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Prayer To The Holy Trinity O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages and indifferent by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of the poor sinners.
Offering To The Blessed Trinity Heavenly Father, we desire to offer ourselves to you today and every day of our life in the same spirit of self-oblation with which Your Divine Son offered Himself to you for Your glorification and the salvation of people. May it be our food and drink, Heavenly Father, to do Your will with complete self-abandonment. Jesus, we desire to serve You today and every day with the same love which prompts You to dwell in the Blessed Sacrament, to be our food and sacrifice of love. Strengthen us, O Jesus, and cleanse our heart with love, that we may serve You in holiness and purity. Holy Spirit, we desire to serve You with chaste love and sincere attention, and to love You in union with Mary, Your Immaculate Spouse, with Saint Joseph, and all Your Saints. We unite our poor offering with the love with which they love you, and with which they adore, praise, and revere You together with the Son, for all eternity. Amen.
Offering To The Eternal Father Eternal Father, we offer Thee the Blood, the passion, and death of Jesus Christ, the sorrow of Mary most Holy, and of St. Joseph, in satisfaction of our sins, in aid of the holy souls in Purgatory, for the needs of holy Mother Church and for the conversion of sinners. Nihil Obstat: Rev. Robert M. Kelly, SJ (Censor Deputatus) Imprimatur: George Cardinal Mundelein Join and Promote the “Daily Mass League” PROTRINITAS 109-61 ~#@n. Keating, Chicago, IL 60646
Begins with: Our Father…Hail Mary…The Creed On the large bead before each decade: Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son Our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. On the ten small beads of each decade: For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. Conclude with: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and the whole world (3X) (From the Diary of the Servant of God, St. Faustina – Notebook p. 197) The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You. I love You, and with a lively sorrow of my sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to Your will. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger, comfort me in my afflictions; give me health of mind and body, assistance in my temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of holy death. Amen
Consecration to Jesus “King of Love” O Jesus, my Lord and my God, Who are all Love. To You I consecrate my whole being, all that I am and have. You shall be the only desire of my heart, You alone I will serve and to Your Divine Heart that is so much wounded by the sins of men, I will offer expiation. My most loving Savior, how much is Your Love answered by hatred and Your Mercy by indifference. Therefore I want to adore You wherever You are present in the most Blessed Sacrament, and to You I will give all the love of my poor, sinful heart. Accept in reparation for all the insults and the ingratitude heaped upon You by men. Be gracious and merciful to us sinners. Eternal Father, I offer You the precious Blood and the ineffable Love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in expiation for al the hatred and indifference of men to implore Your forgiveness and Mercy. Amen.
Prayer of Confidence to Christ the Healer Lord Jesus, You so often healed all those who were brought before You. Today, we bring before You our brother/sister and those we hold dear who are in need of Your saving word and Your healing touch. Please deal with them gently and restore them, if you will, to full health of mind and body. Amen.
Invocation To Jesus Master Jesus Master, sanctify my mind and increase my faith. Jesus, teaching in the Church, draw everyone to your school, Jesus Master, deliver me from error, from vain thought, and from darkness. Jesus, Way between the Father and us, I offer you all and await all from you. Jesus, Way of sanctify, make me your faithful imitator. Jesus, Way, render me perfect as the Father who is in heaven. Jesus, Life, live in me, so that I may live in you. Jesus, Life do not permit me to separate myself from you. Jesus, life grant that I may live eternally in the joy of our Love. Jesus, Truth, may I be light for the world. Jesus, Way, may I be example and model for souls. Jesus, Life may my presence bring grace and consolation everywhere.
Prayer To God The Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul: I adore you: Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, sanctify me, you are my soul’s dearest guest. Amen.
Prayer To The Holy Spirit God the Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and the Son, in order to belong entirely to you, I consecrate to you now and forever my heart and my will, my body and my soul, my understanding and my whole being, my thoughts and desires, my words and deeds, my joys and sorrows, my life and my death. I also consecrate to you all who are near and dear to me. Rule over us, O Spirit of Love, and guide us always. Amen. Mary Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us.
Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host, sanctify my eyes that they may close more and more to all that is merely earthly. Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host, send a ray of divine light into my soul, that I may better know you and myself. Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host, send a flame of love into my heart to consume everything in it is displeasing to you and set it all on fire with your love. Now and eternally, may my only desire be to contemplate the infinite beauty of your divine countenance which delights the angels. Amen. St. Arnold Janssen
Prayers Before Holy Mass O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee my prayers, works and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all our Associates, and that priest may be imbued with the Apostolic zeal in the Vineyard of the Master. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit (3x)
Prayers Offering of Holy Mass Accept, Most Holy Trinity, this sacrifice once fulfilled by the Incarnate Divine Word and now renewed on this altar by the hands of your priest. I unite myself to the intentions of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim, and offer myself entirely for your glory and the salvation of the world. I intend through Jesus Christ, with Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ to adore your eternal Majesty, to thank your immense justice, to make reparation to your offended love and justice, and to beseech your mercy for the Church and for the whole world. Amen.
Prayers After Holy Mass Soul of Christ, make me holy Body of Christ, save me Blood of Christ, invigorate me Water from the side of Christ, wash me Passion of Christ, give me strength O Good Jesus, listen to me In your wounds, hide me Never let me be separated from Thee From the evil enemy, defend me In the hour of my death, call me And tell me to come to you That with your saint, I may praise you Forever and ever. Amen.
An Act of Contrition O Merciful Father in Heaven, behold, I come again with a sorrowful and contrite heart and beseech You to have mercy on m e. Forgive me according to the multitude of your tender mercies. I am sorry for all the sins of my past life, especially for all my mortal sins, because by them I have offended You mortally and have merited Your just punishment. I repent of all my sins and detest them with all my strength, because by them I have offended You, my dear father and greatest benefactor. You are my kind Father, having shown me nothing but kindness and having been full of love and mercy for me. You are the highest and most amiable Good. Would that I had always loved You as You deserved to be loved. But unfortunately I have not done so. I am exceedingly sorry for having transgressed Your commandments and make now the firm resolution never again to offend You deliberately, especially by a mortal sin. To accomplish this I will make use of all the means of amendment within my power. Amen.
Before Holy Communion Father in heaven, You have made us for yourself, our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Fulfill this longing through Jesus, the Bread of Life, so that we may witness to him who alone satisfies the hungers of the human family. By the power of your Spirit, lead us to the heavenly table, where we may feast on the vision of your glory forever and ever. Amen. From the 41st International Eucharistic Congress (Philadelphia)
Prayer After Communion Lord, Father all powerful, and ever living God, I thank you for even though I am a sinner, your unprofitable servant not because of worth, but in the kindness of your mercy, you have fed me with the precious body and blood of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that this Holy Communion may not bring me condemnation and punishment but forgiveness and salvation. May it be a helmet of faith and a shield of goodwill. May it purify me from evil ways and put an end to my evil passions. May it bring me charity and patience, humility and obedience, and growth in the power to do good. May it give me strong defense against all my enemies, visible and invisible, and the perfect calming of all my evil impulses, bodily and spiritual. May it unite me more closely to you, the one true God, and lead me safely through death to everlasting happiness with you. And I pray that you will lead me, a sinner, to the banquet where you, with your Son and Holy Spirit, are true and perfect light, total fulfillment, everlasting joy, gladness without end, and perfect happiness to your saints. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen. By St. Thomas Aquinas
After Holy Communion Take, Lord all my liberty. Receive my memory, my understanding, my whole will, all that I have and posses. You have given all to me; I return it all to you. Do with me as you will. Give me only your love and your grace. With these I am rich enough and I desire nothing more. St. Ignatius of Loyola
Prayer To Our Lady of Perpetual Help Lord Jesus Christ, by Your gift Mary, Your Mother, whose glorious image we venerate, is our Mother too; and she is ready at all times to help us. Grant, we pray, that, help, may be counted worthy to reap through all eternity the fruit of Your redeeming work. Amen.
Prayer To The Virgin Mary Mary, Holy Virgin Mother, I have received your son, Jesus Christ. With love you became his mother, gave birth to him, nursed him and helped him grow to manhood. With love I return him to you, to hold once more, to love with all your heart, and to offer to the Holy Trinity as our supreme act of worship for your honor and for the good of all your pilgrim brothers and sisters. Mother, ask God to serve him more faithfully. Keep me true to Christ until death, and let me come to praise him with you forever and ever. Amen.
‘Memorare’ To The Blessed Virgin Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to you, O virgin of virgins my mother; to you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.
Daily Consecration to Immaculate Virgin Mary Immaculate Virgin Mary my Mother I consecrate myself to you this day and forever So that you may dispose of me As you wish for the salvation of souls. I ask you only Queen and Mother of the Church That I may cooperate faithfully with your mission in the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth. I offer to you Immaculate Heart of Mary all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day…
A father’s Prayer to St. Joseph St. Joseph, head of the Holy Family, grant me the spiritual gifts and virtues I need to fulfill my duties as head of the family entrusted to me by God. With the help of my wife, may I discharge the God-given responsibilities with devotion and respect, with faith and charity. Following your example, may I bring to my daily task the care and respect that will really make it a collaboration to God’s work and a true service to men, my brothers. In spite of social conditions and spells of sickness, may I earn enough to supply my family with food and lodging, clothing and education, in the joy of the heart, safe from distress. Teach me the true virtues of a husband and Christian educator. As you went to great pains to feed and educate Jesus, the Child of God entrusted to your care, grant that I may bring up my children with love and firmness, with intelligence and tact; that I may pray with them and explain to them, when and how I must, their obligations as Christians, by Word and act; may I stay calm and patient when they fail and err, without fear of admonishing and correcting them when I must. May I give to each one, according to his or her character and personality, the necessary incentives, with special attentions and affection. May I not be too often absent from home, since my wife and children require my presence. O St. Joseph, grant that I may always live as a true Christian, and observe the fidelity, the love and devotion I owe to my wife and children, since I have received from God the difficult and wonderful mission of leading them all to His Kingdom. Amen.
Prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May you, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the divine power thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam the world seeking the ruins of souls. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Angels Angels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers, Virtues of the heavens, Cherubim and Seraphim, praise the Lord forever. Praise the Lord, all you His Angels, who are mighty in strength and who carry out His commands. Praise the Lord, all you His hosts, His servants who did His will. Holy Angels who strengthened Jesus Christ our Lord, come and strengthen us also. Come and do not delay!
Prayer to the Guardian Angel - I Our dear Guardian Angel, you were given to us by our merciful God to be the faithful companion of our earthly journey. We honor and love you as our most devoted friend to whom God has entrusted the care of our immortal souls. With all our heart we thank you for your love and constant care of us. Dearest Angel-friend, we beg you to guard and protect us in our day-to-day living. Conduct us on the right path. Warn us against every occasion of sin, and fill our souls with wholesome thoughts. Encourage us to practice virtue. Intercede for us that we may share in your burning zeal to serve our Lord and follow His Divine Will. Amen.
Prayer to the Guardian Angel - II Angels before me, guide and direct me. Angels behind me, guard me and protect me. Angels above me, keep watch over me. Angels beside me, care for and comfort me. Spirit of God be with me as I look over my day, to see how I have been aware of God’s gift. Guardian of the night, I place myself in your care, Knowing that your kind vigilance Will be a comforting sentinel Sheltering me within the darkness.
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Prayer for the Church We pray to You, O almighty and eternal Father! Who through Jesus Christ have revealed Your glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Your mercy, that Your Church being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Your name. Amen.
Prayer for the Holy Father God, Father and Ruler of all mankind, look down with favor on Your servant Pope Benedict XVI, whom you have graciously appointed as supreme pastor of your Church. We humbly ask You that both his words and example may benefit those over whom he has been placed so that together with the flock entrusted to his care he may attain to life everlasting. We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer For Peace – I Lord, God of Peace, Who has created man, the object of Your kindness, to be close to You in glory. We bless You and we thank You because You have sent us Your Beloved Son, Jesus, Making Him, in the Mystery of the Pasch, The architect of all salvation, The source of all peace, The bond of true brotherhood. We thank You for the desire, the efforts, the realizations which Your Spirit of Peace has roused in our day: To replace hatred with love, diffidence with understanding, unconcern with care. Open yet more our hearts to the need of all our brothers, so that we may be better able to build a better world. Remember, Father of Mercy, all who are in pain, who suffer and die in the cause of a more brotherly world. Of every tongue – May Your Kingdom of justice, of peace, and of love, reign; and may the earth be filled with Your glory. Amen.
Prayer of Peace - II Almighty and Eternal Father, God, Wisdom and Mercy, whose power exceed all force of arms and whose protection is the strong defense of all who trust in You, enlighten and direct us, we beseech You, those who bear the heavy responsibility of government throughout the world in these days of stress and trial. Grant them the strength to stand firm for what is right and the skill to dispel the fears that foment discord; inspire them to be mindful of the horror of atomic war for victor and vanquished alike, to seek conciliation in truth and patience, to see in every man a brother, that the people of all nations may, in our day, enjoy the blessings of a just and lasting peace. Conscious of our own unworthiness, we implore Your mercy on a sinful world in the Name of Your Divine Son, the Prince of Peace, and through the intercession of His Blessed Mother and all the saints. Amen.
Prayer of Unity God, Our Father, You are Father of all men equally father of Christians and Jews of whites and blacks and those of all backgrounds and races, Father of those who believe in You and equally of those who don’t. Send Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit who unites people, so that all men will put aside their prejudices and work together for the good of all no matter what their creed, no matter what their color, so that at the end, this world, perfected by men cooperating together and cooperating with You, may be handed over to You by Your beloved Son. Unite especially those who believe in Your Son all Christians, Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants (and all those in between) break down the divisions between Christians so that soon all may be united again and once more be one family around our table. Still more do we pray You, to unite more closely those of our Faith, those who love only change and those who love only traditions (and those in between) so that the people of your Pilgrim Church led by the Spirit towards Your Kingdom may work, pray and live happily together in charity and in peace. Amen.
Prayer for Our Country Almighty Father, bless our nation and make it true to the ideas of freedom and justice and brotherhood for all who make it great. Guard us from war, from fire and wind, from compromise, fear, confusion. Be close to our president and our statesmen; give them vision and courage, as they ponder decisions affecting peace and the future of the world. Make us more deeply aware of our heritage; realizing not only our rights, but also our duties and responsibilities as citizens. Make this great land and all its people know clearly Your will, that they may fulfill the destiny ordained for us in the salvation of the nations, and the restoring of all things in Christ. Amen.
Prayer for all Christians Lord God and Father, in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Your Son, You willed to reconcile all humanity to Yourself and so to reconcile all people with each other in peace. Hear the prayer of Your people. Let Your spirit of life and holiness renew us in the depths of our being, unite us throughout our life to the Risen Christ, for He is our Brother and Savior. With all Christians we seek to follow the way of the Gospel. Keep us faithful to the teaching of the Church and alive to the needs of our brothers and sisters. Give us strength to work for reconciliation, unity and peace. May those who seek the God they do not yet know discover in You the source of light and hope; may those who work for others find strength in You; may those who know You seek even further and experience the depths of Your love. Forgive us our sins; deepen our faith; kindle our hope and enliven our hearts with love for one another. May we walk in the footsteps of Christ as Your beloved sons and daughters. With the help of Mary, our mother, may Your Church be the sign and sacrament of salvation for all; that the world may believe in Your love and your truth. Father, in your great goodness, hear in the words of your people the prayer of the Spirit to the praise of Your glory and the salvation of men. Through Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for our Bishops Lord Father, you know all hearts. You have chosen Your servants for the office of bishop. May they be a shepherd to Your flock, and a high priest blameless in Your sight, ministering to you night and day. May they always gain the blessing of Your favor and offer the gifts of Your holy Church. May they be pleasing to You by their gentleness and purity of heart, presenting a fragrant offering to You , through Jesus Christ, your Son, through whom glory and power and honor are Yours with the Holy Spirit in Your Holy church now and forever. Amen.
A Prayer for Priests O Holy Mother of God, pray for the priests your Son has chosen to serve the Church. Help them, by our intercession, to be holy, zealous and chaste. Make them models of virtue in the service of God’s people. Help them be pious in meditation, efficacious in reaching and zealous in the daily offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Help them administer the Sacrament with joy. Amen. By St. Charles Borromeo
Prayer for Priests Our Father, help priests who are faithful to remain faithful; to those who are falling, stretch forth Your Divine Hand that they may grasp it as their support. In the great ocean of Your mercy, lift those poor, unfortunate ones who have fallen, that being engulfed therein they may receive the grace to return to Your Great Loving Heart. Especially dear God we pray for priests who at this moment need Your grace most. In praying for consecrated souls, help us to remember our own utter weaknesses, miseries and nothingness. Amen.
Prayer for Priests and Seminarians Jesus, eternal Priest, I offer You, through Your Immaculate Mother Mary, Your precious Blood in all the Masses throughout the world as a petition for graces for all priests and seminarians. Give them humility, meekness, and prudence. Give them a burning desire to do all they can and to give all they have in the service of others. Fill their hearts with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to know and love the Church. Teach them how to pray. Teach them to know and to love You, the eternal Priest. Good Shepherd of souls, hear my prayer for saintly priest. Amen. Mount Grace Convent 1438 E. Warne Avenue, St.Louis, Mo. 63107
Prayer for Vocations to the Religious Life O sweet Jesus, Divine Spouse of every soul incorporated in your Mystical Body, dispense Your graces in greater abundance to attract multitudes to the religious state, for the greater perfection of themselves, the spread of Your Kingdom throughout the world in the apostolate of love, and the exaltation of Your Holy Name in time and eternity. Amen.
Prayer to know and follow our Vocation O my God, you who are the God of Wisdom and of Counsel, you who read in my heart the sincere will to please you alone, and to govern myself with regard to my choice of a state of life, entirely in conformity with your most Holy desire; grant me, by the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin, my mother, and of my holy patrons, especially of St. Joseph and St. Aloysius, the grace to know what state to choose, and when to know, to embrace it, so that in it I may be able to pursue and increase your glory, work out my salvation, and merit that heavenly reward which you have promised to those who do your holy will. Amen.
Prayer for Travelers Almighty and merciful Lord, direct us on the way of peace and prosperity and let your holy Archangel Raphael accompany us on our way, so that we may return to our home in peace, health and joy. Amen. Holy Archangel Raphael, appointed by God to be the guardian of Tobias on his journey, be with us also. Guard us, defend us, and keep us from all harm. Amen. O God, grant us, we beg you, a safe journey and pleasant weather. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the Aged Eternal Father, unchanged down the changing years, be near to those whoa re aged. Even though their bodies weaken, grant that their spirit may be strong. May they bear weariness and affliction with patience, and at the end, meet death with serenity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the Family Lord God, from You every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. Father, You are Love and Life. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, born of a woman, and through the Holy Spirit, fountain of divine charity, grant that every family on earth may become for each successive generation a true shrine of life and love. Grant that Your grace may guide the thoughts and actions of husbands and wives for the good of their families in the world. Grant that the young may find in the family solid support for their human dignity and for their growth in truth and love. Grant that love, strengthened by the Sacrament of marriage, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. Through the intercession of the Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that the Church may fruitfully carry her worldwide mission in and through the family. Through Christ our Lord, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, forever and ever. Amen. Pope John Paul II
Prayer for Families God, our Father, loving and merciful, bring together and keep all families in perfect unity of love and mutual support. Infuse in each member the spirit of understanding, forbearance, the affection for each other. Keep quarrels, bitterness and pettiness far from them, and for their occasional failures instill forgiveness and peace. May the mutual love and affection of parents be a source of loving obedience and discipline. May their chastity and fidelity be an inspiration to their children. Instill in children such self-respect that they may respect others, obey their parents and those in authority and grow in mature independence and the tender joys of friendship. Make the mutual affection and respect of families a sign of Christian life here and hereafter, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Prayer of Parents for their Children Lord God, you have called us to the holy state of matrimony and have been pleased to make our union fruitful. You have given us happiness in the sublime state of life in which You have placed us by a certain likeness to your own infinite fruitfulness. With all our hearts we recommend to you and our dear children. We entrust them daily in Your holy fear. May they lead perfect Christian lives and be a source of consolation, not only to us who have given them bodies, but also and especially to you who are their Creator. Behold, O Lord, in what a world they must live! Wordings everywhere try to deceive minds and hearts with dangerous words, with false doctrines an d wicked example. Guard our children, O Lord, help and defend them. Grant us the grace to be able to guide them in the paths of virtue and in the way of Your commandments. We will do this by the good example of our own life, by rigid observance of Your holy law and that of our holy Mother, the Church. In order that we may do so faithfully, make us conscious of our grave obligations to Your divine justice. But all our efforts will fail unless You, O Almighty and Merciful God, shall make them fruitful by our heavenly blessing. Trusting in the great goodness and mercy You have shown us, we humbly ask Your blessings from the bottom of our hearts. We ask it for ourselves and for our children whom You have graciously given us. We dedicate them to You, O Lord. Keep them as the apple of Your eye, and protect them under the shadow of Your wings. Make us worthy to reach heaven together with them, where forever we may praise and thank You, our Father, for the loving care You have given our entire family. Amen.
Parent’s Prayer for Children Jesus, Lover of children, bestow Your most precious grace on those whom You have confided to our care. Increase in them faith, hope and charity. May Your love lead them to solid piety, inspiring them with dread of sin, love of work, and ardent desire of worthily approaching Your Holy Table. Preserve in them innocence and purity of heart; and if they should offend You, grant them the grace of prompt and sincere repentance. From Your tabernacle watch over them by day and night; protect them in all their ways. Grant that they may acquire the knowledge that they need to embrace the state of life to which You have called them. Grant us all consolation on earth and eternal reward in heaven. Amen.
Parent’s Prayer for Teenagers Mary, Mother most admirable, and St. Joseph, Virgin Father of the Son of God, your worry and sorrow were turned into joy when after three days you found Jesus, your lost Child, in the Temple, and He returned to Nazareth with you and was subject to you. Your joy increased as you watched Him grow in wisdom and grace as He grew in age. Inspired by the thought that these were the “teen-age” years of Jesus, we turn to you as a compassionate other and Father to ask your help and intercession for the guidance and training of our boys and girls, especially those who are in the years of adolescence. Obtain that they may always be respectful and humbly obedient, truthful, pure in body and soul, and that they may be intent upon seeking to know and to prepare themselves worthily for their Father’s business, that is, the vocation to which God has destined each one. Mary, Mother of God and St. Joseph, virginal Father of Jesus, pray for us that our humble and confident prayer may be granted through the same Jesus Christ, true Son of God and your Divine Son. Amen.
Prayer for one’s Parents O heavenly Father, who do permit me to call You, as indeed You are, my Father, remember those who, in my regard, share with You that tender name. Listen to the prayers which obedience to your commandments calls forth from my heart, rising from the very affections which You Yourself have implanted there. Preserve my good parents, who are dear to me; bless them with the riches of the Sacred Heart and repay them for all their goodness to me and for their many sacrifices in my behalf. Bless them for the corrections they have said for me. Protect them, dear Lord, in body and soul, console them in afflictions and sufferings, grant to them a long life and to me the grace of being a true joy to them. Give them comfort in this world; grant them a happy death as a reward for their godliness and charity in this life, and then eternal glory in heaven. Amen.