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Flipping. Student Engagement in a Flipped Classroom. The Questions. Are students more likely to be engaged and interested within the inverted classroom model than in traditional models. Does homework as video appeal more to students presented through the media?. Current Research!!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flipping Student Engagement in a Flipped Classroom

  2. The Questions • Are students more likely to be engaged and interested within the inverted classroom model than in traditional models. Does homework as video appeal more to students presented through the media?

  3. Current Research!!

  4. The WHO and the HOW Participants Procedure • The targeted sample of students will be 18 students in the 11th grade, ranging in ages from 15-17 years old. Currently, there are 7 boys and 11 girls registered for the course. Of these there are: 3 Latino, 1 Caucasian, 13 African American, and 1 other.

  5. Data Analysis • After looking closely at the questions originally asked, it was quickly realized that this is a place for improvement for the next time, as there could have been more clarity. This study is including the individual responses to the questions from the initial survey and the final one, followed by the comparison of the data. However, the entire survey will not be represented, as after a closer examination, it is certain that the majority of questions asked do not match or address the Research Questions asked.

  6. Two Good Questions

  7. Data Analysis

  8. Data Analysis

  9. Findings/Conclusions • Ultimately, these results indicate that further research is needed in the area of Flipped Classrooms and literacy education. The results of the two surveys, taken by the same students before and after engaging in the Flipped Method of classroom delivery, show that students are not more engaged by this method than by the traditional classroom delivery method. The students’ pre- and post- survey questions were compared to determine the change in student engagement. Following the homework experiment, the engagement was lower (M=5.67) than before the experiment (M=6). A paired t-test showed that the difference between surveys was insignificant (t=0.437, df = 2, p < .05, one tailed) which indicates that the homework experiment may have had little impact on student engagement in homework.

  10. Findings/Conclusions • While the overall attitude toward learning in the flipped classroom was unaffected by the experience, students did indicate positive feelings toward sharing thoughts and ideas using technology in the classroom in general. The use of the technology also engaged the learners and allowed them to become more efficient users of the technology. They students use of technology and engagement with it did not necessarily change due to this experiment and overall, they did not prefer this to the traditional methods.

  11. Proposed… • Future research is needed to fully explain the connection between technology use, Flipping, and achievement and engagement in literacy education. However, educators can be certain that the use of technology is a motivating dynamic for today’s students. For those who wish to craft new and innovative methods for creativity, critical thinking, reflection, and meaningful interpretation will always find that the use of technology will encourage this and engage those participating.

  12. References • References • ACUN, I. (2013). ATTITUDES IN A WEB-SUPPORTED LEARNING • ENVIRONMENT. Education, 133(4), 556-563. • Brown, A. & Green, T. D. (2007). Video Podcasting in Perspective: The History, Technology, • Aesthetics, and Instructional Uses of a New Medium. Journal Of Educational • Technology Systems, 36(1), 3-17. • Chilton, M. A. (2012). Technology in the Classroom: Using Video Links to Enable Long • Distance Experiential Learning. Journal Of Information Systems Education, 23(1), 51-62. • Crawford, E. O., & Kirby, M. M. (2008). Fostering Students' Global Awareness: Technology • Applications. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 2(1), 56-73. • http://dx.doi.org/10.3776/joci.2008.v2n1p56-73  • Forster, M. & Washington, E. (2000). A MODEL FOR DEVELOPING AND MANAGING • DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAMS USING INTERACTIVE VIDEO • TECHNOLOGY. Journal Of Social Work Education, 36(1), 147-158. • Hohlfield, T., Ritzhaupt, A.D. & Barron, A.E. (2010). Connecting schools, community, and family with ict: • four year trends related to school level and ses of public schools in Florida.Computers & Education, • (55), 391-405. www.elsevier.com/locate/compedu • Kennedy, M. J., Thomas, C.N., Aronin, S. & Newton, J. (2013). Improving Teacher Candidate • Knowledge Using Content Acquisition Podcasts. Computers & Education, • doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.08.010 • Kirkgoz, Y. (2011). A Blended Learning Study on Implementing Video Recorded Speaking • Tasks in Task-Based Classroom Instruction. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational • Technology - TOJET, 10(4), 1-13. • Oh, J., Robinson, H., & Lee, J.Y. (2013). Page Flipping vs. Clicking: The Impact of Naturally • Mapped Interaction Technique on User Learning and Attitudes. Computers In Human • Behavior, 291334-1341. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2013.01.011 • Pearson, R. W. (2010). Survey Research [Chapter 8]. In Research Design and Data Collection (pp. • 159-187). http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781452230122 • Pickering, L. E., & Walsh, E. J. (2011). Using Videoconferencing Technology to Enhance • Classroom Observation Methodology for the Instruction of Pre-Service Early Childhood • Professionals. Journal Of Digital Learning In Teacher Education, 27(3), 99-108. • Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools forClassrooms (3rd ed.). • Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin • Riel, J. (2012, March). 2012 Technology Use Survey Questions [Scribd]. Retrieved from http://www.scribd.com/doc/96178280/2012-Technology-Use-Survey-Questions Simpson, A. (2010). Integrating Technology with Literacy: Using Teacher-Guided Collaborative • Online Learning to Encourage Critical Thinking. ALT-J: Research In Learning • Technology, 18(2), 119-131. • Smith, J. G. & Smith, R.L (2012). Screen-Capture Instructional Technology: A Cognitive Tool • for Designing a Blended Multimedia Curriculum. Journal Of Educational Computing • Research, 46(2), 207-228. • The University of Reading Statistical Services Centre. (2001). Approaches to the Analysis of Survey Data. • In Biometrics Advisory and Support Service to DFID (pp. 1-28). Reading, UK. 

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