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This annual report highlights achievements, challenges, and activities of the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) for the period under review. It covers the CGE's mandate, primary objectives, service delivery, and support departments, including legal services, public education, policy and research, and more. The report focuses on monitoring and evaluating acts of Parliament, legal services statistics, recent cases and court monitoring, public hearings, and collaborative campaigns such as the Human Trafficking "Red-card" campaign. It also includes details on specific projects like the CEDAW Project and Beijing Project, showing the CGE's commitment to promoting gender equality and addressing relevant issues.
Annual Report 2010/2011 11 October 2011
Introduction • For the period under review, CGE has been granted an unqualified/ clean audit by the AGSA. This signifies a major achievement and demonstrates commitment undertaken to tackle endemic weaknesses and issues of non-compliance through actioning the turnaround strategy that was conceived in 2009/2010 and presented to Parliament • There are still a number of matters emphasized in the report which indicate weaknesses in business processes etc • The Commission will rigorously rectify and address these issues going forward
CGE Mandate Constitutional Mandate • S187 (1) The Commission for gender equality must promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality. Additional Powers and Functions prescribed by National legislation • S11 (1) of the CGE Act 39 of 1996 Monitor Investigate Research Educate Lobby Advise Parliament and report on issues concerning gender equality In addition to the above, the Commission is obligated to institute Proceeding in Equality Courts in terms of Section 20(1)(f) of PEPUDA
Primary objectives • To develop effective monitoring mechanisms to ensure that gender sensitive strategies and policies programmes are implemented in public and private institutions • To develop, conduct and manage information and education programmes to foster public understanding on matters pertaining to gender equality and the roles and activities of the Commission • To monitor and evaluate any act of parliament, law or treaty that affects or is likely to affect gender equality or the status of women and make recommendations to parliament or the relevant legislative body with regard thereto. • To investigate any gender-related issue on its own accord or on receipt of a complaint and endeavor to resolve any dispute or rectify any act or omission • To create international, regional and national strategic links to ensure mutual support and effective collaboration to promote gender equality; and • To create appropriate internal structures to promote a sustainable and effective functioning Commission
Service Delivery & Support Departments Three Programmatic departments, namely: • Legal Services • Public Education & Information • Policy and Research Support Departments: • Human Resources • Information Technology • Communications • Finance and Administration
Monitoring & Evaluating Acts of Parliament 15 Bills were evaluated and submissions were made to parliament on namely, but not limited to: • Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill • Draft White Paper on Ukuthwala • Draft White Paper on Initiation • Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill • Protection from Harassment Bill • Draft Basic Conditions of Employment Bill(BCEA) • Draft Employment Equity Bill(EEB) • Draft Labour Relations Bill • Draft Employment Services Bill
Legal Services: Highlights CEDAW Project • Developed and produced a report which was discussed and tabled with the CEDAW Committee on South Africa’s Implementation of CEDAW 1998-2008 Beijing project • Developed and produced reports(1 national and 8 provincial reports) on “South Africa’s compliance with the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) • Developed and produced a report providing a gendered review on the “Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals”
Legal Services Statistics 2010/2011 Total number of cases brought forward from last financial year : 213 Number of New files opened in the current financial year: 255 Number of files closed as at year end: 282 Number of files pending, to be carried over: 186 In 2009/2010 total number of files closed amounts to 51% in comparison to 60.2% in 2010/2011. There has been a 9% increase from the previous year
Legal Services Litigation • Mpumalanga chieftaincy matter. The matter is between Sehlare Royal Council, Chiloane vs the Premier and others Court monitoring • For the year under review, 19 cases were monitored countrywide. The purpose of monitoring was to ascertain functionality of courts. 6 cases focused on LGBTI, hate crimes Public Hearings • Two Employment Equity hearings were held which were necessitated by the findings in the CGE Private Sector Report, CEE report 2009 and the PSC Report • A total of 20 companies (departments and private sector) were invited to account
Human Trafficking “Red-card” campaign Collaborative campaign with NPA and FIFA Local Organizing Committee. Event was held in Mpumalanga Based on the basic rules of soccer that could be explained to diverse groups of people. Was a two-fold event- media campaign and a knock and drop information sharing exercise. CEDAW Mock session (29 Nov to 1 December 2010) Was held in partnership with UNIFEM(UN Women) and the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria. Purpose of the session was to assist the government delegation in preparing for the CEDAW Review in Geneva and secondly to facilitate a greater understanding of the obligations the government in terms of the CEDAW Convention Public Education and information: Highlights
Public Education and information: Highlights Dialogues to launch the provincial Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action Reports • Reports were launched in partnership with Sonke Gender Justice in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Kwazulu- Natal. Recommendations on their respective reports were shared • In the North-west, Northern Cape and Mpumalanga, the CGE hosted and shared its national and provincial reports respectively Dialogue on the launch of the MDGs report • Hosted a consultative dialogue in September 2010 to discuss the findings and recommendations of its report with its stakeholders
Public Education and information: Highlights Provincial dialogues on the 1996 UN Special Rapporteur Report on VAW • A report was compiled on the causes and consequences of rape in South Africa in view of its prevalence in comparison with other countries • This report was shared with stakeholders as part of the CGE’s 16 days of activism events Gender and energy dialogues • It should be noted that gender and poverty has been on the development agenda for many years • It should also be noted that women are affected differently by energy policies and programmes • This necessitated the hosting of 8 dialogues by the CGE with stakeholders such as the Dept of Energy, NERSA, Eskom, and NGOs.
Research Department Highlights Victims Charter • Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Victims Charter was conducted • For the period under review the focus was on Dept of Social Development and the NPA Gender barometer • 15 departments were targeted, only 7 responded positively • The report will be finalised in the financial year 2011/2012 Water study • The first phase was a desktop analysis that was based on legislation and obligations has been finalised • Phase two of the study which will focus on water users will be finalised in the next financial year.
Gender and Poverty Convene 4 meetings per province Develop TORs/MOUs Maternity benefits project Gender and Energy hearings MDGs focusing of water and sanitation Administering of gender barometer ACTUAL PERORMANCE 28 meetings were held out of a projected 36 meetings 9 TORs were developed and signed The submissions on labour legislation necessitated that this project to be undertaken in 2011/2012 9 provincial hearings held MDGs dialogue held on report which was produced 7 departments participated out of 15 Predetermined objectives vs actual implementation
Gender-based violence Co- host campaign on human trafficking campaign Develop a Monitoring and evaluation tool for tracking the effective implementation of legislation Monitoring of 365 days Plan of Action Monitoring the implementation of the Victims Charter Convene 4 meetings per province to consolidate partnerships. TORs/MOUs Signed. Conduct 2-4 activities per province ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Co-hosted Red card campaign with NPA and FIFA Local Organising Committee Evaluation tool not developed, rolled over to new financial year Monitoring tool was developed. Actual monitoring rolled over to new financial year Monitoring of Dept of Social Development and the NPA. A report was produced 32 meetings out of 36 were held. 9 TORs were signed. 36 interventions were held Predetermined objectives against actual implementation
Gender-based violence Establish reference groups to discuss GBV issues Awareness through radio stations Conduct Equality Act campaign during Women’s month Conduct 16 days of activism campaign- 1996 UN Special Rapporteur on VAW ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Concept paper was developed. GBV at Higher learning Institutions was established, leading to research and policy 153 interviews were conducted 6 campaigns were conducted Report was produced and 9 provincial dialogues were held Predetermined objectives against actual implementation
Gender, Democracy and Good Governance Consultation and lobbying with Civil Society Organisations Assess and review the implementation of CALS report on pre-1994 legislation Launch of gender barometer in provinces Develop communication strategy Follow-up with CGE/MDDA report and Interventions Local Government elections project Consulted with Heinrich Bohl Foundation. Numerous meetings and engagement with civil society has taken place Not completed . Have been carried forward to new financial year This did not take place. The activity has been included in the APP for 2011/2012 Has been developed. Strategy is under review Follow up meetings have taken place. 1 dialogue was held in KZN Concept paper was drafted. Letters were sent to stakeholders. Manifestos and IDPs were analysed in preparation for dialogue in April and monitoring on election day Predetermined objectives against Actual implementation
Gender, Culture, Religion and Tradition Conduct and revise desktop research on harmful traditional practices Facilitate 4 meetings with NHTL and PHTL to develop working relations to build up to national conference. Host a national conference. Develop partnerships to raise awareness on Cultural, traditional and religious practices (2 meetings per province) ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Concept document has been developed 12 meetings were held. 17 interventions took place. 6 TORs were signed. National conference was deferred and would be discussed for inclusion in new financial year 18 meetings were held Predetermined objectives against actual implementation
Gender and HIV/AIDS Monitor awareness raising campaigns with government on reproductive rights. Conduct 4 meetings, develop TORs, conduct interventions Follow-up on recommendations of the CGE HIV/AIDS and elderly persons study. Facilitate meetings Literature review on national HIV/AIDS and STIs stratplan. Use test cases to monitor gender compliance ACTUAL PERFORMANCE 4 meetings were held. 13 interventions took place. Concept document has been developed 5 interventions held Literature review completed. Interventions did not take place. Predetermined objectives against actual implementation
National Gender Machinery Develop training programme and roll-out training programme Acquire ECOSOC accreditation CEDAW Project Beijing project Concept paper developed. Training programme was not rolled out. Material development was deferred. Applied for accreditation. Accreditation was denied Working group was established. Report was produced. Report was shared with parliament and the UN CEDAW committee. A mock session was held to prepare government delegation to Geneva Working group established. Reports were produced. 8 Dialogues were conducted Predetermined objectives against actual implementation
National Gender Machinery Review South African Reservation on the protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Women Attending NGM and PGM meetings Establish collaborations with C9s Engagement with DIRCO took place. 30 meetings attended 50 meetings and interventions held Predetermined objectives against actual Implementation
Provincial Highlights Western Cape Counter Trafficking Coalition • Human trafficking seminar was held on 25 and 26th November 2010 Western Cape End Hate Campaign • The Western Cape End hate Alliance was launched in 2008. Monitoring 6 hate crime cases Northern Cape Safer Cities Project • Participated in the Safer Cities Project with UNIFEM with particular focus on gender-based violence Kwazulu- Natal Sugarcane serial killings case in Shayamoya • The case has been monitored since 2008 and has been finalised. The serial killer Mr Thomazamile Taki was given 13 life sentences and 203 years imprisonment. Kwazulu-Natal Manyiseni service delivery • Partnered with Amnesty International to address service delivery which impacts on gender equality. The matter was escalated to the Premier and MECs
Provincial Highlights Kwazulu-Natal Male Circumcision • Engaged the Department of Health and other stakeholders on the Tara Klamp apparatus used in male circumcision. Follow-up engagements will take place in the new financial years Gauteng Position of women and realties of women in the religious sector • Partnered with the SACC to host a dialogue to discuss religious barriers that have a negative impact on gender equality Eastern Cape stakeholder engagement • Partnered with the SAPS during 16 days of activism on a road-show focusing on human trafficking Eastern Cape partnership with EC AIDS Council, University of Fort Hare Gender form and RULIV • Held the Nokuzo Mfiki Memorial Lecture to commemorate Mfiki and to raise awareness about the stigmitisation of HIV positive people
Provincial Highlights Mpumalanga Human Trafficking campaign • Held a campaign at the Oshoek border gate. Awareness was raised on the concept of human trafficking Free State information sessions on Law of Succession and Inheritance • Information sessions were held in the Motheo, Mangaung, Thabanchu and Maluti a Phofung Districts North-west partnership with Land Access Movement of SA(LAMOSA) • Held a roundtable to discuss the challenges women face in accessing land.
Media & Communications Publications produced: • CEDAW report, BFA reports, UN Special Rapporteur report, MDGs report, Engendering FIFA 2010 World Cup, Land Study Media: • 511 interviews conducted • 54 press statements
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