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Installation and Understanding of QtROOT Package for Unproblematic Programming

Learn how to install QtROOT package in your local ROOT, understand project goals and steps, and create tools for Detector Geometry checking and correction. Discover the benefits of using high-level graphic libraries like Coin3D for efficient coding.

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Installation and Understanding of QtROOT Package for Unproblematic Programming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Extension QtROOT package Zubanov Alexei, 2006

  2. First Week • Installation QtROOT package in my local ROOT • Understanding QtROOT package (from inside) • Preparing working place for unproblematic programming • Learning qmake utility • Understanding goals & steps of the project

  3. Goals & Steps Goals: • Help physicists to check Detector Geometry • Provide opportunity to correct Detector Geometry & store it back • Create tool for Geometry + Track visualization • Track Checking (with functionality which allow to choice interesting tracks only, by sanded condition) without uninteresting Detector parts Steps: Creating new Coin Viewer (input Gllists & TView3D, like old one) Creating new internal data representation (native Coin ~TcoinView3D) Including Selectors & Manipulator in Coin Scene Creating Object Editor

  4. QtROOT Class Tree

  5. Part of QtROOT Class Tree New modules

  6. New Coin Viewer

  7. New Coin Viewer

  8. New Coin Viewer

  9. New Coin Viewer Bonuses Then you use a high level graphic library(like Coin3D), you hadn't to think about creating simple things which request a lot of codding. The library provide many embedded nice opportunities so code creation now is very pleasure. One can make more then before.

  10. End Thanks! Questions?

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