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Fast pitch angle scattering (FPAS) event during current decay phase in HT-7

Investigation of the runaway beam instability in HT-7 WPI Team Dr X.L.Zou (Tore Supra) contact: czy1003@ipp.ac.cn. Fast pitch angle scattering (FPAS) event during current decay phase in HT-7. FPAS ( fast pitch angle scattering ). FPAS in top-phase (1). FPAS in top-phase (2).

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Fast pitch angle scattering (FPAS) event during current decay phase in HT-7

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Investigation of the runaway beam instability in HT-7 WPI TeamDr X.L.Zou (Tore Supra)contact: czy1003@ipp.ac.cn

  2. Fast pitch angle scattering (FPAS) event during current decay phase in HT-7 FPAS(fast pitch angle scattering)

  3. FPAS in top-phase (1)

  4. FPAS in top-phase (2)

  5. Time trace of IR intensity during runaway discharge #84276

  6. #84276的红外斑图的时间以及空间分布演化 • 从SX阵列上反演的结果来看,等离子体芯部没有明显的磁岛。由于逃逸电子的能量高,它受静电涨落引起的输运几乎可以忽略,因此逃逸电子的输运主要受磁涨落的影响,即使是很小的磁涨落水平都可以严重影响逃逸电子的行为。在#84276放电中,逃逸束在0.62s分裂为相邻的两个束,在0.65s的时候ECE辐射强度在小于1ms的时间内迅速增长到相对较强的水平。 • 这可能是等离子体芯部的磁涨落引起逃逸电子的约束和输运的变化,例如磁湍流的形成,从而使得逃逸束形成双岛的结构,并且发生了逃逸电子的FPAS过程。 • 逃逸束不稳定性的机制(丝化,snake)

  7. 具备逃逸电子诊断: • HXR阵列测量边界逃逸电子 • 红外相机测量芯部逃逸束 实验参数: 低密度欧姆放电,具体密度根据当时实验条件确定 时间约8小时

  8. Thanks!

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