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Monthly Conference Call With Superintendents and Charter School Administrators. Agenda. Agenda: Overview of Administrative Rules before the Legislature Q and A Session Next Webinar. Webinar Guidance. Webinar Procedures: Audio will be disabled for participants during webinar.
Monthly Conference Call With Superintendents and Charter School Administrators
Agenda • Agenda: • Overview of Administrative Rules before the Legislature • Q and A Session • Next Webinar
Webinar Guidance • Webinar Procedures: • Audio will be disabled for participants during webinar. • Participants may type question in the question box at any time during the presentation. Those questions will be answered at the end of the presentation and during the Q and A time.
Administrative Rules Overview • Types of Rules • Pending: a rule that has been adopted by an agency under regular rulemaking procedure and is “pending” legislative review • Temporary: a rule that can be made immediately effective and enforceable upon its adoption prior to review and approval by the Legislature • Rules do not have to pass both bodies in the Legislature like bills do.
Docket 08-0201-1301Collective Bargaining This is a rule change in response to the referendum. In previous code, negotiations were held in open meetings and collective bargaining was limited to salaries and benefits. This rule removes the language about open negotiations and limiting collective bargaining to salaries and benefits. • Effective Date: December 13, 2012 • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0202-1201Health, Physical Education, Special Education Director and Generalist Endorsement These rule changes provide clarifications and a requirement for field work (internship) for the special education Generalist K-12 endorsements. • Effective Date: Upon sine die • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0202-1202Mathematical Thinking for Instruction (MTI) Waiver This rule would offer a waiver to those educators who are not currently employed or live outside of the state of Idaho from taking the MTI course. The rule also offers a standard three year interim certificate for those educators who move to the state and haven’t taken the MTI course to be certified while they take the course. • Effective Date: Upon sine die • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0202-1203Teacher Leader Standards The Professional Standards Commission recommended the adoption Teacher Leader Standards for Idaho. The recommended standards are grounded in the national work of the Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium. The Consortium is made up of a variety of education stakeholders, including union representatives, teachers, school administrators, policy organizations such as Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and leaders in higher education. • Effective Date: Upon sine die • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0202-1204Literacy and Consulting Teacher Endorsements This rule change provides clarifications to stipulate specific standards by which Idaho institutions must align their educator preparation programs and to add a definition of teacher leader. • Definition of Teacher Leader: A master teacher who facilitates the design and implementation of sustained, intensive, and job-embedded professional learning based on identified student and teacher needs. • Effective Date: Upon sine die • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0203-1202Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention This rule will help to ensure that Idaho public schools provide and support a safe environment conducive to learning that promotes healthy relationship skills and opportunities for Idaho students and addresses the growing problem of adolescent relationship abuse and sexual assault in Idaho schools. Local districts will add adolescent relationship abuse and sexual assault prevention to their comprehensive Safe Environment and Discipline policies and procedures and review these policies annually in light of current research and practice. • Effective Date: Upon sine die • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0203-1203High School Graduation Requirements Section 33-1627, Idaho Code, which directed the State Board of Education to promulgate rules for an online learning requirement for the class of 2016 and beyond, was repealed through Proposition 3. The rejection of Proposition 3 did not automatically remove the online graduation requirement because the Board set the graduation requirement in administrative rule. However, the State Board of Education chose to remove the requirement for students to take an online course and the associated definitions. • Effective Date: June 21, 2012 • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0203-1204Curricular Material Approval This change to rule allows a more flexible committee for review and a stipulated fee. The State Department of Education has always charged to do a review of materials, but in the process of developing the online course approval fee they realized there was not a fee stipulated in rule. • Effective Date: June 21, 2012 • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0203-1205World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Standards Title III Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires states to have English language development/proficiency standards in place for Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. With the shift to the Idaho Core State Standards in Language Arts and Mathematics, Idaho has adopted the 2012 World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Standards as they have already been aligned to the Idaho Core. • Effective Date: Upon sine die • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0203-1206Professional Development The proposed rule included two items: definition of a one-to-one mobile computing device program and professional development. With the repeal of proposition 3, the definition of a mobile computing device was removed. The professional development definition was retained. • Effective Date: Upon sine die • Status: Approved by Senate Education Committee
Docket 08-0203-1206Professional Development Definition of Professional Development: A comprehensive, sustained, timely, and intensive process to improve effectiveness of teachers and administrators in raising student achievement, which: • a. Aligns with rigorous state academic achievement standards, local educational agency goals, school improvement goals, effective technology integration, and Common Core standards. • b. Utilizes data driven instruction using a thorough review and continual evaluation of data on teacher and student performance to define clear goals and distinct outcomes. • c. Provides opportunities that are individualized enough to meet distinct and diverse levels of need for teachers and administrators. • d. Is facilitated by well-prepared school administrators, coaches, mentors, master teachers, lead teachers, or third-party providers under contract with the State Department of Education, school district, or charter school, and supported by external research, expertise, or resources. • e. Fosters a collective responsibility by educators within the school for improved student performance and develops a professional learning community.
Next Webinar • Proposed Time: • Thursday, March 28th from 1:30-3:30 MT • Topic: • To be determined…
Regional Superintendent Meetings • We still want to ensure that we are meeting your unique and specific needs in each region. • If you as a region have a specific topic that you would like someone from the SDE to do a presentation on, we would be happy to attend one of your monthly meetings either in person or by phone. • To schedule this, you can either reach out directly to the SDE employee or contact any one of the Deputy Superintendents.