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Campus Activities & Involvement Center SOLC 2011

Campus Activities & Involvement Center SOLC 2011. What is. all about? .

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Campus Activities & Involvement Center SOLC 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Campus Activities & Involvement CenterSOLC 2011

  2. What is all about?
  3. The Campus Activities & Involvement Center (CAIC) is your gateway to entertainment, involvement, and leadership on campus. As part of the Division of Student Affairs, we are creating experiences for life by providing opportunities for students to participate actively, grow personally, and explore new ideas and interests through a variety of entertainment and involvement experiences. We organize events such as the UNCWelcome, UNCWelcome Back, and many others... Our staff, and the students with whom we work, are committed to creating a vibrant campus community filled with diverse activities for all students.
  4. Meet the Staff in the Involvement Center Jon Kapell Director Stacey Baisden Assistant Director Multicultural Coordinator Stefanie Mancuso ACE Advisor Sandra Jackson Film Program Coordinator Kim Reardon Office Manager Tina Riley Fiscal Assistant, *FUU 2041*
  5. Involvement Specialists

    Communicate with student organization leaders Assist with constitution review Advise on marketing materials and initiatives Assist with event planning process Support SGA Services (i.e. Appropriations process and Legal Services) Assist with general Involvement Center needs (i.e. copying, printing, use of scanner, student organization forms, etc.) Peer educators trained to assist students develop leadership skills and learn to effectively run their student organizations.
  6. Keith Fraser - Involvement Center Area Manager Elizabeth Baker Sarah Cox Lindsey Czark Alex MacEachern Hannah Rockecharlie Michael Vaughn

    Involvement Specialists

    How do you get in touch with an Involvement Specialist?? Anytime from 10am-8pm M-Th, 10am-5pm Fri, & from 5pm-8pm Sundays Call 910-962-3553 Email activities@uncw.edu
  7. Resource Package for Student Orgs Quantity Listed is Per Organization / Per Semester FREE for Student Organizations!! Buttons: 50 total (provided in increments of 10 buttons per bag) Helium Balloons: 50 total (you provide the balloons and ribbon) Plotter (large-scale color printing): 5 posters (2’ x 3’ max per poster) Arts and Crafts supplies: to be used with discretion
  8. Resources in the Involvement Center? Laptop, projector, tent checkout, laminator Copier (color and B&W) Conference room, SO mailboxes Texas Markers, sidewalk chalk 21 storage bins (on a lottery basis) Computer stations Note: Printing limitations are per event:50 B&W or 25 color Photoshop, Illustrator, Contribute Spray paint (for Spirit Rock/Boulder ONLY)
  9. Making a Difference Award

    A monthly award given by CAIC during the academic year to recognize and honor student organizations that are making a difference on campus, in the Wilmington community, or the world at large. How can your group be considered for this award? Send an email to activities@uncw.edu by noon on the 1st business day of the following month detailing what the organization did during the relative month to make a difference.
  10. Funding Opportunities

    Three main sources of funding through SGA: Operational Budget Special Activity Fund (60/40 split) Capital Expenditure
  11. *Operational Budgets*

    What: Budget for entire academic year. Who: Registered organizations that: have an open membership policy, have been active for 2 full semesters (min of entire Spring ‘11 and Fall ‘10), and have earned at least 4 SGA Budget Points. (More information later…) do not fall under SCC or GSA (those SO’s go through their governing council) When: Spring semester (for the following academic year).
  12. *Operational Budgets*

    New process that started this past spring for fall implementation - Operational needs only (advertising, equipment and supplies, copy card, etc. with a cap of $550) Larger allocation of Special Activity Funding (around $69,000 versus $35,000 last year) We know SAF works! Early Hawk Funding to help plan for early programs in the fall. Potentially increase the number of programs allowed through SAF per organization. 60/40 split of on-campus versus off-campus funding.
  13. Special Activity Funding

    What: One-time program funding for initiatives such as conferences or other travel opportunities, social or educational programs or speakers, etc. Who: ALLregistered student organizations. (Note: SO’s falling under SCC or GSA must seek funding with their governing body first.) When: Requests will be reviewed starting Monday, Sept 19th. Requests will not be reviewed until after the SOLC. No retroactive funding will be given. How: First-come, first-serve opportunity. Use the online forms at www.uncw.edu/sga - TYPE, print, and submit along with documentation. Limit: 4 Requests per year (2 for travel and 2 for programs). $3,000 cap for programs and $1,000 cap per travel.
  14. Capital Expenditure Fund

    What: Provides supportive funding to student organizations for large capital purchases in excess of $500 that have a minimum life expectancy of three (3) years and contribute directly to the fulfillment of the organization’s stated mission. Who: ALL registered organizations. Must demonstrate organization relevance and overall benefit to the university as a whole. When: End of fall AND spring semesters.
  15. On-Campus Accounts

    SGA Fiscal Assistant (Tina Riley) is located in the Campus Life Business Office (FUU 2041). Deposits can be made between 8am and 5pm in FUU 2041. Donations made to the organization will receive tax credit information from the university. Expenditures must follow university guidelines: Speak to us before making any commitments and/or purchases. Students cannot sign contracts on behalf of an organization if the performer is to be paid from your on-campus account. Allow a minimum of 6 weeks for these to be processed.
  16. SGA Budget Points

    SGA Budget Points are earned by student organization representatives attending developmental workshops throughout the course of the academic year. IMPORTANT!: 4 budget points are required to be eligible to apply for an operational budget. Some examples of qualifying developmental workshops include: Leadership UNCW programs *Other opportunities are available but must be approved by the SGA Treasurer or Jon Kapell (Appropriations Council Advisor)
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