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AWPHD Legislative Summary. House Bill 1196: Increasing the dollar limit for small works roster projects House Bill 1847: Increases bid limits for public works purchases of materials, supplies, or equipment House Bill 1197: Alternative public works contracting procedures
AWPHD Legislative Summary • House Bill 1196: Increasing the dollar limit for small works roster projects • House Bill 1847: Increases bid limits for public works purchases of materials, supplies, or equipment • House Bill 1197: Alternative public works contracting procedures • House Bill 1529: Concerning telemedicine
House bill 1196: Increasing the dollar limit for small works roster projects Background: • Rosters used by state agencies and local governments • Projects costing $200,000 or less • Single roster may be created or different rosters for different specialties or categories of anticipated work • Distinctions may be made between contractors based on geographic areas • Bids may be solicited from all on roster but must be a minimum of five solicited • Equitable distribution of solicited bids from all contractors on roster • If the cost of work to be done is between $100,000 and $200,000 and bids are sought from less than the entire roster then the remaining contractors on roster must be notified
Summary of Changes to Small Works Roster Projects HB 1196 • The maximum dollar amount allowed for use of a small works roster is raised from $200,000 to $300,000 • The dollar amount requiring notification of all contractors on the roster is changed from between $100,000 and $200,000 to $150,000 and $300,000
House bill 1847: Increasing bid limits for public works purchases of material, supplies, or equipment Background: • Most entities are required to use a competitive bid process for public works projects • Projects costing below and established dollar limit may be preformed by in-house staff or contracted without a competitive bid • An alternative process for competitive bidding for public works is provided through the small works roster process • Under that process, a public entity may secure bids from five or more contractors that are on the roster without advertising • As with public works, purchases estimated to cost below an established dollar limit may be purchased without a competitive bid • Contracts awarded using this process do not need to be advertised • Different public entities have different dollar limits triggering a bid • The contract is awarded to the lowest responsible bidder
Summary of Changes to Public Works and Purchases of Materials, Supplies, or equipment HB 1847 • The bid limits were raised for a number of public entities • The bid limits for hospital districts are raised from $50,000 to $75,000
House Bill 1197: Alternative Public Works Contracting Procedures Background: • Alternative procedures include the design-build process, a general contractor/construction manager (GCCM) process, and job order contracting process • The design-build procedure is a multi-step competitive process to award a contract to a single firm that agrees to both design and build a public facility that meets specific criteria • With the GCCM method, an agency contracts with an architectural and engineering firm to design the facility and, early in the project, also contracts with a GCCM firm to assist in the design of the facility, manage the construction of the facility, act as the general contractor, and guarantee that the facility will be built within budget
House Bill 1197: Background Continued Background: • Under a job order contract, a contractor agrees to perform an indefinite quantity of public works jobs, defined by individual work orders, over a fixed period of time • A public entity may not have more than two job order contracts in effect at any one time • Hospital districts are not authorized to use job order contracts • The Capital Projects Advisory Review Board (CPARB) was established to monitor and evaluate the use of traditional and alternative public works contracting procedures • A project review committee was created to certify public bodies to use either design-build, GCCM, or both procedures, or to approve projects on a project-by-project basis
Summary of Changes to Alternative Public Works Contracting Procedures HB 1197 • CPARB must develop guidelines to be used by the committee for review and approval of design-build demonstration projects that include procurement of operations and maintenance services • Public bodies seeking certification for the design build procedure must demonstrate successful management of at least one design-build project within the previous five years, the same applies to the GCCM process
Summary of Changes to Alternative Public Works Contracting Procedures HB 1197 Continued • Honorarium payments for design build projects are made to the finalists submitting responsive proposals rather than those submitting a “best and final” proposal • Sealed bids on final proposals for GCCM projects must be opened and read in public and all previous scoring must be made available to the public • Directs the project review committee to review and approve not more than ten projects using the design-build contracting procedure by certified and non-certified public bodies for projects that have a total project cost between two million and ten million dollars • Review and approve not more than two design-build demonstration projects that include procurement of operations and maintenance services for a period longer than three years • Allows public bodies to use the design-build procedure for public works projects in which the total project cost is between two million and ten million dollars
House Bill 1529: Dealing with Telemedicine Background: • Telemedicine and telehealth are terms that encompass a range of evolving technologies capable of transmitting medical information between patients and health care practitioners as well as related applications that enable remote medical procedures or examinations. Telemedicine and telehealth are often used in an interchangeable fashion for the purposes of Medicaid they refer to different health care applications • Telemedicine is use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communication to improve a patient’s health
House Bill 1529: Background Continued • Telehealth is the use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision, and information across distance. Telehealth includes technologies such as telephones, fax machines, electronic mail systems, and remote patient monitoring devices that are used to collect and transmit patient data for monitoring and interpretation • State medicaid will reimburse for physician consultations that use interactive video teleconferencing, but the patient must be present and participating in the telehealth visit. No reimbursement is available for home health monitoring. Additionally, only fee-for-service enrollees may be reimbursed for telehealth services
Summary of Changes for Telemedicine • The Department of Social and Health Services is directed to establish reimbursement rates for telemedicine home health services that are comparable to rates paid for home health visits • Home health services providers using telemedicine must provide written statements offering patients the option to refuse telemedical treatment • Telemedicine is defined as medical services or treatment, transfer of medical data, or education related to health services using audio, video, or data communication
QUIZ QUESTIONS The dollar amount requiring notification of all contractors on the small works roster is changed from between $____ and $____ to $____ and $____?
QUIZ QUESTIONS Bid limits for public works has been increased. Bid limits for hospital districts have been raised from $____ to $____?
QUIZ QUESTIONS What is the difference between the design-build process and a general contractor/construction manager (GCCM) process?
QUIZ QUESTIONS Telemedicine is defined as medical services or treatment, transfer of medical data, or education related to health services using ____, ____, or ____ communication?