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Black Holes & Gaseous Processes: Really Big Mistakes in Assessment :. Lawrence University November 2008 Susan Hatfield Assessment Director Winona State University SHatfield@winona.edu. Really Big Assessment Mistakes. Assuming it Will Go Away.
Black Holes & Gaseous Processes: Really Big Mistakes in Assessment: Lawrence University November 2008 Susan Hatfield Assessment Director Winona State University SHatfield@winona.edu
Creating a Culture of Assessment instead of a Culture of Learning
Assessment Learning Instrument Driven Outcome Driven National Norms Targets & Goals Trend Lines Relational Data Collection Analysis How do we compare? What does it mean?
Attitudes toward Assessment Level of Commitment
Attitudes toward Assessment Level of Commitment 70% 15% 15% Hostile Accepting Enthusiastic
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K K K K A S A A S S K A K A S A S K A S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K A S K A S A A S S K A K A S A S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K S K A S A S S K A K A S S K S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K A S K A S K S K A K A S A S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K A S K A S A A S S K A K A S A S K A S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K A S K A S A A S S K A K A S A S K A S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K A S K A S A A S S K A K A S A S K A S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 K A S K A S A A S S K A K A S A S K A S K K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation
Process Alignment Course Proposal - learning outcomes? Program Proposal - curriculum map? Program Review - assessment data? Master Syllabi - program outcomes? Reporting Structure - assessment office? Promotion, Renewal, Tenure - rewarded?
organization P O R T F O L I O √ presentation √ # of submissions √ multi media √ navigation √ captions √
Outcomes: Theories & Theorists Assignment Research Methods Research Writing T E S T Data Analysis
Outcomes: appropriateness Theories & Theorists P O R T F O L I O √ understanding √ Research Methods application √ accuracy Research Writing √ detail √ Data Analysis language √
Learning Outcomes • NOT a compilation of your course level student learning outcomes • NOT intended to represent everything that your students learn in the program
Student Learning Outcomes • Students should be able to comprehend, interpret, analyze and critically evaluate material in a variety of written and visual formats.
Student Learning Outcomes • Students will demonstrate creative and evaluative thinking in the analysis of theoretical and practical issues in the areas of politics, the economy, and the environment.
Student Learning Outcomes • FORMAT: Students should be able to <<action verb>> <<something>>
COMPREHENSION EVALUATION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS KNOWLEDGE Associate Classify Compare Compute Contrast Differentiate Discuss Distinguish Estimate Explain Express Extrapolate Interpolate Locate Predict Report Restate Review Tell Translate Analyze Appraise Calculate Categorize Classify Compare Debate Diagram Differentiate Distinguish Examine Experiment Inspect Inventory Question Separate Su rize Test Arrange Assemble Collect Compose Construct Create Design Formulate Integrate Manage Organize Plan Prepare Prescribe ProducePropose Specify Synthesize Write Appraise Assess Choose Compare Criticize Determine Estimate Evaluate Grade Judge Measure Rank Rate Recommend Revise Score Select Standardize Test Validate Cite Count Define Draw Identify List Name Point Quote Read Recite Record Repeat Select State Tabulate Tell Trace Underline Apply Calculate Classify Demonstrate Determine Dramatize Employ Examine Illustrate Interpret Locate Operate Order Practice Report Restructure Schedule Sketch Solve Translate Use Write Lower division course outcomes
COMPREHENSION EVALUATION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS KNOWLEDGE Associate Classify Compare Compute Contrast Differentiate Discuss Distinguish Estimate Explain Express Extrapolate Interpolate Locate Predict Report Restate Review Tell Translate Analyze Appraise Calculate Categorize Classify Compare Debate Diagram Differentiate Distinguish Examine Experiment Inspect Inventory Question Separate Summarize Test Arrange Assemble Collect Compose Construct Create Design Formulate Integrate Manage Organize Plan Prepare Prescribe ProducePropose Specify Synthesize Write Appraise Assess Choose Compare Criticize Determine Estimate Evaluate Grade Judge Measure Rank Rate Recommend Revise Score Select Standardize Test Validate Cite Count Define Draw Identify List Name Point Quote Read Recite Record Repeat Select State Tabulate Tell Trace Underline Apply Calculate Classify Demonstrate Determine Dramatize Employ Examine Illustrate Interpret Locate Operate Order Practice Report Restructure Schedule Sketch Solve Translate Use Write Upper division Course / Program outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes • RULE OF THUMB: If you have more than one action verb, keep the one that represents the highest order of thinking.
Direct Measures of Learning • Capstone experience • Standardized tests • Performance on national licensure certification or professional exams • Locally developed tests • Essay questions blind scored by faculty • Juried review of senior projects • Externally reviewed exhibitions performances • Evaluation of internships based upon program learning outcomes
Indirect Measures of Learning • Alumni, employer, and student surveys (including satisfaction surveys) • Exit interviews of graduates and focus groups graduate follow up studies • Retention and transfer studies • Length of time to degree • ACT scores • Graduation and transfer rates • Job placement rates
Allowing Each Faculty Member to “Own” the Program Level Outcomes
teacher4 teacher2 teacher1 teacher3 teacher5 Speaking eye contact gestures volume sources transitions style rate poise examples verbal variety appearance evidence conclusion organization attention getter