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Health. Module 7. Objectives. After this module you should be able to identify the most common health hazards take the necessary steps to avoid and control those hazards. Health Hazards. Chemical Hazards hydrogen sulfide carbon monoxide silica hexavalent chromium Physical Hazards
Health Module 7
Objectives • After this module you should be able to • identify the most common health hazards • take the necessary steps to avoid and control those hazards
Health Hazards • Chemical Hazards • hydrogen sulfide • carbon monoxide • silica • hexavalent chromium • Physical Hazards • noise • heat/cold • Biological Hazards
OSHAct of 1970 • The purpose of the OSHAct is to “assure, so far as possible, every man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources.”
Applicable Standards • 1910.95 Occupational Noise Exposure • 1910 Subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances • 1926.52 Occupational Noise Exposure • 1926 Subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances
Chemical Hazards • Why should chemical hazards be communicated? • Exposure Risk: about 32 million workers are potentially exposed to chemical hazards • Number of Chemicals: about 650,000 chemical products exist; hundreds of new ones are introduced annually • Health Effects: may include heart ailments, central nervous system damage, kidney and lung damage, sterility, cancer, burns, and rashes • Safety Hazards: potential to cause fires, explosions, or other serious accidents
Purpose of HazCom MSDS Program • The purpose of OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard is to • “… ensure employers and employees know about work hazards and how to protect themselves so that the incidence of illnesses and injuries due to hazardous chemicals is reduced.” Container Labeling Hazard Communication Program Material Safety Data Sheet Label
Multi-Employer Workplaces • When other employers have employees on site that may be exposed, the program must include • methods to provide contractor employees with on-site access to MSDS’s • methods used to inform other employers of precautionary measures for normal and emergency situations • the employer’s chemical labeling system
Why a Written Program? • Employer: program ensures that all employers receive the information they need to inform and train their employees • Employees: program provides necessary hazard information to employees
MSDS’s should be kept in a location(s) that can be easily accessed at all times
Labeling • Containers of hazardous chemicals entering the workplace must be labeled with • identity of chemical • appropriate hazard warnings • message, picture, or symbol • hazards of chemical • target organs affected • legible in English, may have other languages • name and address of responsible party
NFPA Label • National Fire Protection Association • The higher the number (max is 4), the greater the hazard • Check the MSDS
what’s in the bucket? labels must legibly identify the contents and the hazards
Material Safety Data Sheets • Prepared by chemical manufacturer or importer and describes • physical hazards, such as fire and explosion • health hazards, such as signs of exposure • routes of exposure • precautions for safe handling and use • emergency and first aid procedures • control measures
read the label and msds before using identify what it is and what type of health issues are present
Hydrogen Sulfide • Also called sour gas (H2S) • Flammable, colorless gas that is toxic at extremely low concentrations • Heavier than air and can accumulate in low-lying areas
Hydrogen Sulfide • Smells like “rotten eggs” even at low concentrations • Causes a worker to quickly loose the sense of smell • Many areas of the country where the gas is found have been identified, but pockets of it can be found anywhere
Possible Solutions for H2S • Hydrogen sulfide gas can accumulate in any low or enclosed areas, such as a gas venting system, mud system, cellars, pits, and tanks • Possible solutions • provide adequate ventilation for the removal of any accumulation of H2S • implement effective confined space entry program
H2S Monitoring • Active monitoring for hydrogen sulfide gas and good planning and training programs for workers are the best ways to prevent injury and death
1910 Subpart Z • 1910.1000 Air Contaminants • includes Z Tables, worker exposure rates for specific listed substances • worker exposure must not exceed these limits • PEL = permissible exposure limit
1910.1000(a) Table Z-1 • 2 types of limits • 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) • worker exposure shall not exceed 8-hour TWA in any 8-hour work shift of a 40-hour work week • Ceiling (c) limits • worker exposure shall at no time exceed a ceiling (c) exposure limit • 2 common units of measure • Parts per million (ppm) • Milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3)
Decomposition of materials, human waste Naturally present in some oil/gas reservoirs Rotten egg odor at low concentrations Possibly no warning at high concentrations PPM Effect Time 10 Permissible Exposure Level 8 Hours 50 - 100 Mild Irritation - eyes, throat 1 Hour 150 Olfactory nerve paralysis 200 - 300 Significant Irritation 1 – 1/2 Hour Pulmonary irritation & edema 500 - 700 Unconsciousness, dizziness 15 - 30 Mins Death >1000 Unconsciousness, Death Minutes Cessation of respiration Hydrogen Sulfide
Odorless, colorless gas Combustion by-product Quickly collapse at high concentrations PPM Effect Time 50 Permissible Exposure Level 8 Hours 200 Slight headache, discomfort 3 Hours 600 Headache, discomfort 1 Hour 1000-2000 Confusion, nausea, headache 2 Hour 1000-2000 Tendency to stagger 1.5 Hours 1000-2000 Slight heart palpitation 30 Min. 2000-2500 Unconsciousness 30 Min. Carbon Monoxide
Steps to Protect Workers Against Health Hazards • Anticipate potential hazards • Recognize potential hazards • Evaluate exposure and risk • Control exposure and risk
Hazard Recognition • The NIOSH Pocket Guide provides chemical and physical property information about chemicals.
Routes of Exposure • Inhalation • airborne contaminants • Absorption • through the skin • Ingestion • eating • drinking
Controls • Engineering controls (remove hazard) • process change, chemical substitution • ventilation, shielding, guarding • requires little or no worker action • Administrative controls (manage exposure) • worker rotation, procedures, training • controlled access areas • requires worker action
Controls • Personal protective equipment (PPE) • respirators, gloves, clothing • requires individual worker action • last line of defense, behind engineering and administrative controls • addressed in 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I
what’s the health hazard? identify what it is and what type of health issues are present
warning signs can alert workers to workplace hazards workers should be made aware of hazardous areas and be prepared to enter such areas
Health Effects of Silica • Silicosis • irreversible but preventable • most commonly associated with silica dust • Other possible effects • lung cancer • some auto-immune diseases Scanning electron micrograph by William Jones, Ph.D., compliments of OSHA
PEL for Silica 10 mg/m3 % Quartz + 2 = ? mg/m3 PEL for respirable dust containing a % silica.
Corrective Action: repair air conditioning unit for cab so that operator can close windows in the cab and prevent dust from entering cab can you identify the hazard?
Corrective Action: workers should wear a NIOSH-approved respirator for respirable dust; additionally, water can suppress the dust can you identify the hazard?
Hexavalent Chromium • A toxic form of chromium metal, generally man-made. • Used in many industrial applications, primarily for its anti-corrosive properties. • Can be generated during welding on stainless steel or metal structures coated with chromate paint. • Used in electroplating (chrome plating)
Inhalation of dusts, mists, or fumes or hot processes that cause its formation in fumes. How Can Hexavalent Chromium Enter the Body? Eye or skin contact with powder, dusts, or liquids
Welding Work Practices When welding, keep your head out of the welding plume. Use available local exhaust ventilation at all times. 21
Types of Respirators for Hexavalent Chromium In some jobs involving chrome 6 exposure, you may need to wear a respirator. The type of respirator worn depends on the amount of chrome 6 in the air. The employer must provide you with the proper respirator and provide medical evaluations, fit-testing, and additional training.
Audiometric Testing • Workers exceeding 85 dBA • Baseline in 6 months • Mobile test van, baseline within 1 year • Avoid noise 14 hours prior • Annually • STS 10 dB average in either ear
Factors Leading to Heat Stress • High temperature and humidity • Direct sun or heat • Limited air movement • Physical exertion • Poor physical condition • Some medicines • Inadequate tolerance for hot workplaces
extreme temperature are just as hazardous as anything else at the workplace take breaks and hydrate as often as necessary; eat, do not work through your meals