Eco-friendliness Cost-effectiveness Convenience Improved Hygiene Speed
Eco-friendliness When compared to paper towels, electric hand dryers are across the board significantly more environmentally friendly. By contrast, electric hand dryers consume the bare minimum amount of electricity to operate and do not have nearly the same kind of environmental impact as the use of paper towels.
Cost-effectiveness Also worth bearing in mind is the way in which the on-going cost effectiveness of electric hand dryers is significantly greater than that of paper towels. The reason being that while it may be more expensive to invest in a high quality electric hand dryer in the first place, on-going operational costs are extremely low.
Convenience In terms of simple convenience, an electric hand dryer can offer significant benefits for both those using such devices and the company as a whole. For the everyday user, the fact that an electric hand dryer can never ‘run out’ in the same way as a stockpile of paper towels ensures consistent performance and convenience at all times.
Improved hygiene Speaking of which, it is important to remember that in any bathroom where there is a stockpile of waste paper towels that have been used by others, this has the potential to lead to unsanitary conditions in its own right.
Speed For those who choose to invest in the latest high-power hand dryers, speed represents another key advantage. Some of the best models on the market these days are capable of comprehensively and hygienically drying hands in as little as 15 seconds, while at the same time minimising mess.
Website: https://fast-hand-dryers.co.uk/