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4 MW, 50 Hz, 10 GeV, 1 ns (rms), FFAG Proton Driver Study

4 MW, 50 Hz, 10 GeV, 1 ns (rms), FFAG Proton Driver Study. G H Rees, RAL. 4 MW Proton Driver Arrangement. Muon yields optimal for 6 - 10 GeV (S Brooks) Choose 10 GeV, 50 Hz to ease target shocks Choose 3 GeV booster for a 3 – 10 GeV FFAG Choose between 1, 50 Hz or 2, 25 Hz boosters

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4 MW, 50 Hz, 10 GeV, 1 ns (rms), FFAG Proton Driver Study

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  1. 4 MW, 50 Hz, 10 GeV, 1 ns (rms), FFAG Proton Driver Study G H Rees, RAL

  2. 4 MW Proton Driver Arrangement Muon yields optimal for 6 - 10 GeV (S Brooks) Choose 10 GeV, 50 Hz to ease target shocks Choose 3 GeV booster for a 3 – 10 GeV FFAG Choose between 1, 50 Hz or 2, 25 Hz boosters Choose 0.18 GeV H‾ linac for low bunch areas Choose 5 bunches at h = 5 for RCS booster(s) Transfer all 5 (1013 protons/bunch) to the FFAG Compress adiabatically (h = 30 & 180, R = 2Rb)

  3. Longitudinal bunch area A, the longitudinal bunch area (in eV sec), = (8Rα/(ch))((2V(I-sc)Eo)/(h))½ For a small longitudinal bunch area, choose a low value of injection energy and ring radius Choose Eo ( - 1) = 0.18 GeV and R  50.0 m Choose the bunch & harmonic number (h) = 5 Compressed bunch area needed  0.66 eV sec

  4. 4 MW, Proton Driver Layout 0.18 GeV H ‾ Linac 0.18 GeV H ‾ Achromat 3 GeV, 50 Hz, h = 5, RCS (1 at 50 Hz, or 2 at 25 Hz) 10 GeV, 50 Hz, N = 5, FFAG with 1013 protons per bunch

  5. FFAG Design Criteria For compression of the 5 bunches at 10 GeV: Design for a gamma-t value at 10 GeV  18.5 Design for longitudinal bunch areas  0.66 eV s Adiabatic acceleration & comp. with h = 30, 180 Design the FFAG ring with lattice insertions, to ease injection, ejection & beam loss collection Use two insertions to allow most flexibility, eg: 21 normal and 13 insertion cells per insertion

  6. Lattice Cell Options Normal cell Insertion cell Magnet types Doublet D D1 + T0 + D2 2 + 7 Triplet T T1 + T2 + T1 2 + 4 Pumplet P1 P2 3 + 3 Easiest solution is to match the two, pumplet cells: • P1 has a smaller β-range than either D or T • The insertion has only one type of cell, P2 • P2 has the smallest closed orbit “lever arm” Dispersion suppressors (2) are not included in the insertions as too many of them are needed

  7. 10 GeV, Normal & Insertion Cell Layouts bd(-) BF(±) BD (+) BF(±) bd(-) O 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 O 0.45 1.0 1.6 1.0 0.45 0.77 Normal cell (5.294º, 8.037 m) 0.77 2.25 Insertion cell (5.294º, 11.0 m) 2.25 There are two superperiods of 21 normal &13 insertion cells Betatron tunes at 10 GeV are 19.2 (Qh) and 13.7 (Qv) Ring circumference = 2 (99.24125) m

  8. FFAG Lattice Design Use the five-unit cell of the isochronous, muon ring Arrange ~ matching for a normal and insertion cell Arrange integer, insertion tunes eg Qh = 4 & Qv = 3 The normal cells in an insertion are then matched Seek unchanged closed orbits on adding insertions by varying the normal cell field gradients and tunes Then, dispersion match is almost exact for insertions Small ripple remains in βh and βv (max) in insertions

  9. Study Progress Orbits evaluated at: 10.0, 9.6, 9.2 and 8.8 GeV Satisfactory matching found at these energies P- driver bends; bd : BF : BD ~ - 0.23 : 1.0 : 0.23 (Muon ring bends; bd : BF : BD ~ - 1.0 : 1.0 : 1.0) Dispersion match requires lower Qh in normal cells: Qh = 19.2, 19.16,…19.08 at 10.0, 9.6,…8.8 GeV Next, switch integer tunes from the insertion to the normal cells so tunesmay be raised again to 19.2

  10. 10 GeV FFAG versus RCS Required is one FFAG ring, but two RCS(s) Operation is allowed at 50 Hz instead of 25 Hz with 5 1013 ppp at target, instead of 1014 ppp Shock per pulse on the target is thus halved FFAG allows acceleration over more of cycle FFAG is more flexible for holding of bunches FFAG has a more rugged vacuum chamber FFAG does not need ac magnet power supply

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