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UNIDO-UNEP Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Programme for Green Industry. Global challenges and impact on the environment: Obsolete and inefficient technologies and methodologies. Limits of the planet’s available resources and its assimilative capacity
UNIDO-UNEP Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Programmefor Green Industry
Global challenges and impact on the environment: Obsolete and inefficient technologies and methodologies. Limits of the planet’s available resources and its assimilative capacity Climate change is one main consequence but air pollution, groundwater pollution, gaseous pollution etc are also important. Current production systems are therefore unsustainable Challenges at industrial/company level: Global competition Lending institutions as well as investors, which are adopting performance standards on environmental and social issues. Government procurement requiring enterprises to meet environmental and occupational health and safety standards. Source: State of the world, 2008 Innovation for a Sustainable Economy, Worldwatch Institute 2
Green Industry Green Economy(UNEP, DESA) Macro-level(policy/strategy) Green Jobs(ILO) Green Growth (ESCAP, G20, OECD) Green Industry (UNIDO) Sustainable Consumption and Production Micro-level(operational/solutions) Green Industry is a sector-strategy for the realizationof Green Growth – Green Economy – Green Jobs in manufacturing and related sectors
Green Industry Policy Framework Policy options and practice measures for: An integrated framework to support greening of industries Creating an enabling environment Industry-led initiatives Harnessing environmental technologies Instrument mixes to promote the greening of industries
Benefits of Green Industry Economic Social Environmental
Production Cost Example: Germany and Mexico
Something to think about.... Labour productivity is already high, having increased by more than 270 % over the past four decades In the same period, the productivity of raw materials and energy increased by much less, 100 % and 20 % respectively 9
Resource efficiency and competitiveness Source: Eurostat; World Economic Forum
UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) –Instrument for Green Industry RECP is the continuous application of preventive environmental strategies to processes, products and services to increase efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment RECP addresses three sustainability dimensions individually and synergistically: • Production efficiency • Through improved productive use of natural resources by enterprises • Environmental management • Through minimization of the impact on nature by enterprises • Human development • Through reduction of risks to people and communities from enterprises and supporting their development
RECPnet Not-for-profit initiative to bundle and utilize existing capacities of NCPCs and RECP service providers Charter and supportive by-laws on membership and code of conduct developed and agreed upon Objectives Enable and contribute to effective RECP promotion and implementation Foster North-South and South-South collaboration and transfer of methods, policies and technologies Functions Innovation and knowledge management Capacity building Advocacy Quality control and branding Became operational on 3rd November 2010 with initial membership of 41 organizations First Members Assembly on 19th October 2011 in Nairobi
On-going RECP thematic projects in 2012 • Enhancement of national RECP service delivery capacity through: • International and regional networking: • - UNIDO-UNEP RECP Network • - RECP KMS Arab region • Establishment and strengthening of new NCPCs/ NCPPs : • Africa: Cape Verde, Mauritius, Senegal • Asia: Indonesia • Europe: Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Ukraine • Latin America: Cuba, Dominican Republic and Ecuador, Mexico • Thematic RECP projects for industrial application in the areas of:
Moving Forward Main challenge Scale-up and mainstream RECP! “Turn RECP from a leading practice adopted by selected leading enterprises to a common practice of the vast majority of enterprises” Critical elements Give strategic priority to RECP in national development policy and international collaboration Develop, implement and enforce policies and regulations Make technology, products and finance available Use available resources and experiences, including NCPCs and RECP Network 15
Thank You Heinz Leuenberger Director Environmental Management Branch www.unido.org/cp 16