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MID DAY MEAL SCHEME MEGHALAYA. Annual Work Plan & Budget 2014-15. Objectives. To improve the nutritional status of children. To increase and retain enrolment in schools. To reduce drop-out rate. To improve health and hygiene of the child by increasing nutrition level.
MID DAY MEAL SCHEMEMEGHALAYA Annual Work Plan & Budget 2014-15
Objectives • To improve the nutritional status of children. • To increase and retain enrolment in schools. • To reduce drop-out rate. • To improve health and hygiene of the child by increasing nutrition level. • To improve learning outcomes of children.
JRM Recommendation and action taken thereof • Mid-Day Meal may be provided to Kynjat Shai LPS School, Longskai, Kharang Action has been taken to provide Mid Day meal Foodgrain. Foodgrain have been released and issued. • Administrative structure with manpower exclusively dedicated to Mid-Day Meal Scheme should be set up – As per JRM Recommendation on management structure and as it is understood that the Ministry of HRD, Government of India is likely to enhance the MME Fund from 1.8% to 4% for MDM Scheme, the recommendation of the JRM is taken into account and SLSMC approval has already been obtained. Contd.
Contd. From prev. slide • Meeting of State Level Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee, District Vigilance & Monitoring Committee, District/Block Level Steering cum Monitoring Committee, School Management Committees should be held as mandated • Government vide Notification Letter No.EDN.104/2000/Pt.IV/Vol.2/255 dated:28.5.2013 have reconstituted the State Level Steering-Cum-Monitoring Committee and also GOI Office Memorandum vide letter No.F.1-2/2013-EE-13, Dated:28.9.2013 have reconstituted a District Level Committee for Mid Day Meal. Steps have been taken to hold regular Meetings in future. Fund flow be streamlined for timely release of funds to the schools. The Andhra Pradesh’s ‘Green Channel Scheme’ may be considered for adoption E-Transfer of MDM Fund is being done from Sub-Divisional Level to Schools. Steps are being taken for transferring funds from State to Schools directly. It was decided by the SLSMC that the first release be made automatic. Corpus Fund of Rs.10.00 Crores was agreed upon to release by the State Government so as to avoid delay in fund release. Contd.
Contd. From prev. slide • Outstanding payments of Cook-cum-helpers and Food Corporation of India be made immediately Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers have been paid upto September 2013 and sanction for 3rd & 4th Quarter have been received and released will be made at the earliest. Payment of Cost of foodgrain to FCI has been made upto the 1st Quarter 2013-14. Sanctioned received and payment will be made shortly. • Food grain is to be delivered up to schools level. The transportation charges for carrying food grains from FPS to schools be reimbursed Instructions have been issued to all the wholesalers/FP Shops to deliver food grains at the doorsteps of the schools. The process of foodgrain delivery is from FCI to Wholesalers/FP Shops Dealers and from FP Shops Dealers to the Schools . Notification on the Average Flat Rate of transportation charges from Rs.98/- per quintal to Rs.193.47 per quintal for transportation of foodgrain from FCI to Schools premises have been approved by SLSCMC and proposal have been submitted to the GOI. Route planning for delivery of MDM Rice from Godown to Schools is being taken up in East Khasi Hills on pilot basis . Contd.
Contd. From prev. slide • Convergence with School Health Programme and Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation be strengthened School Health Programme have been taken up in convergence with Directorate of School Education and Literacy by the Health Department through NRHM Programme and Drinking Water and Sanitation have been taken up by the Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department. • Ag-mark or BSI marked ingredients be used in mid-day meal This may not be available in all the Schools, however steps are being taken up to examine that ingredients used in Mid-Day Meal have Ag-mark or BSI marked. • Wide Publicity of food norms, entitlements of students under mid-day meal. Daily menu be decided locally Print and Electronic Media campaign have also been taken up. All schools are instructed to display the Menu in the school at a prominent place to enable public and parents to see. • Food samples should be kept in schools for testing through National Accreditation Board approved Labs in case of any untoward incident Instructions have been issued for drawing and keeping food sample. Contd.
Contd. From prev. slide • Emergency Plan may be finalized and Telephone Nos. of Primary Health Center, District Hospitals, Ambulance, Police, Fire Brigade should be painted in all schools for use during emergency Steps have been taken that all the schools should display all important telephone numbers like Primary Health Center, District Hospitals, Ambulance, Police, Fire Brigade. • Capacity building and community participation may be encouraged Action is being taken regarding capacity building and community participation. 100 nos. of cook– cum–helpers have been trained by the Akshaya Patra Foundation for Quality, Safety and Hygiene, which in turn these master trainers will be imparting training to the cooks in their respective districts. • Annual and Monthly data entries for 2013-14 may be completed immediately in MIS portal All SDSEOs have been instructed to complete the Annual Data feeding of 2013-14 immediately and the Monthly Report upto the month of December 2013. All SDSEOs are also instructed to see that all Schools are to submit their Annual and Monthly data in the prescribed formats in time, so that data feeding into the MIS portal will not be interrupted. As on 31.3.2014 the % of Annual Data Entry is 92%. It is also proposed to setup IVRS to collect real data on schools attendance and MDM prepared. NIC will be contacted for appointment of consultant as per SPMU and MIS System. Contd.
Contd. From prev. slide • Schools should be advised to mark attendance daily in the attendance register and MDM should be prepared for actual number of students present in the school Instructions to all SDSEOs have been issued to see that all Schools should mark attendance daily in the attendance register and Schools should be prepared Cooked Meal for actual number of students present in the school. • School Inspection In the review meeting on 14.1.2014 at DSEL, Additional Secretary, Education Department have directed and instruct that all DSEOs and SDSEOs including inspecting staff to inspects schools at least 10 schools or more during the month. Instructions of the same have been send to all the Districts/Sub-divisional offices and DCs/SDO(Civil) may also be involved for school inspection on implementation of MDMS. Further matter was taken up by Principal secretary recently with all DC/SDSEO s via Video conference. Contd.
Contd. From prev. slide • Social Audit Social audit is a monitoring tool for the community to bring transparency and accountability in the scheme. The Social audit would enable the SMC members, parents, teachers, public in general to play an active role in the monitoring of MDMS on daily basis. The State Government may promote Social Audit under the scheme through community participation. In the review meeting on 14.1.2014 at DSEL, East Khasi Hills Districts have informed that they have started the first testing phase of Social Audit in the Districts. Other districts will also follow Social Audit System subsequently. Contd.
Contd. From prev. slide • Toilet / Drinking water facilities In the review meeting on 14.1.2014 at DSEL, it has been reported that during 2006-2009 toilet/drinking water facilities have been provided through SSA and PHE Department through Water Sanitation Programme. . Additional Secretary, Education Department has instructed all Districts to take up the matter during the District Level Monitoring and Vigilance committee in consultation with District PHE Department. A Coordination Committee with Public Health Engineer (PHE) Department have been set up for better supervision and monitoring of toilet/drinking water facilities. • School Health Programme (SHP) Additional Secretary, Education Department in the review meeting on 14.1.2014 at DSEL has instructed all Districts to take up the matter during the District Level Monitoring and Vigilance committee in consultation with District Health Department. Out of 10612 schools 6320 schools have been covered with SHP as on 31.12.2013. A Coordination Committee with Health Department has been proposed to Goverment for better supervision and monitoring of School Health Programme. Contd.
Schools: Approval Vs. Coverage (2013-14) The difference in the number of schools covered is because these schools have zero enrolment.
Beneficiaries during 2013-14 (Children in Lakhs)
Children : Approval Vs. Coverage (Primary) (in Lakhs) (In lakhs)
Children : Approval Vs. Coverage (Upper Primary) (in Lakhs) 1.40 1.37 1.36 1.35 (In lakhs)
Units in MTs Utilisation of Foodgrain in 2013-14 (Till Dec’ 2013)
Food grains Utilisation (Primary) (in MTs) 100 %
Food grains Utilisation (Upper Primary) (in MTs) 99.99 %
Details of Budget Provision and Releases 2013-14As on December 2013. Rs. In Lakhs 2nd Installment of 2013-14 have been received and it is in the process of releasing.
Utilisation of Funds 2013-14 upto December 2013 (Primary and Upper Primary) Rupees in Crores
Payment to FCI upto Dec’2013 12378.91 MTs 9861.95 MTs 5957.95 MTs 3904.00 MTs
Cooking cost : Allocation Vs. Utilisation (Primary) 2437.12 2431.68 2570.66 (Rs in lakhs) % Utilisation 1532.37 29
Cooking Cost :: Releases & Utilisation (Upper Primary) 1472.36 (Rs in lakhs) 1403.52 1405.70 % Utilisation 884.82 30
No. of CCH posts approved : 17776 No. of CCH working : 16784 31
Honorarium to CCH : Releases & Utilisation Primary &Upper Primary (Rs in Lakhs) 1777.06 1777.60 1777.06 % Utilisation 1066.44 32
Transportation Assistance : Releases & Utilisation (Rs in Lakhs) 121.32 123.67 123.67 % Utilisation 72.79 33
MME : Releases & Utilisation (Rs in Lakhs) 109.12 99.58 % Utilisation 58.59 Rs in lakhs 34
) School health Programme (SHP) 2013-14 As on 31.12.2013 38
Feeding of Data into MDM MIS Portal 2013-14 • 92% of Annual Data Entries of Schools are completed. • Annual and Monthly Data Entries of Schools is done at State/Sub-Divisional levels and at NIC Offices. • Data entry operator-Cum-Office Assistant and casual data-entry operator are feeding information to MIS Portal. 39
MIS-Portal – Annual Entry Status As on 31.3.2014
MIS-Portal – Monthly Entry Status As on 31.3.2014
Number of Schools Propose to be Covered in 2014-15 NB: 647 are approved by the SSA during 2012-13 and they are operational during 2013-14. Hence, it is not included in the last AWP&B 2013-14 but it is included in AWP&B 2014-15.
Financial Requirements for 2014-15 Rs. In Lakhs Recurring Central and State Assistance Grand Total = Rs. 8956.37 Lakhs
Capacity Building and Training • Capacity Building and Training is conducted for different categories of persons involved in the Mid Day Meal Programme. • Recently, 100 nos. of cook – cum – helpers have been trained as by the Akshaya Patra Foundation for Quality, Safety and Hygiene, which in turn these master trainers will be imparting training to the cooks in their respective districts.
Issues • Enhancement of CCH Honorarium. • Strengthening of Staff at the District/Sub-Divisional Levels. • Transportation Rate Issues. • Data Entry into the MIS-Portal. • Poor coverage of schools under TSC/NBA.
MDM Logo Foodgrain Sample Kitchen Devices Used Cooking