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Coding Scenarios. Regular Human Resources Special Ed Human Resources Highly Qualified Teacher/Paraprofessional Data Elements. For All Coding Scenarios:. HOW Would You Code…. Example 1: Elementary Teacher. A general education third grade teacher?.
Coding Scenarios Regular Human Resources Special Ed Human Resources Highly Qualified Teacher/Paraprofessional Data Elements
For All Coding Scenarios: HOW Would You Code…..
Example 1: Elementary Teacher • A general education third grade teacher? • HQ – Yes. Needs a license and SMC (elem test or HOUSSE) • Teaching Subject is 0010 General Elementary Education • (elementary teachers that teach all subjects to students)
Example 2: Counselor • A school counselor, serving six middle schools, who is assigned to both general education and special education students? • HQ – Does not apply • Special Ed HR would report only the time attributed (hours per day) for services provided to special education students • School Code is 9980 District wide (if hours per day split over 6 schools, FTE calculation for each school would be very small) • Admin/Inst Area is 0021 Counseling Services
Example 3: Counselor • A counselor at a high school, 3333? • HQ – Does not apply • Counselors are reported in the SAR separately from other job class • codes. If a counselor is within multiple schools, it is still a best • practice to report the counselor at all the schools if possible. With • this, each school would have a part-time counselor reported on the • SAR. However, if there are simply too many schools, the school • code of 9980 could still be used.
Example 4: Librarian • A librarian located at four different schools? • HQ – Does not apply • Librarians are reported in the SAR separately from other job class • codes. If a librarian works in multiple schools, it is still a best • practice to report the librarian at all the schools. With this, each • school would have a part-time librarian reported on the SAR.
Example 5: Secondary Teacher • A 6th-8th grade Science Teacher? • HQ – Yes. Needs license and SMC (test, endorsement, degree or 24 hours in science) • Teaching Subject is 1300 Science
Example 6: Home/Hospital Teacher • A general education teacher who provides homebound instructional services to special education students who are unable to attend school due to medical issues. • HQ – Does not apply • Admin/Inst Area is 0032 Home/Hospital Instruction • Student Caseload Required – Yes (but teacher is not required to hold • “appropriate special education” endorsement)
Example 7: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) • A SLPA providing services in one elementary school for 1 day a week and in several other schools four days per week? • HQ – Does not apply • License Required – Yes (Speech-Language Pathology Assistant • Authorization) • This provider must work under the direct supervision of a licensed SLP. • Student Caseload Required – No (students are reported with the • supervising SLP position)
Example 8: School Psychologist • A School Psychologist employed by BOCES who provides services to identified special education students (K-6th) and also to general education students (K-6th) at three member district schools? • HQ – Does not apply • School Code is 9980 District wide • In order to attribute position to each school 3 SPED HR records and 3 • Regular HR records would be submitted (FTE calculation at each • school would be very small)
Example 9: School Nurse • A part-time purchased service Nurse who works at three elementary schools serving both general education and special education students? • HQ – Does not apply • School Code is 9980 District wide • License Required – Yes (ALL special service providers - full-time, part-time • or contracted services – are required to hold a valid CDE Special Services • license with appropriate endorsement) • Employment Status code is 04 since she is a contracted employee
Example 10: Special Education Consultant/ Program Manager • A special education consultant (on district teacher scale) who manages instructional services for all students with an emotional disability? • HQ – Does not apply • Job Class Code is 215 Instructional Program Consultant (services are provided in an instructional area) • Consultant must hold the appropriate license and endorsement for the area in which services are provided (Educator license)
Example 11: Special Education Consultant/ Program Manager • A special education consultant (on district teacher scale) who manages school related social work services? • HQ – Does not apply • Job Class Code is 335 Non-Instructional Program Consultant (services are • provided in a non-instructional area) • Consultant must hold the appropriate license and endorsement for the area • in which services are provided (Special Services license)
Example 12: Special Education Coordinator/ Supervisor • A special education supervisor (on district administrative scale) who coordinates instructional services for all specific learning disabled students? • HQ – Does not apply • Job Class Code is 107 Instructional Program Coordinator/Supervisor • (services are provided in an instructional area) • Supervisor must hold the appropriate license and endorsement for the area • in which they are coordinating services (Educator license)
Example 13: Special Education Coordinator/ Supervisor • A special education supervisor (on district administrative scale) who coordinates district wide mental health services? • HQ – Does not apply • Job Class Code is 108 Non-Instructional Program Coordinator/Supervisor • (services are provided in a non-instructional area) • Supervisor must hold the appropriate license and endorsement for the area • in which they are coordinating services (Special Services license)
Example 14: Superintendent/Principal • A superintendent who also serves as a principal at one school (2222)? • HQ – Does not apply • Superintendents can only be reported as Superintendents. If they • are also the principal at a school or at multiple schools within your • district, this can be indicated by using the Admin/Inst Area code 2410.
Example 15: Special Education Director • A school administrator who serves as the Special Education Director and Executive Director of a BOCES and as a building Principal at a member district middle school? • HQ – Does not apply • Special Ed HR (BOCES) would report the time attributed (hours per day) to the Special Education Director position • Regular HR (BOCES) would report the time attributed to the Executive Director position • Regular HR (member district) would report the Principal position • Base Salary (each position is a separate contract) total annual salary is $90,000
Example 16: Special Education Elementary Teacher • An early childhood special education (ECSE) teacher, who is teaching 1st grade to 6 and 7 year old special education students? • HQ – Yes. Needs license and SMC (elem test or HOUSSE) • Teaching Subject is 0010 General Elementary Education (elementary teachers that teach all subjects to students) • ECSE endorsement must be age level 3-8 or 0-8
Example 17: Elementary Teacher • A newly hired elementary teacher coming from Kansas? She originally received her license from Kansas and had passed the PRAXIS II test for elementary education while there. • HQ - Yes. Needs a license and already has SMC. • Code “Passed ECE or Elementary core content test” and include “state test administered”. This will be important when the system checks for HQ status.
Example 18: Elementary Teacher • A newly hired elementary teacher who is returning after a 5 year break from teaching in Colorado? Prior to this year, she had been employed as a teacher for 15 years in Colorado only. • HQ - Yes. Needs a license and SMC (elem test or HOUSSE) • Years of experience needs to be accurate. This will trigger the HOUSSE provision.
Example 19: An ESL Teacher who provides supplemental instruction • A 6th grade ESL teacher who works with students on language skills and provides follow-up instruction in reading? Key reading concepts are provided by another HQ teacher. • HQ - Does not apply • Admin/Inst Area code should be in the 1000 series(new this year) • for supplemental instruction
Example 20: Special Education CSAP-A Teacher • A special education teacher who provides services in a center-based program to special education students who all take the CSAP Alternative. • HQ – Yes. Needs license and SMC (elem test or HOUSSE) • Required to separate all detail records K-5 (elem) and 7-12 (sec), even • though both records will be run through the elementary HQ determinations • Teaching Subject is 0070 CSAP-A Exclusive
Example 21: Teacher for 6th-8th Graders • A teacher that teaches math, English and science similar to an elementary setting for 7th grade students? • HQ – Yes. Needs a license and SMC (elem test or HOUSSE) • Teaching Subject is 0015 (General 7th and 8th grade) since 3 core content classes are being taught. Runs through elem HQ determinations.
Example 22: Special Education Teacher • A special education teacher who provides resource services (e.g., consultation, additional practice opportunities) to students in both an elementary and a secondary school. • HQ (secondary) – Does not apply. Teacher is not sole deliverer of content. • HQ (elementary) – Yes (ALLteachers providing instruction in elementary schools must demonstrate subject matter competency at the elementary level regardless if they are or are not sole deliverers of content)
Example 23: Charter School Teacher • A teacher at a charter school teaching 9th grade Math and Science? • HQ – Yes. If waived from licensing, needs degree and SMC (test, endorsement, degree or 24 hours in both content areas) • Level of education is required for all teachers • Charter status is based on school code
Example 24: Special Education Secondary Teacher • A special education teacher in a charter high school? She is the sole provider of content for two 11th grade reading classes and co-teaching two math classes (9th-12th grade) with an HQ general education math teacher. • HQ (secondary reading) – Yes. Needs license (even with a licensing waiver) and SMC (endorsement, test, degree or 24 hrs in reading) • Eligible for Sped HOUSSE – No (SPED Multi-Subject HOUSSE would only apply if teacher provides instruction in two different core subjects) • HQ (secondary math) – Does not apply. Not sole deliverer of content.
Example 25: Special Education Secondary Teacher • A special education teacher providing instruction in a high school self-contained classroom? Teacher makes curricular decisions in all core areas (Math, Science, English, Social Studies). • HQ – Yes (sole deliverer of all core areas). Needs license and SMC (endorsement, degree, test or 24 hours in each content area) • Eligible for Sped HOUSSE – Yes. Teacher must satisfy HOUSSE rubric points for each assigned subject area. • Teacher must be licensed with proper SPED endorsement
Example 26: Chinese Teacher • A Chinese teacher for 11th and 12th graders? • HQ – Does not apply (Chinese subject). • Teaching Subject Area code is 0695. Otherwise, the teacher will be run through the HQ determinations.
Example 27: Art teacher • A licensed teacher endorsed in Art who teaches one art class to elementary special education students. He also teaches general education art classes -- four elementary art classes and three secondary art classes. His total salary is $48,000. • HQ (elementary sped and gen ed) – Yes. Needs license and SMC (elem • test or HOUSSE or secondary options) • HQ (secondary) – Yes. Needs license and SMC (core endorsement, test • degree, or 24 hours in art) • Admin/Inst Area is 0037 for SPED (Specialty Teacher-teacher must hold a • Colorado Educator license and endorsement in the area of instruction)
Example 28: Special Education Secondary Teacher • A special education teacher who provides transition services to special education students in a BOCES wide position and teaches one life skills class a day at a member district high school? • HQ – Does not apply • Admin/Inst Area is 0033 Transitional Services (for BOCES position) • Student Caseload Required – Yes (both transition and life skills students)
Example 29: Secondary Teacher • A teacher for 9-12th grade English, art, and drama classes? • HQ - Yes. Needs license and SMC (core endorsement, test degree, or 24 hours in each subject area) • A separate detail record must be reported for each subject area. Their time and salary also needs to be separated proportionally in each record depending on their actual schedule.
Example 30: Special Education Teacher • A Deaf/Hard of Hearing teacher who provides instructional services to hearing impaired students in all schools within a school district? • HQ (elementary) – Yes. Needs license and SMC (elem test or HOUSSE). • HQ (secondary) – Does not apply. Teacher is not the sole provider of content. • Need to split record into elementary and secondary • School Code is 9980 District wide
Example 31: Title I Teachers(Data will now be used for the comparability report) • A Title I math teacher for 9th graders? • HQ – Yes. Needs license and SMC (core endorsement, test degree, or 24 hours in math) • Job Class code is 206 (Title I teacher) • Funding code is 4010 (Title I funds). By using this code, this teacher will be considered Title I for the Comparability Report. • Admin/Inst Area is 0009 (Title I status)
Example 32: O&M Specialist/Visually Impaired Teacher • A district wide Orientation/ Mobility Specialist who also provides instructional services for one visually impaired student at an elementary school. • HQ (elementary) – Yes. Needs license and SMC (elem test or HOUSSE) • HQ (O&M Specialist) – Does not apply • Use Job Class code 242 Orientation/Mobility Specialist. Does not get run through HQ determinations and does not require a student case load.
Example 33: Multiple Jobs • A principal who also is a 8th grade English teacher at the school? • HQ (Teacher) – Yes. Needs license and SMC (core endorsement, test degree, or 24 hours in English). • HQ (Principal) – Does not apply • Teaching Subject and Grade levels are not required for principals. • When a person’s schedule is split between multiple duties, the Hours/Day and the Salary in each record is portioned equally. The Contract Days is their total full days scheduled/contracted.
Example 34: Paraprofessional • A paraprofessional who works at four schools? At two schools (2222 and 3333), she works with preschool special education students. She also works at two elementary schools (4444 and 5555) in the Title I program. • HQ Para (SPED preschoolers) – Does not apply • Admin/Inst Area is 0035 Early Childhood/Pre-K (SPED preschoolers) you must select preschool as the grade for the para on the staff file and for the students on the student file • HQ Para (Title I students) – Yes. Elementary school runs a Targeted Assistance program.
Example 35: Special Education Paraprofessional • An elementary special education paraprofessional who also conducts hearing screenings for students at the beginning of the school year? The school runs a schoolwide Title I program. • HQ Para – Yes • Employment Status is 10-Additional Pay/Additional Duties for hearing screenings (separate contract) • Screenings are for both general and special education students • Special Ed HR would report only the time attributed (hours per day) for screenings conducted with special education students
Example 36: Part C Evaluation • An administrative unit contracts with their local Community Centered Board to conduct Part C evaluations (birth to 3). How would you code these staff? • HQ – Does not apply • School Code is 9980 District wide • If evaluator is OT, PT, Nurse, etc. report appropriate Job Class code • If evaluator is licensed ECSE or SLP use Job Class code 214 – Educational Diagnostician (due to caseload requirements). • License Required – Yes, ALL Part C evaluators (full-time, part-time or contracted) are required to hold a valid CDE license with appropriate endorsement. • Employment Status code is 04 (contracted employee)