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Delve into the fundamental aspects of living organisms, from organization to reproduction, in this comprehensive guide. Understand the levels of organization, homeostasis, metabolism, growth, reproduction, and more. Discover the significance of diversity, evolution, natural selection, and the scientific method in the field of biology. Explore how organisms interact with their environment and the key principles of scientific inquiry. Engage in thought-provoking activities to deepen your understanding of the science of life.
DO NOW • List as many characteristics of all living things as you can.
Characteristics of Life:Organization • Organization-the high degree of order within an organisms internal & external parts, and in its interactions with the living world.
Levels of Organization • Organ system-groups of specialized parts that carry out a certain function in the organism. • Organs-structures that carry out specialized jobs within an organ system. • Tissue-group of cells that have similar abilities and that allow the organ to function.
Cells-must be covered by a membrane, contain all genetic information necessary for replication, and be able to carry out all cell functions. • Atoms-the simplest particle of an element that retains all the properties of a certain element.
Characteristics of Life: Cells • Cells-the smallest unit that can perform all of life’s processes; highly organized, tiny structures . • All living things are made of cells. • Unicellular-made up of one cell • Ex. Bacteria • Multicellular-made up of multiple cells. • Ex. You
Characteristics of Life: Response to Stimuli • Stimulus-a physical or chemical change caused by an event in the internal or external environment. • Ex. Pupils dilate, sweat, shiver, blink, cough, sneeze, yawn, urinate.
Do Now • List the levels of organization of organisms.
Characteristics of Life:Homeostasis • Homeostasis-the maintenance of constant internal conditions in spite of changes in the environment; maintaining a stable internal environment. • Ex. Temperature, water content, uptake of nutrients by the cell
Characteristics of Life:Metabolism • Metabolism-chemical reactions that take in and transform energy and materials from the environment. • The energy that drives metabolism in animals comes from food. • Ex. Photosynthesis=Autotroph/Producer • Ex. Food from another source= Heterotroph/Consumer
Characteristic of Life:Growth and Development • Growth and Development-results from the division and enlargement of cells. • Cell Division-formation of two new cells from an existing cell.
Characteristic of Life:Reproduction • Reproduction-the process by which organisms make more of their own kind • Not essential to the survival of an individual organism, but is essential to the survival of the species. • Species-a group of genetically similar organisms that can produce fertile offspring
Characteristic of Life:Reproduction • Heredity-the passing of traits from parents to offspring • Why children look like their parents. • Transmitted by DNA • Genetic engineers are trying to create plants that are more nutritionally balanced • Researchers making progress in treating or curing AIDS.
Characteristic of Life:Reproduction • Asexual reproduction-hereditary information from different organisms is not combined. • Results in offspring that are identical to their parent • Sexual Reproduction-hereditary information recombines from two organisms of the same species. • Results in offspring that are similar but NOT identical to their parent.
Characteristic of Life:Change • Change Through Time-individuals do not change; populations change
Do Now • Which characteristic of life is the most important and why?
Diversity of Life • Evolution-“descent with modification”-inherited characteristics within populations change over generations. • Natural Selection-organisms that have certain favorable traits are better able to survive and reproduce successfully than organisms that lack these traits. • Adaptation-traits that improve an individual’s ability to survive and reproduce.
Fields of Biology • Ecology- studies organisms interacting with each other and with the environment • Ecosystem-communities of living species and their physical environments.
Do Now • What is the scientific method and why do we use it?
Scientific Method • Based on 2 important principles: • Events in the natural world have natural causes. • Uniformity-the fundamental laws of nature operate the same way at all places and times. • Does not follow a rigid set of rules
Scientific Method Steps • Observation- perceiving a natural occurrence that causes a question. • Generally begins with an unexplained observation about nature. • Hypothesis- testable possible explanation of an observation • Must be: • Testable-there must be some way to check its validity • Falsifiable-there must be some observation or experiment that could show that it is not true.
Scientific Method Steps 3. Prediction-statement that forecasts what would happen in a test situation if the hypothesis were true.
Scientific Method Steps 4. Experiment-a planned procedure to test a hypothesis • Controlled Experiment-compares an experimental group and a control group and only has one variable • Control group- Nothing changes • Experimental group-One factor changes • Independent variable- the variable that is changed in an experiment • Dependent variable the variable that is measured in an experiment . • Blind Experiment-the biologist who scores the results is unaware of whether a given subject is part of the experimental or control group.
Scientific Method Steps 5. Collecting and Analyzing Data- • Quantitative data-measured in numbers • Qualitative data-measured by value 6. Drawing Conclusions-an experiment can only disprove, not prove a hypothesis.
Scientific Theory Steps 7. Constructing a Theory-a unifying explanation for a broad range of observations • Is NOT an assumption made by scientists that implies a lack of certainty • May be revised as new evidence is presented. 8. Communicating Ideas
Do Now • List the steps of the scientific method.