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Explore the achievements and future potential of the CALYPSO project, focusing on the installation of the Pozzallo HF antenna and its impact on oil spill monitoring and more. Key Actions, 5-Year Maintenance Plan, Acknowledgements, and Conclusions included. |

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CALYPSO Project FINAL MEETING PROJECT SEMINAR University of Malta, Valletta Campus, Old University Building, St Paul Street, Valletta 29 August 2013 Beyond CALYPSO – Prospects for the future Calypso Project Sicilian Focal Point - UNIPA GIUSEPPE CIRAOLO FULVIO CAPODICI and ALBA ABBATE INFO: www.capemalta.net/calypso

  2. FRAMEWORK The installation process of the Pozzallo HF antenna, within the Pozzallo Port was a long and complex task from several point of view More than 15 authorizations have been obtained by ARPA before to start the installation The role of the UNIPA Focal Point was crucial to take care and to follow all these processes (from technical and administrative point of view) All the bureaucratic processes are clear now The experiences and the lessons learnt during last 28 months will be useful in the future to speed up NEW future installations (if any)

  3. The Pozzallo HF installation The Pozzallo HF antenna completed the CALYPSO HF network The installation has been completed on 13th of August

  4. The Pozzallo HF installation The Pozzallo HF installation

  5. The Pozzallo HF installation The Pozzallo HF installation

  6. The Pozzallo HF installation The Pozzallo HF installation

  7. The Pozzallo HF installation The Pozzallo HF installation

  8. The Pozzallo HF installation The Pozzallo HF installation

  9. The Pozzallo HF installation The Pozzallo HF installation

  10. The system seems acquiring data correctly (but not calibrated yet) The Pozzallo HF system: first data coverage until the 24° Aug. first radial map (August 13, 2013) Some radial map reached the Malta island after few acquisition days

  11. 1) Antenna Pattern Measurements (APM) (ARPA + CUTGANA + Qualitas)2) Integration and combination of the Pozzallo HF data within the Malta combine station, to produce surface velocities maps on the whole area at hourly scale3) Drifters release (validation) 4) ADCP survey (validation) The Pozzallo HF system: actions to be performed coverage until the 24° Aug.

  12. Expected improvement coverage until the 24° Aug. Including the third HF system will: - Increase the monitored surface - Improve the data quality and the reliability of the measurements

  13. The CALYPSO network will be maintained up for at least 5 years During this period CALYPSO data will be useful in:- improving the reliability of sea currents forecasting- oil spill chain response (forecasting of the oil fate and mitigation) Other applications - search and rescue - sea fishing - boat routing Expected use of the system INITIAL OIL SPILL POSITOIN REMOTE SENSING FUTURE OIL SPILL POSITOIN OIL SPILL MITIGATION INITIAL SEA STATE FUTURE SEA STATE CALYPSO FUTURE WEATHER

  14. Why CALYPSO in the Malta channel Oil spills in the 1999-2004 period: 18.947 spills

  15. Why CALYPSO in the Malta channel Oil spills in the 1999-2004 period: 18.947 spills

  16. OIL SPILL MONITORING USING REMOTE SENSING (COSMO-SKYMED) s°VV (dB) -10 Low Winds or currents -15 Suspected oil -20 -25 -30 7– June 2010

  17. OIL SPILL MONITORING USING REMOTE SENSING (COSMO-SKYMED) s°VV (dB) -10 winds -15 Suspected oil -20 -25 Winds? Suspected oil -30 29– June 2010

  18. MALTA CHANNEL FROM COSMO-SKYMED s°VV (dB) -10 winds Currents or other false positive -15 -20 oil -25 -30 10– Jul. 2010

  19. OIL SPILL MONITORING USING REMOTE SENSING (COSMO-SKYMED) s°VV (dB) -10 -15 -20 -25 Suspected oil -30 9– Aug. 2010

  20. CALYPSO 2: to extend the CALYPSO coverage 3 hypotheses for the next HF system position Future expansion of the System coverage until the 24° Aug. Scoglitti Gela Licata Advantages: redundancy increased coverage better quality of the maps

  21. Future expansion of the System coverage until the 24° Aug.

  22. DREAMING A FULL HF COVERAGE FOR THE SICILIAN COAST Future expansion of the System coverage until the 24° Aug.

  23. Conclusions • The system management for the next 5 year will require a certain effort from economical point of view (and not only) • An amount of 8-10 thousand € per year is required to maintain the Pozzallo system (frequency authorization, insurance, system maintenance, energy supply, internet connection) • Periodic field survey would be needed to test the accuracy of the system • An agreement on the use of the data by external customer is needed • New funds have to be found to finance and expand the network Meeting a Ragusa 21Novembre 2011 INFO: www.capemalta.net/calypso

  24. Acknowledgements • For their support to the project I sincerely thank: • All the project sicilian partners (ARPA,CNR,CUTGANA) • Dr. Aldo Vernengo of the DemanioMarittimo – RegioneSiciliana • Cdr Paolo Cafaroand Cdr Marco Mancini of the ComandoGenerale Guardia Costiera - ROME • Cdr Andrea Tassaraand Capt. Marco Tognazzoniof the Capitaneriadi Porto diPozzallo • Dr. Giovanni Arnoneand Dr. VincenzoFalgaresof the RegioneSiciliana • The STC and ADG staff Meeting a Ragusa 21Novembre 2011 INFO: www.capemalta.net/calypso

  25. Acknowledgements And last but not least… my special thank to these two guys… FULVIO ALBA .. because their inexhaustible energy, effort and perseverance INFO: www.capemalta.net/calypso

  26. CALYPSO Project FINAL MEETING PROJECT SEMINAR University of Malta, Valletta Campus, Old University Building, St Paul Street, Valletta 29 August 2013 THANKS FOR LISTENING GIUSEPPE CIRAOLO giuseppe.ciraolo@unipa.it Meeting a Ragusa 21Novembre 2011 INFO: www.capemalta.net/calypso

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