top to 0.8 rg on the bottom. The inclination angle increases from 85 degrees in the left column to 89 degrees in the right. Zakharov A.F, Repin S.V. A&A, 2003, 406, 7.
Simulation result Spectrum of a hot spot rotating at the distance 10 rgand observed at large inclination angles. Left panel includes all the quanta with q > 89 degrees. The right one includes the quanta with q > 89.5 degrees.
Simulation result Spectrum of an entire a-disk observed at large inclination angles. Emitting region lies between 3 rg and 10 rg. Left panel includes all the quanta with q > 89 degrees. The right one includes the quanta with q > 89.5 degrees.
Magnetic field estimations near BH horizon in AGNs and GBHCs(Zakharov, Kardashev, Lukash, Repin, MNRAS, 342,1325, (2003)) • Zeeman splitting E1=E0-μBH, E2=E0+ μBH, μB=eћ/(2mec), μB=9.3*10-21 erg/G • Figure1 • Figure2 • Figure3 • Figure4 • Figure5 • Figure6 • ASCAdata