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Democracy Through the Ages

Democracy Through the Ages. Athenian Democracy. -700 to 350 BC -all citizens contributed to decisions made about city -“citizens ” defined as free males; no women or slaves allowed! -basis of democratic system. Democracy in Rome. -in 509 BC, king exiled

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Democracy Through the Ages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Democracy Through the Ages

  2. Athenian Democracy -700 to 350 BC -all citizens contributed to decisions made about city -“citizens” defined as free males; no women or slaves allowed! -basis of democratic system

  3. Democracy in Rome -in 509 BC, king exiled -Rome was declared republic -upper class, called patricians, ruled over common people, plebs -plebs rebelled, won more rights -new institution, senate was created -only patricians could be senators, opinions of plebs mattered

  4. Democracy in England -in 1215, king forced to give up power and create Parliament -King John forced to sign Magna Carta, made him equal to everyone else legally -one of the most important parts of the history of modern democracy

  5. The Magna Carta Under the Magna Carta, the king could not: -force widows to remarry -steal other people’s firewood -force villagers to build bridges over rivers -take other people’s horses or carts

  6. The Iroquois Confederacy -Iroquois : Native people living in the US and Canada before1350 -entire group made all decisions, elected leaders of tribes together -system was matrilineal ; women held power in tribes

  7. Modern Democracy- The United States -United States began as colony of Britain -colonists decided to revolt(1775-1781) -created modern democratic system -elected people into power, no one had supreme power

  8. Modern Democracy- The French Revolution -people in France heard about the US, began to revolt too -began in 1789 -the people were angry at King Louis XVI, who refused to support the people

  9. Modern Democracy- The French Revolution -revolutionistsused guillotine to kill people who opposed them -voted Napoleon into power, dictator who made it his mission to take over Europe

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