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2013 Legislative Session Summary. July 12, 2013. Agenda. K-12 Capital Funding K-12 Operating Budget Pupil Transportation General Apportionment Grant Funding Policy Legislation with Fiscal Impacts Non-interactive sites can email questions to daniel.lunghofer@k12.wa.us.
2013 Legislative Session Summary July 12, 2013
Agenda • K-12 Capital Funding • K-12 Operating Budget • Pupil Transportation • General Apportionment • Grant Funding • Policy Legislation with Fiscal Impacts Non-interactive sites can email questions to daniel.lunghofer@k12.wa.us
K-12 Capital Budget Funding Sources *Revenue funds new and reappropriated construction projects.
ESSB 5035 Capital Budget Provisions • The space allocations for state funding assistance purposes for districts with senior or four-year high schools with fewer than four hundred students, as outlined in WAC 392-343-035, must be computed in accordance with the following formula: • Number of Headcount Student in Grades 9-12 Maximum Space Allocation Per Facility • 0-200 students 42,000 square feet • 201-300 students 48,000 square feet • 301-or more students 52,000 square feet • $250,000 of the common school construction account--state appropriation is provided solely for the Superintendent of Public Instruction to create interagency agreements for the following purposes: • (a) An interagency agreement with The Evergreen State College for a study by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy on the relationship between school design and student performance. (vetoed) • (b) An interagency agreement with the Office of Financial Management to coordinate a review and make recommendations regarding the financing of specialized school facilities such as skill centers. (vetoed)
2SSB 5197 – School Security • $10.0 Million – School Security Improvement Grant Funding. “The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction must allocate grants on a competitive basis for districts to implement emergency response systems.” • Every board of directors shall consider installing a perimeter security control mechanism or system on all school campuses, as appropriate to the design of the campus. In addition, for major construction projects, consider school building plans and designs that promote an optimal level of security, direct control and observation, and as few entrances as possible. • The bill directs school districts to work collaboratively with local law enforcement and school security personnel to develop an emergency response system using technology to expedite the response and arrival of law enforcement in the event of a threat or emergency at a school.
SHB 1466 – Alternative Public Works Contracting Procedures • This bill extends alternative contracting procedures to June 30, 2021. • Modifies the criteria to use the Design Build and General Contractor/Construction Manager contracting procedures. • Modifies notification procedures. • Increases Job Order Contracting limits to $6 million for certain counties. • Requires the Capital Projects Advisory Review Board to report on the use of life cycle cost analysis.
ESHB 1633 – Modifying School District Bidding Requirements • The bill raises the minimum bidding threshold to $75,000 for the cost of any furniture, supplies, equipment, building, improvements, or repairs, or other work or purchases, except books, and allows school districts to use district staff to do small repair and improvement projects on district properties and facilities when the total cost of the project doesn’t exceed $75,000.
ESSB 5709 – Densified Biomass Pilot • Directs WSU to develop and initiate a pilot program to demonstrate the feasibility of using densified biomass to heat public schools. • Report by December 1, 2013. • Subject to receiving federal and private funds for this purpose. • The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction must notify all school districts about the pilot project and their opportunity to participate.
ESHB 1652 – Impact Fee Payments • This bill was vetoed by the Governor. It would have allowed impact fees to be deferred from the time a building permit is submitted to occupancy, which would create an unpredictable revenue stream for local jurisdictions, including school districts, who are dealing with capacity issues.
General Apportionment K-12 Operating Budget
Pupil Transportation • In SY 2013-14, the Legislature provided an additional $42.8 Million. • STARS is fully funded in SY 2014-15 with an additional $88.8 Million. • Pivot table provides district by district breakout (last year’s data and coefficients).
Salaries, Fringe, and Health Benefits • The 1.9% and 3.0% salary reductions are restored. Represents $179,727,533 in restored dollars across all programs. (This is not treated as a salary increase.) • Cost of living adjustments and adjustments to National Board bonuses are suspended for the 2013-15 biennium (HB 2043). • Fringe benefit rates are 18.68% for certificated staff and 20.95% for classified staff. • Health benefit rate remains at $768 per month.
High Poverty Class Size Reduction • Districts will have to prove they are providing a class size of 20.85 for grades K-1 as condition of receipt of funds for the 2014-15 school year. • OSPI must report draft rules to the Office of the Governor, and Legislative committees regarding monitoring K-1 class size by December 1, 2013. • All general education class sizes remain unchanged.
State Funded Full-Day Kindergarten • Increases percentage of kindergartners eligible from 22% to 43.75%. Increases funding by $49,687,802. • A list of newly eligible schools is available on the SAFS budget prep webpage. • Districts with newly eligible schools must accept funding through the I-grants system by July 16th per Memo 029-13. • If a district declines funding, the next eligible school will be offered funding. (There is no guarantee of funding in subsequent school years, if the funding is declined.)
ALE Program Funding • Eliminates the 10% or 20% reduction in ALE funding based on program type. • Funds all ALE enrollment based on the statewide running start rate. This represents a reduction of ALE revenue as compared to full funding. Statewide reduction approximately $800,000. • Small high school bonus units are provided based upon total enrollment including ALE. Districts do not receive bonus units based upon their non-ALE students, and then ALE revenue in addition to the funding floor. • No cap on non-resident enrollment.
MSOC • Increases MSOC allocations as follows: • Vocational and Skills Center MSOC allocations increased by inflation only.
Other Vocational/Skills Center Factors • The BEA District Administrative Multiplier is reduced from 3.69% to 1.71% for vocational programs and from 21.92% to 21.60% for skills center programs. • Impact of this included on vocational and skills center line of pivot table. • Other certificated staff ratio remains at 2.02/1,000 for vocational programs and 2.36/1,000 for skills center programs. • Vocational indirect percentage remains at 15%.
Guidance Counselors and Parent Involvement Coordinators • Statewide impact $11,618,285.
Transitional Bilingual • Continues to fund 4.778 additional hours of instruction per week for headcount of K-12 TBIP students. • For the 2013-14 school year additional funding is provided in the form of an additional 3.0 hours per week for students who have exited the program during the prior school year. Increases funding by $6,130,530. • For the 2014-15 school year the funding includes students who have exited the program during the prior two school years.
Learning Assistance Program • Increases hours per week of additional instruction from 1.5156 to 2.3975. • Increases statewide funding by $74,270,185.
Highly Capable Program • Funding provided at 2.159 hours per week, same as current year. • Increase of $528,494 shown on pivot table is a result of the salary restoration, and the additional FTE added through the expansion of Full-Day Kindergarten.
Programs Eliminated in the Budget • Regional Ed Tech Support Centers • Readiness to Learn • Navigation 101 • PASS Act Program
Bills with a fiscal impact Policy legislation
E2SHB 1134 –Tribal Education Compacts • Tribal Education Compact Schools act as their own district. • OSPI funds these schools directly based on the prototypical funding formula. • Schools may not limit or restrict enrollment or school choice options, however they may prioritize enrollment of tribal members or siblings of existing students. • CIS Staff mix will be calculated for each school, but schools do not have to follow the state salary schedule. • Funds allocated to tribal compact schools shall remain in the levy base of the school district formerly providing funding through an inter-local agreement, until January 1, 2018. • Reporting requirements include, but are not limited to, S-275, P-223, and CEDARS. • OSPI must have rules out by January.
E2SSB 5329 – Persistently Failing Schools Updates the SBE framework to be used by OSPI to identify persistently lowest-achieving schoolsto conform to revised federal rules and guidance, to be applied equally to both Title I and non-Title I schools. Permits state as well as federal funds to be used for school improvement in a Required Action District (RAD). Replaces a requirement that a RAD use one of four federal intervention models with a requirement for use of a school improvement model approved by OSPI. Authorizes SBE to designate a RAD that has implemented a required action plan for at least three years and has not made adequate progress to a new Level II RAD process. Directs that OSPI work with the school board to develop a Level II Planthat includesspecified interventions and conditions binding on the district.
ESSB 5946 – Strengthening Student Educational Outcomes • Omnibus policy bill • Part I – Learning to Read • Part II – Requiring the LAP program to be evidenced based • Part III - Student Discipline • Part IV – Educator Support Program • Part V – Alternative Learning Experiences
Part I – Learning to Read • Funds English Language Arts coordinators at ESDs. • School districts are required to include K-4 reading information (student is reading at grade level) on report cards. • Each school and each district must report the number of students in K-4 reading below grade level. • Beginning in 2014-15, all 3rd grade students scoring a Level 1 (below basic) on MSP, student must receive intensive reading remediation. • Beginning in 2015-16, this expands to students scoring a Level 1 or Level 2 on the MSP, and remediation strategies must be selected from a state menu. • Beginning in 2015-16, for any school where more than 40% score at a Level 1 or Level 2 on the MSP, all students not reading at grade level in grades K-4 must receive remediation strategies selected from the state menu, paid for with LAP funds.
Part II – Requiring the LAP program to be evidenced based • Adds reduction of disruptive behavior as a condition to serve. • OSPI will likely need to develop a behavior assessment. • Requires OSPI to develop a state menu of approved LAP strategies, which are required to be used by districts beginning in the 2016-17 school year, unless otherwise state approved. • Requires districts to prioritize the use of LAP funds to first serve grades K-4 reading. • Up to 5% of the LAP allocation may be used for community/ESD partnerships (RTL) • LAP plans are eliminated. • Districts must report in CEDARS (2014-15) • Annual entrance and exit performance data for each LAP student • Districts must provide an annual report to OSPI (August 1, 2014 and each August thereafter) • Amount of academic growth gained by students in LAP • Number of students who gained at least one year of growth • Specific LAP strategies used by each school • Requires monitoring of LAP programs by OSPI every 4 years.
Part III - Student DisciplinePart IV – Educator Support Program Part III – Student Discipline • For students expelled or suspended for more than one year, districts must receive approval from OSPI. • Discipline data reporting must be recorded in CEDARS. • Discipline data categories is expanded, and disaggregation is required. • Schools must create a reengagement plan. Part IV – Educator Support Program • Funds competitive grants for mentoring new teachers.
Part V – Alternative Learning Experiences • Defines Alternative Learning Experiences (ALE) based on type of course rather than type of program. • Funds ALE courses using the high school running start rate. • High school courses must be for credit and meet graduation requirements. • Beginning in 2013-14 through 2016-17, districts must have all ALE programs audited biennially and biennially, pay for an evaluation of outcomes. • Clarifies that online courses must have a teacher who has primary responsibility for the instructional interaction.
EHB 1450 –Assessment • Directs the Superintendent of Public Instruction to implement student assessments developed with a multistate consortium in English Language Arts(ELA) and mathematics in the 2014-15 school year. • Requires results from the high school consortium assessments (11th grade tests) to be used for purposes of high school graduation beginning with the graduating class of 2019. • Directs the State Board of Education to establish performance scores for the new assessments, which may include a different score for graduation than for college and career readiness. • Specifies the high school assessments in ELA and mathematics to be used for the graduating classes of 2015 through 2018, which include results from one, but not both, mathematics end-of-course assessments. • States legislative intent to transition to a comprehensive high school science assessment. • Requires a report on the process used to prevent bias and assure fairness in assessments.
Additional Bills Passed the Legislature • ESHB 1336 – Troubled youth in schools • SHB 1376 – Suicide assessment training • SHB 1397 – Sexual health education • ESHB 1688 – Student Restraint and isolation • ESB 5104 – Epinephrine autoinjectors • 2SSB 5197 – Safe school buildings • SSB 5308 – Sexually exploited children • SSB 5316 – Interviews/third person • ESSB 5563 – Sex abuse prevention/schools • 2ESB 5620 – School safety-related drills
Important Links • Legislative Budgets http://leap.leg.wa.gov/leap/default.asp • Budget Driver (John Jenft) Rate Sheet http://www.k12.wa.us/SAFS/13budprp.asp • Pivot Table http://www.k12.wa.us/SAFS/13budprp.asp • Bus Depreciation https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/BusDepreciation/default.aspx