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Application of MIPv6 Protocol to Multi-Homing: Draft and Use Cases

This document explores the application of the MIPv6 protocol to address multi-homing challenges, detailing scenarios, roles, interactions, and proposed mechanisms. It discusses various functional limitations and potential solutions.

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Application of MIPv6 Protocol to Multi-Homing: Draft and Use Cases

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Application of the MIPv6 protocol to the multi-homing problemdraft-bagnulo-multi6-mnm-00Marcelo Bagnulo – UC3M Proposed multiple times including: • F. Dupont, "Multihomed routing domain issues for IPv6 aggregatable scheme" • C. Huitema & R. Draves, "Host-Centric IPv6 Multihoming"

  2. Multi-homing Scenario Host1 Internet ISPA PrefA::/nA ISPB PrefB::/nB Multi-Homed Site PrefB:Site:Host2 PrefA:Site:Host2 Host2

  3. MIPv6 Roles Host1 CN Internet ISPA PrefA::/nA ISPB PrefB::/nB Multi-Homed Site PrefB:Site:Host2 PrefA:Site:Host2 Host2 MN

  4. Using BU messages Host1 CN ISPA ISPB PrefA:Site:Host2 PrefB:Site:Host2 Host2 MN

  5. Using BU messages Host1 CN ISPA ISPB PrefA:Site:Host2 PrefB:Site:Host2 Host2 MN

  6. Using BU messages BU message HoA: PrefA:Site:Host2 CoA: PrefB:Site:Host2 Host1 CN ISPA ISPB PrefA:Site:Host2 PrefB:Site:Host2 Host2 MN

  7. Authorization of BU messages: Return Routability Procedure Host1 CN ISPA ISPB HoTI/HoT CoTI/CoT PrefA:Site:Host2 PrefB:Site:Host2 Host2 MN

  8. So, after the BU message is successfully processed by the CN Host1 CN ISPA ISPB Type 2 Routing Header PrefA:Site:Host2 PrefB:Site:Host2 Host2 MN

  9. So, after the BU message is successfully processed by the CN Host1 CN ISPA ISPB HoA option PrefA:Site:Host2 PrefB:Site:Host2 Host2 MN Additional mechanism to select right exit (see Huitema´s Host Centric mh)

  10. Other potential application of MIPv6 to multi-homing support • Periodical HoTI/HoT – CoTI/CoT exchange could be used as failure detection mechanism (increased frequency)

  11. Functional limitation detected • Lifetime of Binding information authorized using RR proc is limited to 7 min because of security issues

  12. Functional limitation detected • Lifetime of Binding information authorized using RR proc is limited to 7 min because of security issues • A possible solution proposed in draft-bagnulo-mobileip-unreachable-hoa

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