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The Reading Project

The Reading Project aims to nurture a love of books, develop imagination, and expand vocabulary through exposure to words in print and shared experiences. With a focus on confidence-building and vocabulary enhancement, this project is designed to be a collaborative experience between adults and children, fostering anticipation, prediction, and exploration of new ideas.

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The Reading Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Reading Project

  2. Principles of reading Nurture a love of books Grow and develop the imagination Expand Vocabulary Building of knowledge Exposure to words expressed and in print The joy of sharing the story and ideas Anticipation of the unknown Predicting Acknowledgement of the familiar and a leap into the unknown.

  3. Principles of the reading project • To feel confident with books • To increase interest in books and stories • To increase and enrich vocabulary and language • A shared experienced between adult and child • A shared experience between child and child

  4. What we did • Identified children- through data with professional knowledge • Identified need of the group • Identified books to meet the needs

  5. Implementing the project • Build collection of identified books • Planning tool • Deliver over a week through a structured programme • Evaluate at the end of session • Respond to the groups learning • Plan next week’s book

  6. Impact on the setting

  7. Impact across the Partnership

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