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Why guidelines? . Aim of the Guidelines. Protection of public health.Ensure that swimming pools, spas and similar recreational-water facilities are operated as safely as possibleTo be used as the basis for the development of national approaches to controlling the hazards that may be encountered in recreational-water environments.To be used as reference material for industries and operators preparing to develop facilities containing swimming pools and spas, as well as achecklist for understan197
3. Aim of the Guidelines Protection of public health.
Ensure that swimming pools, spas and similar recreational-water facilities are operated as safely as possible
To be used as the basis for the development of national approaches to controlling the hazards that may be encountered in recreational-water environments.
To be used as reference material for industries and operators preparing to develop facilities containing swimming pools and spas, as well as a
checklist for understanding and assessing the potential health impacts of projects involving the development of such facilities.
4. The Guidelines for Safe Recreational-water Environments are published in two volumes: Volume 1: Coastal and Fresh Waters
Volume 2: Swimming Pools, Spas and Similar Recreational-water Environments
6. The hazards associated with the use of recreational-water environments Those concerning injuries and physical hazards (leading, for example, to drowning or spinal injury);
Microbiological hazards; and
Those concerning exposure to chemicals.
7. Types of pools and spas Private (domestic),
Semi-public (e.g., hotel, school, health club, condominium, cruise ship) or
Public (municipal or governmental).
A spa
Hot tubs (domestic),
whirlpools (commercial/facility) and
natural mineral baths.
8. Pool usage The daily opening hours;
The peak periods of use;
The anticipated number of users; and
Special requirements, such as temperature, lanes and equipment.
9. Types of users The type of pool reflects the users, which may include:
the general public;
children/babies in small teaching groups;
hotel/motel guests;
tourists on board cruise ships;
health club members;
medical patients in therapy pools;
competitive swimmers;
clients of outdoor camping parks;
leisure bathers, including clients of theme parks; and
specialist sporting users, including scuba divers and water polo participants.
10. Types of hazard encountered Drowning and near-drowning;
Major impact injuries (e.g., spinal injury);
Slip, trip and fall accidents;
Cuts, lesions and punctures;
Infection arising from inhalation of, ingestion of or contact with pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi that may be present in water as a result of faecal contamination, carried by participants using the water or naturally present; and
Adverse effects relating to toxic chemicals, with exposure arising from inhalation, ingestion and dermal exposure.
11. Table 1.1: Examples of negative health outcomes associated with hazards encountered in swimming pools, spas and similar recreational-water environment
12. Table 1.1: Examples of negative health outcomes associated with hazards encountered in swimming pools, spas and similar recreational-water environment
13. Data on risk take four main forms: National and regional statistics of illness and deaths;
Clinical surveillance of the incidence of illness and outbreaks;
Epidemiological studies and surveys; and
Accident and injury records held by swimming pool owners/managers and local authorities.
14. The use of quantitative microbiological risk assessment in assessing risk Hazard assessment;
Exposure assessment;
Doseresponse analysis; and
Risk characterization.
15. Degrees of water contact encountered No contact for example, outdoor pools where sunbathing may be the primary reason for visiting the facility.
Meaningful direct contact involves a negligible risk of swallowing water, such as wading and the use of spas, hydrotherapy pools, etc., where the body is immersed but the head is not.
Extensive direct contact with full body immersion and a significant risk of swallowing water, e.g., swimming, diving.
16. Strategies to minimize health risk. Design and construction of facilities (including licensing and authorization, as appropriate);
Operation and management (including lifeguard training and certification and pool safety operating procedures);
Public education and information; and
Regulations and good practice (including licensing of equipment, chemicals, etc., available for use in swimming pools and spas).
17. Drowning?! Drowning can generally be defined as death by suffocation due to immersion in water. It may be classified as either wet where the victim has inhaled water or dry a less common condition, but one that involves the closing of the airway due to spasms induced by water. The actual physical action of drowning depends on the circumstances
18. Contributory factors Swimming in deep water
Drain suction excessive
Falling unexpectedly into water
Not being able to swim
Breath-hold swimming and diving
Alcohol consumption
High water temperatures
Easy illicit access to pools
Inadequate pool and spa covers
19. Preventive actions Teaching not to swim beyond skill level
Teaching to stay away from water
Parental/caregiver supervision of children
Diving only under suitable conditions
Education/public awareness
Suction outlet cannot be sealed by single person, and at least two suction outlets per pump
Accessible emergency shut-off for pump
20. Preventive actions Grills/pipes on drain gates preclude hair entrapment
Wearing bathing caps
Maintaining water temperature in hot tubs and spas below 40 C
Isolation fences around outdoor pools, and locked doors for indoor pools
Locked safety covers for spas and hot tubs
21. Summary of viral waterborne outbreaks Etiological agent Source of agent Disinfection
Adenovirus 3 Possible faecal contamination None
Adenovirus 7 Unknown Improper chlorination
Adenovirus 4 Unknown Inadequate chlorine
Adenovirus 3 Unknown Failed chlorinator
Adenovirus 7a Unknown Malfunctioning chlorinator
Hepatitis A Accidental faecal release Suspected None
Hepatitis A Cross-connection to sewer line Operating prop.
Norwalk virus Unknown Chlorinator disconnected
Echovirus 30 Vomitus Operating properly
22. Faecally derived Pathogens Shigella-related outbreaks
E. coli O157-related outbreaks
23. Non-faecally derived Bacteria
Legionella spp.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Mycobacterium spp.
Staphylococcus aureus
Leptospira interrogans
Non-enteric viruses
Human papilloma virus
Naegleria fowleri
Acanthamoeba spp.
Trichophyton spp.
Epidermophyton floccosum
24. Disinfectants and disinfecting systems for swimming pools Disinfectants used most frequently in large, heavily used pools
Chlorine - Gas
Calcium/sodium hypochlorite
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
Electrolytic generation
Ozone/chlorine in combination
Chlorine dioxide
Chlorine dioxide/chlorine in combination
25. Disinfectants used less frequently Bromine
Liquid bromine
Sodium bromide + hypochlorite
26. Disinfectants used infrequently; mainly for small-scale and mainly for small-scale and private pools Bromine chloride
Hydrogen peroxide
27. Recommended disinfectant residuals (mg/litre) in swimming pool water Disinfectant UK EC USA
Free chlorine 12 1.03.0
Bromine 1.53.5 24
Chlorocyanurates 2.55.0 free
Chlorine dioxide 0.20.3
Ozone 0 <0.1 0.1
(0.05 mg/m3 air)
BCDMH 46 (as Br)
200 (max. as BCDMH)
Copper 1 BCDMH bromodichloromethaneBCDMH bromodichloromethane
28. MANAGING WATERAND AIR QUALITY Controlling clarity to minimize injury hazard,
Controlling water quality to prevent the transmission of infectious disease, and
Controlling potential hazards from disinfectant by-products.
29. Challenges factors: Treatment (to remove particulates, pollutants and microorganisms);
Disinfection (to destroy or remove infectious microorganisms so that the water cannot Transmit disease-producing biological agents);
Pool hydraulics (to ensure optimal distribution of disinfectant throughout the pool); and
Addition of fresh water at frequent intervals (to dilute substances that cannot be removed from the water by treatment).
Pre-swim hygiene
30. Choosing a disinfectant Safety
Compatibility with the source water supply (matching the chemical characteristics of the disinfectant, such as its effect on pH, with the source water contributes to minimizing cost);
Type and size of pool (disinfectant may be more readily degraded or lost through evaporation in outdoor pools);
Bathing load (sweat and urine from bathers will increase disinfectant demand); and
Operation of the pool (i.e., supervision, management).
31. Complying criteria: Effective, rapid, inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms (including, ideally, viruses, bacteria and protozoa);
Capacity for ongoing oxidation to assist control of contaminants during pool use;
Wide margin between effective biocidal concentration and concentrations resulting in adverse effects on human health
32. Complying criteria: Availability of a quick and easy determination of the disinfectants concentration in pool
Water (simple analytical test methods and equipment); and
Potential to measure the disinfectants concentration electrometrically to permit automatic control of disinfectant dosing and continuous recording of the values measured.
34. Suggested turnover periods for different types of pool Pool Type Turnover period
Competition pools 50 m long 34 h
Conventional pools up to 25 m long with 1-m shallow end 2.53 h
Diving pools 48 h
Hydrotherapy pools 0.51 h
Leisure water bubble pools 520 min
Leisure waters up to 0.5 m deep 1045 min
Leisure waters 0.51 m deep 0.51.25 h
Leisure waters 11.5 m deep 12 h
Leisure waters over 1.5 m deep Spas 515 min
Teaching/learner/training pools 0.51.5h
Water slide splash pools 0.51 h
35. Bathing load formulae used in the United Kingdom Shallow water (under 1 m) 1 bather per 2.2 m 2
Standing depth water (11.5 m) 1 bather per 2.7 m 2 ; and
Deep water (over 1.5 m) 1 bather per 4 m 2 .
The bathing load obtained using these formulae:
Is the maximum bathing load of the pool at any one time (instantaneous bathing load); should not be exceeded; and should be used when designing a pool and working out the circulation rate, etc.
36. Prevent faecal release into pools No child (or adult) with a recent history of diarrhoea should swim.
Parents should be encouraged to make sure their children use the toilet before they swim.
Thorough pre-swim showering is a good idea, and parents should encourage their children to do it preferably by example. At the other extreme, washing babies bottoms in the pool should be discouraged.
Young children should whenever possible be confined to pools small enough to drain in the event of an accidental release of faeces or vomitus.
Lifeguards should be made responsible for looking out for and acting on AFR/vomitus incidents.
37. Guidelines Free chlorine residual level of at least 1 mg/litre throughout the pool, or equivalent disinfection efficiency
Disinfectant residuals should be checked by sampling the pool before it opens and after closing.
The frequency of testing while the swimming pool is in use depends upon the nature and use of the pool.
Testing may need to be done as often as once every 2 h at a heavily used public pool.
38. Guidelines The pH of swimming pool water must be adjusted to ensure efficient disinfection and because coagulants may be less effective if the pH value is outside of the recommended range.
In order to maintain the pH within the recommended range, regular measurements are essential, and either continuous or intermittent adjustment is usually necessary.
pH testing is generally undertaken at the same time as disinfectant residual testing.
39. Guidelines Oxidationreduction potential
Continuous control of the oxidationreduction potential (ORP) is considered useful by many experts. Together with pH and free chlorine, the ORP value gives an indication of the disinfection efficiency. In chlorinated pools, ORPs of 750 mV (for pH 6.57.3) and 770 mV (for pH 7.37.8), measured against a silver/silver chloride reference electrode with potassium chloride electrolyte are required to guarantee the safe inactivation of microorganisms
40. Guidelines Notes:
1. Samples should be taken when pool is heavily loaded.
2. Sampling frequency should be increased if operational parameters (e.g., turbidity, pH, disinfectant residual,
continuous filtration) are not maintained within target ranges.
3. Sample numbers should be determined on the basis of pool size and complexity and should include point(s)
representative of general water quality and likely problem areas.Notes:
1. Samples should be taken when pool is heavily loaded.
2. Sampling frequency should be increased if operational parameters (e.g., turbidity, pH, disinfectant residual,
continuous filtration) are not maintained within target ranges.
3. Sample numbers should be determined on the basis of pool size and complexity and should include point(s)
representative of general water quality and likely problem areas.
41. Guidelines
42. Guidelines