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Fifth European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns Sevilla, Spain, March 21 - 24, 2007. INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT IN MEDITERRANEAN. ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION AS A TOOL FOR COASTAL CITIES SUSTAINABILITY. VALENTINA BORAGNO Interdepartmental Centre for Environmental Research
Fifth European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns Sevilla, Spain, March 21 - 24, 2007 INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT IN MEDITERRANEAN ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATIONAS A TOOL FORCOASTAL CITIES SUSTAINABILITY VALENTINA BORAGNO Interdepartmental Centre for Environmental Research Bologna University - Italy
THE ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION OF CERVIA MUNICIPALITY • The case study presented describes the application of the Environmental Management System to Cervia Municipality, a small city located in Italy on the Adriatic seashore. • How the application of an EMS can contribute to the sustainable development of a coastal territory? • Coastal areas with fragile ecological environment are particularly sensitive to the impacts produced by tourism.
factories municipalities utilities ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS • The EMS’s are voluntary environmental management schemes based on harmonized guidelines and principles, open to all sectors of organizations. • Organizations decide to implement an EMS to obtain: • Improved environmental management. • Better performance of managing activities. • Wider transparency and higher credibility. • New business opportunities. • Improvement of image and confidence.
The European Local Authorities with the major number of EMAS Registration at February 2007 are in Germany (77), in Italy (44), in Spain (20), in the United Kingdom (16 organizations) and in Denmark (11).
MAIN PURPOSE OF AN EMS:IMPROVE SUSTAINABILITY • The EMS is characterized by a cyclic process aimed at the continuous environmental improvement of organization Initial Environmental Review Audit Environmental Programme
With the scientific support of Bologna University Cervia Municipality obtained the Emilia-Romagna Region International Environmental Certification ISO 14001 in May 2005 and the European EMAS Registration in February 2007. Ravenna Province CERVIA: LOCATION AND MAP
CERVIA ENVIRONMENTALFRAMEWORK • Territory surface: 82 km2 • Green surface: 2 km2 of protected areas, pinewoods, natural parks, public parks • A Saltpan of about 8 km2 • A 27-hole golf • A Spa still use mud and water from the saltpans to therapeutic and beauty treatment
Coastal sea-shore: 9 kilometres of fine sandy beaches. • 230 fully-equipped bathing establishment. • A channel harbour and a marina for 300 pleasure boats.
TOURIST AND INHABITANTS IN CERVIAyear 2006 • 3,541,850 presences • 531,053 arrivals • 391 hotels • 4,352 apartments • 5 campsites • 53,020 beds
ADRIATIC SEA CERVIA LAND USE … Agricultural zone, 58 % Anthropic areas, 16 % Historical centre, 1 % Protected areas, pinewoods and saltpan, 25 %
GREEN AREAS… • Flowerbeds, urban pinewoods and public parks constitute the Cervia public green areas. • The application of Visual Tree Assessement and GIS permitted to identify, describe and locate, with an elettronic system, about 25.000 trees. • The surface of natural and public green area (11 km2) represents the 14 % of the territory. • Green surface (included the saltpan) per inhabitants: 405 m2/inhabitants.
URBAN MOBILITY … • The new Traffic Urban Plan, in compliance with the principles of sustainable mobility allows: • To improve the urban and coastal circulation with car parking; • To implement pedestrian areas interdict to traffic, actually only the 3%; • To promote the use of bicycle; • The implementation of bicycle-path: in four years from 12 to 18 km (7% of total road system); • To develop a more efficient public transport system.
WATER CONSUMPTION IN CERVIA The graph represents the monthly values for the total water consumption in Cervia: it is clearly a close connection between the increase in the water consumption during the summer months with the number of tourist.
SOLID WASTE PRODUCTION The graph shows clearly a close connection between the number of tourist nights spent in Cervia and the waste production in 2006.
INITIAL ENVIRONENTAL REVIEW • The Initial Environmental Review (IER) has permitted to identify the most critical aspects dealing with resources conservation and environmental effects. • IER has been developed through different phases : • description of environmental context and regulations • analysis of activities connected with environmental aspects • collection, analysis and assessment of environmental data. • IER has permit to Cervia Municipality to define the Environmental Policy and to select the priority objectives and programme to achieve significant improvements on the environmental performance.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: TARGETS & ACTIONS • In compliance with the EMAS Scheme, Cervia Municipality develops measurable environmental objectives and targets: • The improvement of waste fraction collection up to 48 % will be reach in 2009. • The development of the Green Public Procurement up to 40 % (recycled paper and so on…). • The development of good practices for water and energy consumption. • The control of mosquitoes in the territory. • The promotion of a sustainability mobility: use of methane in private and public car, implementation of bicycle-path and new area interdict to traffic. • The planning and qualification of green areas through biological methods.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT • The Environmental Programmes for the improvement of waste selected collection was engaged by Cervia municipality from 2004. • The implementation of the programme include the designation of specific responsibility; the definition of intermediate and final objectives; the analysis of environmental indicators. • Cervia promoted many different actions in hotels, restaurant, bath-establishments, some specific information for citizens and tourist, with the collaboration of the waste treatment facilities. • THE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR THE WASTE SELECTED COLLECTION
IMPROVEMENTS FOR CERVIA SALTPAN … • An adequate management of the water cycle can help both the aquatic bird reproduction and the salt production; • Artificial rises for bird nesting away from the main paths; • A wider buffer zone where hunting is forbidden; • Promotion of a tourism with educational and ecological characteristics.
IMPROVEMENT FOR COASTAL ZONE… • A specific Cervia EMAS target is now involved in the application of Integrated Coastal Zone Management actions. • The ICZM approach represents the advanced tool chosen by Emilia Romagna Region to address all coastal activities towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. • The ICZM Project actually developed in Cervia territory is the adaptation of the municipal waste-water treatment plant, an improvement finalized to the water reuse in agriculture and to technical improvement of the plant.
CONCLUSION • The experience and the results obtained with the EMS procedure applied to Cervia Municipality, has demonstrated the validity of the method for reaching better environmental and sustainability performances. • The full engagement of the administration staff has been an important condition to satisfy the environmental targets. • The experience gained in the certification of Cervia Municipality has also demonstrated that tourism, if correctly planned and managed, can contribute to the environmental protection and conservation of biodiversity and more generally to the achievement of a better sustainability, too.
PRESENTED BY: Dott. ssa VALENTINA BORAGNO Interdepartmental Centre for Environmental Research Bologna University - Italy Tel. +39 0544 937307 – +39 0544 937301 Fax +39 0544 937303 E-mail: valentina.boragno@unibo.it