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Gumdrop Bridge. Your goal … build a bridge! Has to fit over 10 to 12 inch span. Time: 10 minutes.
Gumdrop Bridge Your goal… build a bridge! Has to fit over 10 to 12 inch span. Time: 10 minutes. Need to know: is there a weight limit (is it able to support); length (10-12 inches); width (about 2-4 inches); going over land or water(going over milk choc); what will the bridge be used for (cars, & trucks) is there a cost limit (maybe because there is not unlimited source of funds); what kind of weather (rain, high winds, lots of sun);
Schedule October 5th • Technology in a Bag 8:30-9:00 • Lesson One 9:00-10:00 *Break • Lesson Two 10:00-11:00 • Lunch 11:00-12:00 • Lesson Three 12:00-1:00 • Lesson Four 1:00-3:00 *Break • Club Business 3:00-3:15 • Survey 3:15-3:30
Technology in a Bag • examine everyday examples of technology. • discuss how these objects were designed to solve problems. • discuss the materials that objects are made of.
Lesson One Moodle • MCPSS Moodle • Bridges
Lesson One • read the story Javier Builds a Bridge. • learn about various types of bridges. • talk about what civil engineers do for their jobs. • become familiar with the Engineering Design Process.
STEMSolving the problems of the 21st Century • Growing Science Thinkers • Analyzing problems systematically • Applying Inquiry to learn • Creating with Technology • To communicate fully, clearly, and creatively • Develop logical thinking • Engineering is Problem Solving • Engineering design process • Solve problems and think critically • Math is the language and the tool • Iteration and conditionals • Coordinates, variables, and random numbers
ASK • What is the problem? • What have others done? • What are the constraints? • IMAGINE • What are some solutions? • Brainstorm ideas. • Choose the best one. • PLAN • Draw a diagram. • Make lists of materials you will need. • CREATE • Follow your plan and create it. • Test it out! • IMPROVE • Talk about what works, what doesn't, and what could work better. • Modify your design to make it better. • Test it out!
Lesson Two • examine several different structures and observe how each is affected by a force. • brainstorm and implement some engineering solutions to prevent forces from causing a structure to fail. • discuss how civil engineers work to counteract the forces (pushes and pulls) on a structure in order to make it stronger and more stable.
Lunch • Educator Resources on MOS • Bridging a Gap • Educator Resources
Lesson Three • create three different types of bridges (beam, arch, and deep beam) out of index cards. • test each type of bridge to see how much weight it can support and how adding weight affects the structure of the bridge. • examine the materials available to them for designing their bridges and brainstorm how they might use each material in their bridges.
Lesson Four • use the Engineering Design Process to design a bridge made from paper and other materials. • test and improve their bridges using the evaluation criteria of strength and stability.
Lesson Four will encourage students to… • identify and implement the steps of the Engineering Design Process. • utilize what they have learned about different bridge types and the properties of different materials to inform their bridge designs. • test the strength and stability of their bridge designs and analyze test results. • “Improve” their bridge designs, based on testing results and analyses.
Club Notes • Lesson 4 * bring packet to the December Meeting for Review • Invoices *downloaded from Wiki and turned in at the December Meeting • T-shirts *Order from Mobile Screen Print • BEST Forms *Kept on File for school year *Send me a BEST count by October 25 at 3:30 • Applications *Kept on File for school year *Email a Roster to Your Area Facilitator by October 26th • Wiki updates *due within one week.