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From the Garden to the Tower. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 portray an idyllic garden of Eden in complete order. The only condition to maintaining that order was that they could not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis chapters 1 and 2 portray an idyllic garden of Eden in complete order. The only condition to maintaining that order was that they could not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Hebrew scriptures describe the serpent as “subtle” or clever beast. The serpent has become associated with the personification of evil known as the Devil or Satan. It is frequently pictured as a dragon or a hideous demon.
The fruit is not specified. In Jewish tradition it is often pictured as a date or spray of wheat. Because Western Civilization portrays the forbidden fruit as an apple, the apple has been connected with illicit sexual desires and shame.
Toil Pain (esp. in childbirth) Aging Corruption Loss Man and woman were named Adam and Eve Consequences
Adam and Eve’s disobedience is called “the original sin.” Genesis 4-the first murder/murderer. Fracticide-murder of a brother by a brother. Theme of Cain and Abel’s story: Humans are responsible for one another. “Mark of Cain” – He was protected Genesis 3 “The Fall”
Cain’s descendents of Enoch were evil and murderers. As a result, God decides to flood the Earth Genesis 6-9: The account of Noah and the arc The New Beginning-”Be fruitful and multiply” The Rainbow Sign-God will never destroy the Earth with a flood again. Lead up to the flood
Shem-Middle Eastern and Asia Ham-Africans Japheth-Europeans Noah’s descendents
The entire story is told in 9 verses. God punished the people’s pride by confusing their languages. Chiasm-inverted symmetry Beginning: God used language to bring order into chaos Tower: God used language to bring chaos into order by dividing and scattering the people. Tower of babel
Sibling rivalry Crime and punishment Murder Detective story The rejected one The guilty child Innocent victims Expulsion The Wanderer Archetypal plot motifs
The theme from Genesis chapter 12 to the end of Genesis is relationships. God calls Abram and begins to teach him and his descendents how to get along and live together. Abram and Sarai later become Abraham and Sarah. Abraham and Sarah
Genesis 12:1-3 Abram’s journey is one of faith. Upon entering Egypt Abram tells Pharaoh that Sarai is his sister out of fear that the Egyptian’s would kill him to try to get to his wife. Pharaoh is stopped by plagues. Sarai persuades Abram to take a concubine to fulfill the prophecy that he would be the father of many. The call
Sarai becomes jealous after Hagaar gives birth to a son and drives her away. Hagaar and Ishmael return and are blessed by God. The heroes in Genesis are not cardboard figures of perfect virtue. Abram and Sarai, continued
Abram’s life is marked by an emphasis on God’s promises. Covenant-a formal, solemn, and binding agreement. Abraham and Sarah were the founders of the Jewish people. Genesis 17:1-7 Signs of promise
Lot, Abraham’s nephew, settled in Sodom. Sodom and Gomorrah had an evil reputation. Genesis 13:13 God lost patience with the wickedness of humans and determined to destroy the cities and start fresh. Abraham stepped in as a mediator, or public defender, and asked God to allow the righteous to escape. Sodom and gomorrah
As a result, Lot and his wife and two daughter fled from the city. Told not to look back, Lot’s wife could not resist one last backward glance, and she was transformed: Genesis 19:24-26. Sodom and gomorrah, continued
Genesis 22 God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. At the last minute Abraham is prevented from killing his son. Jewish tradition stresses the test of Abraham’s faith and God’s mercy in releasing Abraham from sacrificing his son. Christian tradition views the story as foreshadowing of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by God, his father. Abraham’s test
Abraham is venerated as a founding father of the religion of Islam. The Qur’an refers to Abraham many times. The accounts add to and even contradict in places the story of Abraham in Genesis. Muslims honor Abraham as the first monotheist. Monotheist: worshipper of the one true God, Allah. Muslims consider themselves the descendents of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagaar. Father abraham