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Differentiating Instruction The What, Why, and How

Explore the philosophy behind differentiated instruction, how it supports student interest and autonomy, and its practical implementation through various strategies like learning centers, student choices, data tracking, and feedback. Differentiated instruction caters to diverse learning styles and abilities, fostering a more inclusive and effective classroom environment.

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Differentiating Instruction The What, Why, and How

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  1. Differentiating Instruction The What, Why, and How

  2. What is Differentiated Instruction? • “Providing students with differentavenues to acquire content; to processing, constructing, or making sense of ideas; and to developing teaching materials so that all students within a classroom can learn effectively, regardless of differences in ability.” - Wikipedia

  3. The Philosophy Behind It…. The philosophical idea that interest based options seize on intrinsic motivation, supports the key element of differentiated instruction, student interest. According to Jerome Bruner (as cited by Allan & Tomlinson, 2000), when interest is tapped, learning is more likely to be rewarding and the student becomes a more autonomous learner. An American psychologist, Howard Gardner, developed the theory of multiple intelligences. His theory states that people have different intelligences and learn in many different ways. video

  4. Differentiated Instruction Looks Like… • Learning centers …yes- even in secondary school. • Whole group, small group, facilitating, workshops, acting, singing, moving, drawing, reading, writing, calculating, etc..…. • Student choices in the types of assignments they do. • Keeping data on skill mastery and re-teaching those who need it, while challenging those who don’t. • Different types of delivery, processing, student output, and grading, • Student’s are receiving feedback on a regular basis (systematic approaches). • Cooperative learning.

  5. Differentiated Instruction does not look like…. • Teaching the same way everyday. • Using the same tools everyday. • Moving forward and never reteaching. • Only data kept is a grade book. • Only feedback students get is the grade on the paper. • All students are doing the same assignment.

  6. Share what you know… • On the paper that is being passed around, add one concept that differentiated instruction is and one idea of what it is not! • You must add something to the list that is not already there!! • The group that finishes with the longest list will receive a treat!

  7. Questions? Comments? Essay! Differentiated Instruction. Begin by defining it and then give an example you have observed in one of your classes or at the elementary school. Then tell if you think it is a good idea using your source to back up your thought? Write a three paragraph, MLA formatted essay (include sources used page). Submit it to Turnitin.comby Friday, January 18th.

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