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Estonian Crop Research Institute. S tate research and development institute in area of governance of Estonian Ministry of Agriculture since 1st of July 2013. Estonian Crop Research Institute 1946 (Estonian Academy of Science)
Estonian Crop Research Institute State research and development institute in area of governance of Estonian Ministry of Agriculture since 1st of July 2013
Estonian Crop Research Institute 1946 (Estonian Academy of Science) Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation 1956 (Ministry of Agriculture) Jõgeva Plant Breeding 1920 Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute 1992
Goal Institute R&D activities support efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural production, decrese negative impact of agricultural production on the environment and , help preservation of agrobiodiversity
160 total staff 45 researchers, 22 with Dr degree 5 doctoral students SANGASTE
Applied and basic studies Efficient and environmentally friendly agrotechnologies, Dependence of yield and quality from used varieties and agrotechnologies Plant protection and plant health Fertilisation and agrochemistry Agrometeorological monitoring and prognosis
Effective and environmentally friendly agrotehnologies Soil cultivation Agrometeorology Impact of soil cultivation practices on soil properties and plant yield
Plant protection and pathology Development and upgrade of integrated plant protection measures Epidemiology of plant pests and diseases
Genetic resources Preservation of plant genetic resources Breeding of new varieties Maintenence breeding of registered varieties Production of locally suited varieties in Seed Centre
Gene bank Coordination of the National Program “Preservation and maintenance of plant genetic resources for agriculture in Estonia” Long term ex situ preservation of 2700 accessions from 58 species in the genebank
In vitro preservation of potatoes and horticultural crops in Dep of PlantBiotechnology Production of virus free plant propagation material for seed production and multiplication
Variety breeding Breeding programs on: Cereals Oilseeds Forage grasses and legumes Potatoes Vegetables - 79 varieties in Estonian Variety List (all in EU Common Catalog) - 36 UPOV protected varietes Cultivation in Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Japan
Winter wheats Nemunas, Kallas New 2013 Bred in cooperation with LZI (Lithuania)
Triticale 9534-22 In trials Cooperation with Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute (Latvia)
Winter turnip rape Legato In trials Low input crop Good winter hardiness Early ripening Breeding program started in cooperation with Swalöf Weibull (Sweden)
Soja bean Laulema New 2013 New N-fixing crop for Estonia
Lupinus angustifolius New 2013 Lupi N fixing green manure crop Suitable for low pH sandy soils Increase of Biodiversity
Potato Teele New 2013 Good resistance to late blight High yiled Good culinary properties
Maintenance breeding of varieties Winter rye Sangaste bred in 1875
Jõgeva Seed Centre • Seed production of: • Cereals • Oilseeds • Grasses • Potatoes • Vegetables
Collaboration National and international collaboration with R &D and education institutions, enterprises and other institutions in areas of research, development, innovation and economy
Partnership Vavilov Institute (Russia) Pskov Institute of Agriculture (Russia) Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture AgriFood Finland Agricultural Research Institute Kromeriz (Czech Republic) Aarhus University (Denmark) Pennsilvania State University (USA) Kashmir University (India) Boreal Plant Breeding (Finland) State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute(Latvia) State Stende Cereal Breeding Institute (Latvia) Lantmännen SW Seed Limagrain-Nickerson (France/Germany) Saatzucht Edelhof (Austria)
International projects COBRA - Coordinating Organic plant BReeding Activities for Diversity(18 countries) HealthyMinorCereals - An integrated approach to diversify the genetic base, improve stress resistance, agronomic management and nutritional/processing quality of minor cereal crops for human nutrition in Europe (16 partners) EUROLEGUME - Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed (19 partners)
Flagship Project in the Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (18 partners). Lead organisation MTT
Public private partnership in pre-breeding ofperennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 Requesting seed Seed multiplication Cultivar trials Phenotyping Broad breeding population Genotyping, diversity N, DK DK N, DK, S, FIN N, S, IS FIN, EE N, DK 2012 2013 WP7 N, S, DK, IS FIN, IS, EE 2014 WP10 2015 WP10 WP8 2016 N, S, DK, IS FIN, IS, EE 2017 N, S, DK, IS FIN, IS, EE WP10 2018 10
Sharing of knowledge Scientific support for advisory system, state officials and development of legislation, Distribution of research results in trainings, publications, databases and web tools, Involvement in organisation of professional and voluntary additional education
Sharing of knowledge Field days, seminars, exibitions Publications