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Preliminary 2002 PM Modeling Performance Evaluation using CMAQ and CAMx

Preliminary 2002 PM Modeling Performance Evaluation using CMAQ and CAMx. Ralph Morris, Bonyoung Koo, & Bo Wang ENVIRON International Corporation Joint Workgroup Meeting St. Louis 8-Hour Ozone and PM 2.5 Study St. Louis, Missouri September 26, 2006. Preliminary St. Louis PM 2.5 Modeling.

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Preliminary 2002 PM Modeling Performance Evaluation using CMAQ and CAMx

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preliminary 2002 PM Modeling Performance Evaluation using CMAQ and CAMx Ralph Morris, Bonyoung Koo, & Bo Wang ENVIRON International Corporation Joint Workgroup Meeting St. Louis 8-Hour Ozone and PM2.5 Study St. Louis, Missouri September 26, 2006

  2. Preliminary St. Louis PM2.5 Modeling • CMAQ and CAMx Photochemical Grid Models • IEPA lead and performed CAMx modeling • MDNR lead on CMAQ modeling • Q1 & Q2 performed on CENRAP computers; Q3 at MDNR and Q4 at ENVIRON • ENVIRON able to get MPI multi-processing to work with CMAQ on CENRAP computers • 36/12 km grid: • “Smaller” and “Larger” 12 km grid being evaluated • IEPA CAMx run performed on “smaller” grid • CMAQ run performed on “larger” grid • Annual 2002 36/12 km SMOKE emissions modeling • ENVIRON on-road mobile and biogenics SMOKE • MDNR Point, Area and Non-Road SMOKE

  3. St. Louis 36 km (Domain 1) and “Larger” (Domain 2) and “Smaller” (Domain 3) 12 km Modeling Domains for 2002 Annual PM2.5 Modeling using CMAQ and CAMx

  4. Preliminary St. Louis PM2.5 Modeling • Boundary Conditions for 36 km Domain • Based on CENRAP 2002 Typical Base B CMAQ simulation • MM5 36/12 Meteorology • Joint effort of MDNR, IEPA, Ameren, and ODEQ • Independent model evaluation by ENVIRON for CENRAP • http://pah.cert.ucr.edu/aqm/cenrap/ppt_files/CENRAP_VISTAS_WRAP_2002_36km_MM5_eval.ppt • PM Model Performance Evaluation • ENVIRON received CAMx inputs and outputs from IEPA; & CMAQ Q1 & Q2 from CENRAP • CMAQ Q1 & Q2 received Sep 19 – little time for evaluation

  5. Preliminary PM Model Evaluation • Local/ Urban Evaluation in St. Louis Region • 16 FRM PM2.5 Mass Monitors • 1-2 STN PM2.5 speciation Monitors • Regional Evaluation in Smaller 12 km Grid • 10 IMPROVE PM2.5 Speciation Sites • 11 CASTNet Weeked PM2.5 Speciation Sites • 257 FRM PM2.5 Mass Sites • 5 NADP Wet Dep Sites

  6. = STN Site

  7. St. Louis PM Model Evaluation Domain 16 FRM PM 2.5 Mass Sites 1-3 STN PM 2.5 speciation sites

  8. 2002 Quarter 1 FRM 24-hr PM2.5 Performance 36 km vs. 12 km

  9. 2002 Quarter 2 FRM 24-hr PM2.5 Performance 36 km vs. 12 km

  10. Washington St. and Granite City 24-h PM2.5 FRM Performance for 2002 Quarter 2

  11. 2002 Q2 FRM CMAQ 36/12km Performance for Individual Days 155 170 171 173

  12. 2002 Quarter 3 FRM 24-hr PM2.5 Performance 36 km vs. 12 km

  13. Washington St. and Granite City 24-h PM2.5 FRM Performance for 2002 Quarter 3

  14. East St. Louis and Blair St. 24-h PM2.5 FRM Performance for 2002 Quarter 3

  15. 2002 Q3 FRM CMAQ 36/12km Performance for Individual Days 185 186 209 245

  16. 2002 Quarter 4 FRM 24-hr PM2.5 Performance 36 km vs. 12 km

  17. St. Louis Speciated PM2.5 Evaluation • Speciated Trends Network (STN) • 3 Sites in St. Louis, only 1-2 operating in 2002 • Blair St. and Arnold for 2002 Q1 & Q2 • Blair St. 2002 Q3 & Q4 • St. Louis Supersite Data • Operational MPE Database in Preparation • Ready Fall 2006 • Diagnostic High Resolution and Exotic Species Database Also in Preparation • Phase III of Work Effort?

  18. Blair Street 2002 Quarter 1 CMAQ vs. CAMx 12 km

  19. Blair Street 2002 Quarter 2 CMAQ vs. CAMx 12 km

  20. Blair Street 2002 Quarter 3 CMAQ vs. CAMx 12 km

  21. Blair Street 2002 Quarter 4 CMAQ vs. CAMx 12 km

  22. Granite City FRM PM2.5 Q1 & Q2 CMAQ vs. CAMx 12 km

  23. Granite City FRM PM2.5 Q3 & Q4 CMAQ vs. CAMx 12 km

  24. 16 Source Regions Source Categories for SO4 EGU Non-EGU Area+LowPt Bio+Mobile July 2002

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