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Ultrasonic algae control

Algae control LG Sonic® uses pioneering ultrasound techniques to remove algae efficiently without damaging other forms of life present in the water.

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Ultrasonic algae control

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ultrasonic algae control LG Sonic®technology Before and After www.lgsonic.com

  2. Algae control in lakes Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: LG Sonic XL Golf course pond, USA www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  3. LG Sonic® Algae control Golf course pond Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: LG Sonic XL Golf course pond, USA www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  4. LG Sonic® Algae control Golf course pond Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Golf course pond, usa LG Sonic XL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  5. LG Sonic® Algae control Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: LG Sonic XXL Lake, Japan www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  6. LG Sonic® Algae control Lake Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Lake, Japan LG Sonic XXL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  7. LG Sonic® Algae control Lake Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Pond, Japan LG Sonic Tank www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  8. LG Sonic® Algae control Lake Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Lake, Japan LG Sonic XXL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  9. LG Sonic® Algae control Wastewater treatment Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Wastewater treatment, Slovenia LG Sonic XL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  10. LG Sonic® Algae control Wastewater treatment Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Clarifier Tank (China) LG Sonic XXL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  11. LG Sonic® Algae control Lake After Before Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Lake, UK LG Sonic XL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  12. LG Sonic® Algae control Irrigation/ Agriculture Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Irrigation/ Agriculture, Belgium LG Sonic XL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  13. LG Sonic® Algae control Irrigation/ Agriculture Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Irrigation/ Agriculture, Belgium LG Sonic XXL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  14. LG Sonic® Algae control Irrigation/ Agriculture Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Irrigation/ Agriculture, Belgium LG Sonic Tank www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  15. LG Sonic® Algae control Pilot test Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Pilot test LG Sonic Tank www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  16. LG Sonic® Algae control Pilot test Without LG SONIC With LG SONIC Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Pilot test LG Sonic XXL www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  17. LG Sonic® Algae control Pond Before After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Pond, The Netherlands LG Sonic SSS www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  18. LG Sonic® Algae control Pond Before Before After After Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Where: Pond, South Africa LG Sonic Tank www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  19. Microscopic pictures before and after LG Sonic® treatment After Before Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Algae type: APHANOCHAETE LG Sonic LG Sonic www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound Copyright © LG Sound

  20. Microscopic pictures before and after LG Sonic® treatment After Before Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Algae type: ARCELLA LG Sonic www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  21. Microscopic pictures before and after LG Sonic® treatment After Before Ultrasonic algae control Unit: Algae type: OEDOGONIUM LG Sonic www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  22. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)LG Sonic® treatment Control After * Damages to cell wall (algal outer surface) Ultrasonic algae control Unit: LG Sonic www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

  23. LG Sonic® Algae control Microscopic pictures Gas vesicles are visible (blue spots) Leakage of bacterial cellular content After LG Sonic treatment Gas vesicles not visible. Seems to have aggregate (dens blue dots) Ultrasonic algae control Unit: LG Sonic Copyright © LG Sound

  24. LG Sonic® Algae control How does it work? The following video demonstrates how this technology works. For Free installation advise, biological feedback or general advise please contact us at info@lgsonic.com +31 71 528 1950  www.lgsonic.com Copyright © LG Sound

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