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Conditioning for Performance Courtney Meninger Sonnly Ribou Jillian Sutera Sport, Age, Level of Performance Male 21 years old Last collegiate year of basketball Sport Specific Demands Basketball consists of shorts bursts of intense activity with rest intervals that may be very brief
Conditioning for Performance Courtney Meninger Sonnly Ribou Jillian Sutera
Sport, Age, Level of Performance • Male • 21 years old • Last collegiate year of basketball
Sport Specific Demands • Basketball consists of shorts bursts of intense activity with rest intervals that may be very brief • Dead ball situations • Prolonged timeouts • Half Time
A typical college basketball game lasts about an hour and forty five minutes • Basketball is about 80% anaerobic and 20% aerobic • Requires a high percentage of fast-twitch, Type II muscle fibers • Requires high force production (type IIb) and high power output (type IIa and type IIb)
Basketball is a running sport • The running occurs in short, powerful bursts with quick starts and stops • Basketball involves continual jumping and landing. • During periods of intense activity, Glycolysis is the dominant energy system
Training should emphasize activities of sufficient intensity and duration to improve the lactate tolerance of the athlete • Aerobic Work should be done during the off season • During the preseason, the athlete should primarily focus on short interval work that will stress the glycolytic system to improve anaerobic endurance
Basketball primarily involves movements in three planes • Sagittal (front and back) • Frontal (side to side) • Transverse (rotational) • In order to be successful, a player must be both quick and strong in all three planes
A lack of strength in the transverse and frontal planes may put the player at risk of injury and limit their capabilities when performing side to side and rotational movements on the court. • Basketball also requires the ability to accelerate the body quickly horizontally and vertically with control and to be able to change directions quickly.
Much of the training focuses on the lower body because basketball depends so much on the muscles of the legs and trunk. • Speed training is also important for basketball • Drills focus on increasing stride length which can be increased using assisted running drills
The ability to change directions quickly while maintaining speed (agility) depends partly upon the ability of the joints and muscles to withstand the large forces required (stability). Proprioceptive drills are used, such as a balance board or Airex mat, to assist the body in incorporating the proprioceptive feedback into muscle actions that stabilize the joints
Training Priorities • Stamina • Total body strength, primarily lower body • Agility • Footwork • Quickness • Strength and power • Vertical jump
Running Speed • Plyometrics • Intensity
Factors That May Influence the Program • The duration of the season • Basketball is a very long season, stretching from October until March • This athlete is not a multi-sport athlete so it is easier for him to dedicate his time to the post and pre-season workouts • Availability of the equipment • Illness
Travel • Death in the family/friend • School demands • Exams • Projects • Stress • Physical and emotional demands
Periodization • Goal of the strength and conditioning coach is to make sure that the athlete is prepared for the demands that the sport places on them day in and day out • Most importantly, the coach must make sure that the player stays injury free • In order to prevent injury in the athlete effectively, he/she needs to design a classic periodization program; breaking mesocycles into microcycles.
Macrocycles involve a long-term training program. • The first Microcycle focuses on anaerobic endurance. • During the second microcycle, the focus shifts to speed endurance. • The third microcycle incorporates speed development by using a series of line drills.
In the final microcycle, we would integrate on the floor short sprints such as a simple down and back. • We would also integrate specific agility drills like the T-Drill and plyometric drills like depth jumps.
Preparatory Phase • Involves increasing sport-specific plyometrics at high intensity and low volume
First Transition • This is the phase between the preparatory phase and the competition phase • This symbolizes a break between high intensity and high volume training • It prepares the athlete for competition
Competition Phase • Because basketball is such a long competitive season, up to five months, it requires a conditioning preservation goal • This phase incorporates moderate intensity and moderate volume through a “maintenance program”
Second Transition • Also called “active rest” • Allows for the athlete to recuperate from their long, intense season • This phase lasts anywhere from one week to four weeks
Pre-Season • These workouts should incorporate resistance training, agility training, interval training, as well as plyometrics in order to train the fast twitch fibers • To prepare for this season, the coach must evaluate the player and his individual conditioning needs and then prepare a schedule
Periodization Plan • The athlete is a 21-year old, male in his last collegiate season. • In this case, the macrocycle is for one year • The macrocycle will then be divided into four mesocyles
1st Mesocycle • This starts in September and lasts until October • This is the Preparatory Period -Incorporates hypertrophy/endurance -Basic Strength -Strength and Power -Low to moderate intensity/ high to moderate volume -Sport-specific training
Preparatory Period Microcycles • This would take place on Monday, Wednesday, Friday • Low volume: 3-5 sets of 2-5 repetitions • High intensity: 75-90% of 1RM
2nd Mesocycle • Starts in October and lasts until November • This is the Pre-Season period -Incorporates resistance training -Interval training -Agility -Plyometrics
1st Microcycle • Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays • Focus on speed endurance • The athlete runs 150m sprints, starting with a 1:3 work to rest ratio
2nd Microcycle • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays • Focus on speed endurance • The athlete runs 150m sprints, starting with a 1:3 work to rest ratio
3rd Microcycle • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays • Shift focused to speed development. • Run 8-12 sprints per workout • Incorporate a series of line drills.
Final Microcycle • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays • Incorporate on the floor short sprints like up-backs (baseline to baseline) • Basketball specific agility drill like the T drill and plyometric drills (death jumps)
3rd Mesocycle • This period is from November until March • This is the Competition period • Moderate volume, moderate intensity • Maintenance program.
4-16 wks. microcycles • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays • Moderate volume 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps. • End of his season and college basketball career
2nd Transitions • ‘Active Rest’ • Non-Sport specific related activities
Microcycle Variations • Warm up and movement training • Stretching and mobility • Muscle Activation • Core Work • Plyometrics • Olympic Lifting • Strength Work • Metabolic Conditioning • Cool Down
First Mesocylcle: Prepatory Period (Off season) • Hypertrophy Phase: - Work with high volume, low intensity • 3 Sets of 8-12 • 2 minute rest between sets • Intend to create hypertrophy to increase muscle size • Working three days a week with active rest such as swimming, biking, on off days
Second Mesocycle: Basic Strength/Power Phase (Pre-Season) • Focus on improving upper and lower body strength and aerobic power • Start at high volume and low intensity • As the season approaches, the intensity will increase and the volume will decrease • The hypertrophy phase has passed at this point so we are concerned with building muscular strength and eventually power rather than size.
More specifically, we will focus on: - Take off power • Power-endurance • Reactive power • Acceleration • Deceleration
We will accomplish this through exercises such as • Weight training • Sprint training • Intervals • And other forms of interval training • Sport-specific training including stretch-shortening cycle exercises and agility drills are emphasized
In the first weeks of basic strength training, we will start at low intensity (80-85% 1RM) and high volume (3x8) • As we near the season, the intensity will increase (95-98% 1RM) and volume will decrease as we focus on power • We will use two minutes of rest between sets to begin with and increase to three in the final weeks • Basic training should be four days a week whereas the power phase will include three days a week, both with active rest on the scheduled off days
Maintenance Phase • The purpose of this phase is to maintain the muscular power gained over the off and pre-season between competitions • We will use low volume (3 sets of 2-4, twice a week) and high intensity to maintain power gains over the season • The days of this phase will depend on the competitive schedule • Some of the exercises that can be included are jump squats, lunges, weight training, interval training, sprints
Questions 1. In periodization, the entire training period is referred to as:a) Microcycleb) Macrocyclec) Mesocycled) Mastercycle 2. Training priorities of basketball consist of:a) Plyometricsb) Running speedc) Agilityd) All the above 3. Basketball’s main energy system is:a) Oxidativeb) CPc) Glycolysisd) Gatorade
4. Basketball is primarily an aerobic sport a) Trueb) False 5.Which of the following is not a part of the structure of a mesocyle? a) Warm-up and movement training b) Strength Work c) Watching tv d) Metabolic Conditioning
Sources • http://www.edb.utexas.edu/ssn/CCA%20PDF/Basketb-PreS%20Strength%20Condi.PDF • http://www.thesportjournal.org/sport-supplement/vol13no2/04_basketball-conditioning.asp • Baechle, Thomas. Earle, Roger . "Essentials of Strength and Conditioning." 2nd. IL: Human Kinetics, 2000.