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If you're looking for a new garage door, you must be wondering that how much of budget you need this job. Well, it will all depends on what you want in a new garage door. We have mentioned some important factors in the presentation, do watch it.
4FactorsAffectingTheCostOfYour GarageDoor
1.SizeOfThe GarageDoor Aregularsingle-car garagedoorsizeisat least8feetwide, whereasatwo-car garagedoorisatleast 12feetwide.The biggeryourgarage door,thehigheritwill costyou.
2.TypeOf GarageDoor Manyhousesposses roll-uporsectional garagedoorsthatare affordable.Thereare otherkindsofgarage doors,suchas carriage-housestyle orslidinggarage doorsthathavea highercost.
3.MaterialOf GarageDoor Therearemanychoices likesteel,aluminum, wood,fiberglass,etc. Thecostmayvary dependingonthe materialchoice; for instance,steelmaterial costwillrangefrom $700to $3800,whereas fiberglasswillcostfrom $1600to $2200.
4.Installation Hiringprofessional helpforgaragedoor installationmight costyouabout $250 to $500.Although,if youhireanamateur atlesscostmight endupwithhigher costandtime.
Forgaragedoorsnewinstallationin Sacramento,CA,contactLMSGarageDoor.
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