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u201c85 percent of who you areu2014your intellect, your personality, your social skillsu2014is developed by age 5. Letu2019s invest where it makes the most difference.u201d<br><br>Young Childrenu2019s Brains are ready for Learning!<br><br>The brain forms as many as 700 neural connections per second before the age of 5.<br><br>Start Early!<br><br>In the first 3 years, infants and toddlers begin acquiring the first of thousands of words they will use throughout their lives.<br><br>Benefits of early learning<br><br>Reduction in behavior problems throughout the school-career<br>Longer attention spans and better retention of information<br>Improvement in the social skills of the children<br>Reduction of need for special education later in school<br>Children who receive high quality early education are more likely to,<br><br>Show improved reading<br>Show improved math<br>Did you know?<br><br>Students who attends kindergarten had a 12% increased ability to pay attention in primary school<br>1 year of kindergarten study increases a 3rd grade studentu2019s results by 8%<br>Researchers found that:<br><br>Exposure to as little as one or two years of Montessori in early childhood learning experiences accounted for an increase of,<br><br>Motivation<br>Intellectual Skills<br>Social Adjustments<br>Study result shows that:<br><br>80% of the preschool group finished high school<br>75% of the others finished high school<br>Wellbeing of children in future by Learning through play at preschool<br><br>Art & Craft u2013 Helps them to explore their imagination and intuition with new materials.<br><br>Music & Dance u2013 Helps children to use their senses to understand an object, by responding to what they hear and see.<br><br>Social u2013 Playing with other children helps in building positive relationships through understanding proper social skills.