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Optimizing LTE Network Performance: One-Way Delays in Operating Networks

Explore speech path delay in VoLTE networks, RAN latency, and LTE Uplink/Downlink delays. Learn about typical implementations and analysis of U-plane latency for enhanced network performance. Contact for inquiries.

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Optimizing LTE Network Performance: One-Way Delays in Operating Networks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. One-way Delays inOperating LTE Networks ITU Workshop on “Monitoring and Benchmarkingof QoS and QoE of Multimedia Services in Mobile Networks” (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24-25 July 2014) Martin BrandVice Chair ITU-T Study Group 11 Joachim Pomy Consultant@joachimpomy.deOPTICOM, Germany

  2. Speech path delay of VoLTE Networks

  3. LTE UL/DL one way delay RAN

  4. Latency of different technologies

  5. Typical Implementation GBR Uplink / downlink

  6. One way delay for LTE

  7. U-plane latency analysis (estimated average in downlink) according TR 125 912 and S1-U Transfer Delay

  8. U-plane latency analysis (estimated average in uplink) according TR 125 912 and S1-U Transfer Delay

  9. Any questions ? Contact:Consultant@joachimpomy.de

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