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Matching of molybdenum waveguide

Matching of molybdenum waveguide. Comparison of measurements and HFSS calculations for molybdenum waveguide, sigma_moly = 1.87e8 1/(Ohm-m). V.Dolgashev, J. Lewandowski, 26 January 03. Comparison of measurements and HFSS calculations for molybdenum waveguide, sigma_moly = 1.87e8 1/(Ohm-m).

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Matching of molybdenum waveguide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Matching of molybdenum waveguide

  2. Comparison of measurements and HFSS calculations for molybdenum waveguide, sigma_moly = 1.87e8 1/(Ohm-m) V.Dolgashev, J. Lewandowski, 26 January 03

  3. Comparison of measurements and HFSS calculations for molybdenum waveguide, sigma_moly = 1.87e8 1/(Ohm-m) V.Dolgashev, J. Lewandowski, 26 January 03

  4. HFSS simulations of the molybdenum waveguide, surface electric fields for 100 MW input power E [V/m] s [mm] V.Dolgashev, 23 January 03

  5. HFSS simulations of the molybdenum waveguide, surface magnetic fields for 100 MW input power, no posts H [A/m] s [mm] V.Dolgashev, 23 January 03

  6. Matching of the molybdenum waveguide V.Dolgashev, 26 January 03

  7. Magnetic field on the output post S11 = 0.17814 V.Dolgashev, 26 January 03

  8. HFSS simulations of the molybdenum waveguide Model build from QC data plus tuning posts. The post designed to match measured data (not the model) Model build from QC data V.Dolgashev, 26 January 03

  9. HFSS simulations of the molybdenum waveguide, surface electric fields for 100 MW input power with tuning posts (post match measurements) E [V/m] s [mm] V.Dolgashev, 26 January 03

  10. HFSS simulations of the molybdenum waveguide, surface magnetic fields for 100 MW input power, waveguide matched by posts H [A/m] s [mm] V.Dolgashev, 23 January 03

  11. Measurements of the molybdenum waveguide before brazing posts V.Dolgashev, J. Lewandowski, 11 February 03

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