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EO 001.03. Identify Applicable Policies, Agreements and Understandings. REFERENCES. CF H Svcs G – Force Health Protection (D FHP) http://hr.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/health-sante/pd/idx-fhp-psf-eng.asp Medical Intelligence http://hr.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/cfhs/private/op/int/default-eng.asp CFAOs
EO 001.03 Identify Applicable Policies, Agreements and Understandings
REFERENCES • CF H Svcs G – Force Health Protection (D FHP) http://hr.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/health-sante/pd/idx-fhp-psf-eng.asp • Medical Intelligence http://hr.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/cfhs/private/op/int/default-eng.asp • CFAOs http://admfincs.mil.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/intro_e.asp • DAODs http://admfincs.mil.ca/admfincs/subjects/daod/intro_e.asp • QR&Os http://admfincs.mil.ca/qr_o/intro_e.asp
REFERENCES 6. Health Canada http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/index-eng.php 7. Public Health Agency of Canada http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/index-eng.php 8. Health Services Support to CF Operations; B-GJ-005-410/FP-000 http://cfd.mil.ca/websites/Resources/dgfda/Pubs/CF%20Joint%20Doctrine%20Publications/CF%20Joint%20Doctrine%20-%20B-GJ-005-410%20FP-000%20-%20Health%20Services%20-%20EN%20(10%20Feb%2007).pdf 9. Canada Labour Code, Part II http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/labour/health_safety/overview.shtml
REFERENCES 10. D Safe G, General Safety Program Volume 1; A-GG-040-001/AG-001 http://www.vcds.forces.gc.ca/dsafeg-dsg/pd/sm-msg/pp/index-eng.asp Volume 2; C-02-040-009/AG-001 http://www.vcds.forces.gc.ca/dsafeg-dsg/pd/sm-msg/gss-nsg/index-eng.asp • Construction Engineering Technical Orders (CETO) http://admie.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/dgme/CETOs/Active_CETOs_e.htm
AGENDA • Doctrine • Principles of H Svcs Sp • General • CFHS Mission • Functions • Organization • Force Health Protection (D FHP) • Policy Overview
AIM As a Preventive Medicine Technician, you must be able to research policies, agreements and understandings and apply them throughout your military career
DOCTRINE Doctrine provides the fundamental tenets for the employment of military forces The CF uses a. CF Doctrine when under CF control; b. NATO Doctrine when under NATO control; and c. other doctrine only when specifically approved
DOCTRINE Plans and operations will be based on approved doctrine Health services support (HSS) doctrine sets out the principles that guide the employment of the CF Health Services (CF H Svcs) and describes the capabilities and organizations necessary for effective HSS.
PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH SERVICES SUPPORT CONFORMITY HSS must conform to the constraints imposed by the physiology and pathology of the sick and injured, and be governed by the highest standards of medical and dental practice and ethics. HSS planners ensure adequate support at the right time and the right place.
PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH SERVICES SUPPORT PROXIMITY The speed with which treatment is initiated is extremely important in reducing morbidity and mortality. HSS therefore involves appropriate positioning of resources, moving resources as necessary to maintain appropriate proximity to the supported forces, and providing for rapid evacuation of the sick and injured. The efficient allocation of resources and the judicious location of treatment facilities should optimize access to treatment.
PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH SERVICES SUPPORT FLEXIBILITY Detailed and carefully planned HSS helps to ensure minimum reaction time. Flexibility essential for rapid response should be maintained by committing only the HSS resources that are required for current or imminent tasks.
PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH SERVICES SUPPORT MOBILITY Treatment units should retain mobility as long as possible. Mobility is measured by the extent to which a unit can move its personnel and equipment with organic transportation.
PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH SERVICES SUPPORT CONTINUITY Treatment must be continuous and progressive to the level necessary for the definitive treatment of the sick and injured to minimize mortality and morbidity. The operations of essential treatment facilities should not be terminated until their functions have been assumed by another facility.
PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH SERVICES SUPPORT CONTROL Control of HSS resources should be exercised at the highest level possible to ensure that all HSS requirements are considered and that resources are used efficiently. Effective control of HSS resources depends on the timely exchange of accurate information between commanders and staffs.
Framework for Health Services Support GENERAL CF members have their health protected, promoted, and restored in accordance with the principles expressed in the Canada Health Act. The levels of health care accessibility and quality of health care afforded CF members are to be comparable to those afforded all Canadians
Framework for Health Services Support GENERAL Commander CF Health Services Group Responsible to the CDS for provision of an all encompassing single line of HSS that equally applies to the CF’s Regular Force and Reserve Force components
Framework for Health Services Support GENERAL • In-garrison HSS in accordance with the CF Spectrum of Care; 2. Operational HSS to maritime, land, air and special ops; • Specialized individual medical training; • HS logistics; • FHP services; 6. Support to CF environmental medicine;
Framework for Health Services Support GENERAL • Military Strategic-Level HSS planning & coordination; • Medical Intelligence; • CF health policies & Programs; and 10. CF H Svcs regulatory affairs.
Framework for Health Services Support GENERAL The mandate of the CFHS is to provide the HSS necessary to sustain a multi-purpose, deployable, combat capable force across the full spectrum of military scenarios. Professional, effective, responsive, relevant and efficient in-garrison HSS and HSS to deployed operations is provided through a strong framework of professional standards and a single corporate management entity.
CF H SVCS MISSION The mission of the CF H Svcs Gp is to Promote Health protection Deliver quality HSS to the CF ANYTIME ANYWHERE
FUNCTIONS Functions inherent in CF H Svcs Gp mission accomplishment encompass: developing, implementing, and maintaining HSS accountability frameworks; developing, implementing, and sustaining programs for the prevention of preventable injuries and illnesses to protect CF members and meet the requirements of CF operations; developing, implementing, and sustaining HSS structures and capabilities that ensure continuity of care to CF members; and ensuring the sustainability of the CF H Svcs.
ORGANIZATION CF H Svcs Gp • Commander; • National –Level Headquarters; • H Svcs Gp’s and Centres; • Deployable Health Hazard Assessment Teams (DHHAT); • Joint Operations Gp HSS Detachment; • 1 Canadian Field Hospital; • Environmental Medicine Establishment; • CF Health Services Training Centre; and • Central Medical Equipment Depot
MEDICAL PROF TECH NETWORK The CF Medical “Prof Tech Net” is based on the concept of centralized control and decentralized execution Surg Gen develops the military strategic-level direction Translated into Policy actions by CF H Svcs Gp HQ ‘Pushed’ to operational and tactical level for implementation At each level personnel are able to obtain supervision and mentoring from an identified Sr Prof Tech person
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Introduction Force Protection (FP) involves the protection of personnel, facilities and equipment in all locations Physical and Operational Security; Safety; and Health.
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Introduction Prevention of disease and injuries is the most efficient means of providing commanders with the maximum number of health soldiers. The health threat accounting for the vast majority of non-effectiveness is comprised of six main categories: 1. Heat Injures 4. Cold Injuries 2. Arthropod Diseases 5. Diarrheal Diseases 3. Trauma Injuries 6. Occupational Injuries
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Introduction Conditions conducive to incidents of preventable injuries and illnesses should be reduced to protect members and to meet the requirements of operations individual members CF Chain-of-Command tactical level strategic level specialist elements
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION General FHP aims at the efficient mitigation of preventable injuries and illnesses to both protect CF members and meet the requirements of CF Operations
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION General Based on a national-level planning capability, a deployable strategic health threat and risk assessment capability and operational and tactical level prevention and promotion capabilities. The CF centre of expertise in each of the specialized disciplines (5) of FHP Staffed with Preventive Medicine Technicians and health promotion-oriented professionals
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION General Epidemiology the conduct of evidence-based studies pertaining to operational, occupational and clinical medicine; disease and injury surveillance, globally investigations of outbreaks within the CF; and maintenance of morbidity and mortality databases
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION General Communicable Disease Control infectious disease control; hygiene and sanitation; pest control; travel hazards; and reportable disease control
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION General Occupational & Environmental Health occupational health hazard exposures environmental health hazards toxicology
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION General Health Promotion enhancing wellness; eliminating high-risk behaviours; stress management addiction lifestyle injury prevention
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION General Operational Medicine occupational hazards specific or unique to military operations: Medical Intelligence
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Assessments Epidemiological surveillance and health reporting; Medical information collection and intelligence; Preventive Medicine services; and Health education and promotion for deploying personnel
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Pre-Deployment HSS Readiness Assessment Overall health readiness status of personnel; Epidemiological surveillance data collection and reporting; and Selected Preventive Medicine re-enforcement training
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Morbidity Surveillance and Casualty Reporting Disease surveillance function serves as a key indication of force health status and as a key warning system or sentinel to trigger further investigation, preventive countermeasures, or other command action to reduce the adverse impacts of health threat. Provides an estimate of the impact – manpower and working days losses of disease occurrence
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Morbidity Surveillance and Casualty Reporting Morbidity surveillance involves the monitoring, collection and evaluation of illness/injury data on all deployed personnel who report for medical treatment, both on an outpatient and inpatient basis; Runs in conjunction with other national reporting systems, where relevant findings are reported as feedback; Availability of reliable, quantitative planning and resource allocation data and useful trend analysis by illness and injury category
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Morbidity Surveillance and Casualty Reporting Through the quantitative identification of causes of morbidity and qualitative measuring of their effect, an evaluation of both occurrences and consequences may be derived Findings may then be used to support appropriate response actions, both in the short and long term
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Measures Essential element of force employment Implementation during the warning and preparation phases and continues throughout the operation and extends well into the post-operation period Involves all personnel personal protective measures trained accordingly
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Measures Disease and non-battle injuries will be ever present risks to personnel; HSS plans should include provision for Preventive Medicine and the means to effectively implement them; Operations plan execution requires a close collaboration of Preventive Medicine and all other aspects of FHP programs.
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Measures Identifying the risks and threats to the health of all personnel deployed in a specific area of operations from terrain, climate, endemic disease and special environmental and occupational hazards; Advising on and auditing the quality of food and water; Auditing and supervising implemented Preventive Medicine measures
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Measures Identifying necessary preventive and controlling measures and advising commanders on their implementation development of immunization policies appropriate training of personnel prevention of food borne diseases prevention of waterborne diseases prevention of arthropod diseases
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Measures Gathering of epidemiological and other technical statistics and information Advising commanders on the overall health threat and risks and the limitations they may place on operations
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Requirements Medical Information and Intelligence The single most essential requirement of Preventive Medicine is the source of prompt, usable medical information and intelligence Information and intelligence should be accurate and its source sufficiently dynamic to inform the user quickly of threat changes
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Requirements Immunizations, Education and Training Resources will include provision for immunizations advice on training prevention of disease and non-battle injuries prophylactic medical material spectrum of mission specific dependent support measures
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Preventive Medicine Requirements Laboratory Capabilities Surveillance and assessment of environmental health risks sampling and analysis for food and water contamination air and soil contamination
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Spectrum of Preventive Medicine Duties Preventive Medicine Services enhance unit effectiveness by reducing the exposure of personnel to disease and environmental and Industrial hazards Dependant for success upon the awareness and support of commanders at all levels
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Spectrum of Preventive Medicine Duties Assisting in the control of animal-borne diseases, including technical consultation, entomological surveillance and the reinforcement of unit organic spraying/dusting capabilities Assisting in the control of water-borne diseases, including water quality, surveillance of water purification facilities and technical consultation in treating water under all operational conditions
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Spectrum of Preventive Medicine Duties Assisting in controlling food-borne diseases, including surveillance of kitchens and dining facilities Assisting in de-infestation procedures for ships, aircraft, vehicles and back loaded cargo and equipment Professional supervision of immunization and drug prophylactic activities for the prevention or suppression of communicable diseases
FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION Spectrum of Preventive Medicine Duties Assisting in controlling excessive occupational exposures to such hazards as ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, toxic gases, noise and environmental and climatic extremes Assisting in identifying and investigating disease outbreaks and advising on appropriate measures to prevent recurrences Advising on medical aspects of CBRN