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The Essence Of Planning

The Essence Of Planning. LeRon E. Bielak DOI Strategic Planning Coordinator Office of the Secretary – Planning Washington D.C. DOI Business Conference 2006. Would you operate on a patient without a procedure in mind? Would you go to war without a strategy for winning?

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The Essence Of Planning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Essence Of Planning LeRon E. Bielak DOI Strategic Planning Coordinator Office of the Secretary – Planning Washington D.C. DOI Business Conference 2006

  2. Would you operate on a patient without a procedure in mind? • Would you go to war without a strategy for winning? • Would you run for political office without a game plan? • Would your answers depend on whether you are “right or left-brained”? • Answers: Hopefully not?

  3. Setting a Course • In business or private life, major efforts take forethought and a sense of direction • In government the need is just as great, if not greater, in order to accommodate the winds of political change.

  4. “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably wind up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra

  5. GPRA Guides the Way • The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 spells out the requirements for Federal strategic planning. • It is grounded in core elements that are found in any planning approach. Public Law This act shall be entitled the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993

  6. An Analogy: Preparing a meal Kids back from school Practice tonight? Weather The “appointment” What to fix? How much time?

  7. What it boils down to: • Mission: Happy Family life • Goal: Family eating together • Vision: Pleasing meal and loving environment • Values: Nutritious food; good manners; sharing experiences • Factors: Schedules, food available, time available, unexpected events ,etc. • Tasks: Setting the table, preparing the food, fending off solicitors, washing dishes, etc.

  8. Looking beyond the immediate • It is very easy to focus on the routine • With long standing practices, there is a tendency to forget the larger purpose behind the immediate task • In major efforts the bigger picture must first be considered (or revived) in order to confirm what routine or special tasks are vital and which are not

  9. The Basic Strategic Plan • Mission statement • (Vision statement) • (Values statement) • Goals and Measures • Means and Strategies • Key External Factors • Program Evaluations

  10. The Basic Strategic Plan • Mission statement Concise expression of what your organization is designed to do. Examples: To explore, use, and enable the development of space for human enterprise Our mission is to provide a quality liberal arts education to all students who attend State University

  11. The Basic Strategic Plan • Vision statement Describes, in contemporary terms, what the long-term success of the organization looks like. It may represent a challenge, commitment or expectation that can energize an organization Examples: Chrysler will do whatever it takes to become the # 1 auto manufacturer in America within 5 years. Our vision is to overcome declining enrollment to become the most attractive school to attend in our region for a quality education.

  12. The Basic Strategic Plan • Value statement For organizations that want to make a strong statement about underlying principles of the organization. Examples: -Customer satisfaction - Respect for our workforce - Quality products - Accountability, Modernization, Integration

  13. The Basic Strategic Plan • Goals and Measures A goal is an end toward which effort is directed; a stated result to be achieved Examples: This nation will land a person on the moon before the end of this decade Meet our fiduciary trust responsibilities to American Indians and Alaska Natives

  14. A note on Goals • Goals are established at different levels within a plan • Mission Goals:(Strategic Goals) • Outcome Goals:intended results • Strategies:elements that support the attainment of outcomes/ results -Increase economic development -Manage species populations to self-sustaining levels -Operate and maintain reliable, safe and secure facilities

  15. The Basic Strategic Plan • Measures A quantitative or qualitative gauge by which progress toward achieving a goal can be consistently measured and assessed. Examples: Decrease highway fatalities by 5% annually Improve visitor satisfaction with the quality of their recreation experience on DOI public lands by 15 survey points by 2012 Reduce the backlog of permit application decisions by 350 annually.

  16. How does all this fit together? MISSION VISION Strategic Goal Strategic Goal Strategic Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy

  17. How does all this fit together? MISSION VISION Strategic Goal Strategic Goal Strategic Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy

  18. How does all this fit together? MISSION Bureau 1 VISION Strategic Goal Performance Measures Performance Measures Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Performance Measures Strategy Strategy Strategy Performance Measures

  19. PERFORMANCE MEASURES MISSION To improve world health Eliminate at least 1 serious disease in the next decade VISION Long-Term Annual Advance control of non-communicable diseases Strategic Goal 10% Reduction New cases of polio will be zero by 2015 Outcome Goal Eliminate polio worldwide 100% of target population will be inoculated by 2012 Inoculate the most susceptible individuals 15% yearly Strategy Produce X million units of vaccine 12 million units Activities Vaccine Production Tasks and Milestones -Identify target population –Establish dispensing protocols by 2008 -Create outreach plan by 2007 -Priority setting -Distribution -Outreach

  20. Strategic Planning The Undervalued Elements Key External Factors PMA Re-engineer Resource Protection Resource Use DOI Strategic Plan Means And Strategies Program Evaluations Serving Communities Recreation Management Excellence Individual Performance Standards

  21. MISSION VISION Strategic Goal Performance Measures Performance Measures Outcome Goal Outcome Goal Performance Measures Strategy Strategy Strategy Performance Measures Outputs Outputs Tasks & Milestones Tasks & Milestones

  22. WANTED: Team Players


  24. Progress on DOI Strategic Plan Revision • Process proposal approved late last summer • Process kick-off in September 2005 • Reviews by mission area (via teams of bureau representatives • Revision proposals vetted through a Senior Review Board (Dep. Dir. Level) • Recent reviews by Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, Special Trustee and Solicitor • Comments collated for Secretarial review

  25. Upcoming Outreach Steps • Public comment period (60 days) • Stakeholder meetings • Tribal meetings • Congressional consultation • OMB meetings • Potential employee focus group mtgs

  26. Critical Upcoming Internal Steps • Alignment of Department plan and bureau operational plans • Finalize ABC activity mapping to Strategic Plan • Definitional templates for measures • Target setting • Document design and production • Departmental Surnaming

  27. Next plan expected to be served up around October 1

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