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February 15, 2006

Global Forum: Building Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity for Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction. Harnessing R&D Capacity from OECD Countries. Prof. Bonnie Patterson Chair, Board of Directors Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). February 15, 2006.

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February 15, 2006

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Global Forum: Building Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity for Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction Harnessing R&D Capacity from OECD Countries Prof. Bonnie Patterson Chair, Board of Directors Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) February 15, 2006

  2. About AUCC • Representing Canada’s universities at home and abroad since 1911 • Membership: 91 public and private not-for-profit universities and university colleges • Peak body: members are represented by their Executive Heads • Mandate: to foster and promote the interests of higher education

  3. About AUCC • Key advocacy role: Canada’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) • Mobilizing knowledge for development through strengthening higher education and research • AUCC as practitioner and member institutions active in this issue and have much to contribute

  4. Canadian Context Two Platforms: • Universities’ long-standing engagement in international development • Universities’ strong role in Canadian R&D

  5. Canadian Universities and International Development Cooperation • Since 1970s, universities have been involved in more than 2,600 partnerships in 136 countries worldwide • Through these projects, at 265,000 people in developing countries have improved their knowledge and skills in a range of sectors: health care, basic education, governance, business administration and environmental management

  6. Canadian Universities and R&D • Universities perform more than one-third of the research activities in Canada • Canada maintains a lead position among OECD countries for the proportion of private research funds going to university research and the proportion of research performed at universities

  7. All sectors have increased their investments in university research over the last 10 years

  8. Harnessing S&T to Strengthen R&D Capacity in Developing World: Examples • Joint Research • Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) • Leveraging Existing Knowledge for Development Challenges • Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCEs) • Overseas Capacity Building • University Partnerships for Cooperation and Development (UPCD) • Africa-Canada Research Chairs for Development

  9. Joint Research Global Health Research Initiative • Coordinating and building upon Canada's Global Health Research Activities • Four agencies: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Health Canada, and International Development Research Centre (IDRC) • Teasdale-Corti Health Research Partnership Program

  10. Leveraging Existing Knowledge for Development Challenges Networks of Centres of Excellence • Innovative mechanism for R&D, created in 1997 • Unique partnerships among universities, industry, government and not-for-profit • 21 NCEs in a range of key research areas • International Partnership Initiatives • Pilot initiative to expand the international reach of the NCEs to encourage participation of networks from LMICs • Supported by IDRC’s Challenge Fund

  11. Overseas Capacity Building University Partnerships for Cooperation and Development • CIDA-funded program administered by AUCC • Funds knowledge partnerships between Canadian universities and higher education organizations in developing countries • Since 1994, supported almost 130 projects in a number of key sectors • Research is value add that universities bring to cooperation projects

  12. Overseas Capacity Building Africa-Canada Research Chairs for Development • Strengthen the capacity of African higher education and research institutions to find indigenous solutions to continent’s challenges • Support for critical mass of outstanding and well-equipped African scholars networked with centres of excellence in Canada and elsewhere in Africa • Promising model for how universities can effectively mobilize S&T resources to strengthen African capacity

  13. ICAVis a Canadian not-for-profit anti-viral drug discovery and development company • Global Management Team located at Trent University – 200 scientists, 57 institutions, 18 countries (5 institutions, 27 P.I.’s in Ontario) • The objective is to accelerate the discovery and development of anti-viral drugs and to deliver them to those most in need “World Health through Science/Science sans Frontières”

  14. ICAV For-profit Spin-out licenses ICAV ICAV - Accelerating Anti-Viral Development Not-for-profit sector: One World Health; DNDi…. For-profit Sector: pharma and biotechs licenses Research Institutions’ IP licenses licenses

  15. ICAV bridges Academic Research to Industry, Governments & NGO’s ICAV Management (located at Trent) NGO’s & Governments Innovations (early stage) Compounds Start-up / Biotech / Pharma Industry Discovery Research Global Discovery Research (Academic) Preclinical Development (Regulated) PC Clinical Development (Regulated) I II III Drug Distribution (Regulated)

  16. Phase 2: Recruit Drug Development Team prioritize “opportunities” and complete Proof-of-concept Experiments Phase 3: Launch Development stage: Toxicology, PK, etc Phase 1: Identify Leads and drug candidates in academia through International Workshops 2007 2008 ICAV Strategy Funding from Ontario, Canadian, French, Australian & Nigerian Governments 2004: Toronto 2005: Paris 2005: Trent University 2006: Australia 2007: Nigeria 2008: China

  17. www.aucc.ca

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