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Popular Deer Hunting Spot

Merryville Outfitters is the best Louisiana deer hunting spot where you can spend your holidays with hunting activity in a safe environment. For more information call us at 337-789-5878 and visit our website.

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Popular Deer Hunting Spot

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Steps for successful whitetail deer hunting

  2. In most cases, the hunting success depend on the smell of hunters. They should stay discreet any avoid any perfumes. Scent control

  3. Clothing Choose camouflages to stay inconspicuous within the woods. Bright colours may scare off the animals.

  4. Another clothing top is to wear hunting gear that offers better safety and weather control in extreme conditions. Hunting gear

  5. Secure a solid hunting stand on top of a tree that doesn’t give the location. Always make sure that the place has surrounding cover. Climbing stand

  6. Geographic al factors Always know the land before arriving for a hunting trip. Check the specifics by scouting prior to the session.

  7. Thank You! Email merryvilleoutfitters@gmail.com Phone 337-789-5878

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