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Towards a European steel council on jobs and skills?. Second seminar EU project: Identifying the actors. Andrea Tropeoli - ICSIM. Brussels, 18th March 2011. “Towards a European Steel Council on Jobs and Skills? Identifying the actors”. The project aims to identify
Towards a European steel council on jobs and skills? Second seminar EU project: Identifying the actors Andrea Tropeoli - ICSIM Brussels, 18th March 2011
“Towards a European Steel Council on Jobs and Skills? Identifying the actors” The project aims to identify the national actors and structures involved in steel sectoral skills and employment development, with the aim evaluating the added-value and merits of establishing a European steel sectoral jobs and skills council. This project fits tightly within the Europe 2020 flagship initiative on ‘New Skills for New Jobs’.
EU project: “Towards a European Steel Council on jobs and skills? Identifying the actors”” 18/03/11 2nd seminar – Interim Report by ICSIM 31/08/10 EMF-EUROFER joint project proposal to Commission Budget line 15/12/2010 Official launching - 1st seminar 15/07/11 Final Conference: Synthesis report First analyse of the situation: National feedbacks Dissemination of results + decision to follow up EU project Preparatory phase of the EU project 31/01/11 Deadline feedback questionnaire 23/11/10 Formal approval from the Commission 23/11/2010 Approval from Commission 10/12/10 Questionnaire (by ICSIM) sent to EUROFER – EMF members / national social partners Evaluation and decision by both EU social partners to set up a EU Council on jobs and skills council for the steel sector
The Questionnaire • Can you provide a short description of the national steel industry? • Can you list the relevant social partners currently active in your country? • Can you list and provide a short description of the national, regional and local existing bodies (public and private) operating in the field of jobs and skills specifically for the steel sector? • Can you provide a description of the national VET system? • Can you list and provide a short description of the main “point” of the national VET system where public and private bodies (included companies, when possible) can discuss about skills and new skills required by the labour market and, specifically, by the steel sector?
The questionnaires have been sent to the national social partners members of both EUROFER and EMF of a list of countries selected on the basis of the importance of the steel industry in the local economy and employment: Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria.
Belgium 1 14.472 Employees Crude Steel Production: 7.97 Mt/y - Sites:19 - EAF 25% - BOF 75%
Belgium 2 National and regional skill councils: FOREM (Wallonie), VDAB (Flanders) ; Brussels Formation; ADG (German-speking community) – SFMQ (Wallonie); SERV (Flanders) Council / body specific to steel sector?: No Question: Is there any coordination and exchange of best practices among the various bodies?
Czech Republic 1 18.864 Employees Production: 5.18 Mt/y - Sites: 26 - EAF 9% - BOF 91%
Czech Republic 2 National and regional skill councils: National Institution of Technical and Vocational Education (NUOV) - Research Institute for education - VŠB TU – Technical University Ostrava -Union for the development of the Moravian-Silesian region.. HR Directors of the Branch Association. Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes Sector Council for Steel, foundries and forges (horizontal body but dealing with steel-specific program) Question: What are the main aspects concerning the tripartite cooperation between the social partners and the listed national, regional and local bodies?
France 1 25.094 Employees Production: 15.41 Mt/y - Sites: 56 - EAF 37% - BOF 63%
France 2 National and regional skill councils: CPNE (National) CPREFP (Regional) CPTEFP (Local) –OPCAIM - ADEFIM - Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences (GPEC) (Agreement ArcelorMittal) + Centre de Formation des Métiers de l'Acier (in Gandrange Lorraine); Question: What are the links between the sector specific bodies and the more transversal ones?
Germany 1 92.038 Employees Production: 43.83 Mt/y - Sites: 83 - EAF 31% - BOF 69%
Germany 2 National and regional skill councils: The German Steel Platform - Stahlzentrum (sector) - The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Trainig (BIBB). Innovation Circle for Further Education and Training. Conference of Ministers for Education and Culture.Chambers of Industry and Commerce, Regional Coordination Offices for Education and Training – Coordinating committee for Training Regulation and Framework Curricula – Innovation Circle on Vocational Education and Training. Council / body specific to steel sector?: No Question: What is the role and the level of involvement of the educational network and that of the social partners in these national and regional bodies?
Hungary 1 8.947 Employees Production: 1.68 Mt/y - Sites: 7 - EAF 16% - BOF 84%
Hungary 2 National and regional skill councils: MGYOSZ - County Chambers - TISZK - Regional Integrated vocational training centres-Association Hungarian Steel Industry - ISD - OKÉV - Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee of Metallurgy Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes DUNAFERR Co. Training and Development Department (Human Institut) Question: Are the social partners in the steel sector and the educational network involved in the decision making process?
Italy 1 37.633 Employees Production: 25.70 Mt/y - Sites: 93 - EAF 60% - BOF 40%
Italy 2 National and regional skill councils: Responsibilities concerning the VET systems are allocated at regional, county and local level. Informal networks at local level. Inter-professional fund ”Fondimpresa” Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes Reconversider (Federacciai) – Post Graduated Master organised jointly by Industry and University (RIVA) Question: Due to wide decentralisation of responsibility on education and training, could concrete examples be provided?
Luxembourg 1 6.172 Employees Production: 2.55 Mt/y- Sites: 9 - EAF 100% - BOF 0%
Luxembourg 2 National and regional skill councils: Social Dialogue - Chambre de Commerce/Professionnelle – Luxembourg School for Commerce » (LSC) – Bi and tripartite coordination bodies Council / body specific to steel sector?: No Question: Since the steel industry has been, and still is, one of the main industrial activity in the country, what is its influence on the VET System?
Poland 1 26.293 Employees Production: 7.99 Mt/y - Sites: 40 - EAF 41% - BOF 59%
Poland 2 National and regional skill councils: "Training on the job", no factory technical school – The report listed university, secondary and VET schools operating in the Polish steel producing regions, particularly in Silesia. Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes Scholarship “zainstaluj się” ArcelorMittal Poland S.A.) Question: Are the transition to market economy and the privatisation of the Polish steel industry changed the role and influence of social partners and the educational system on the VET?
Portugal 1 885 Employees Production: 1.35 Mt/y - Sites: 5 - EAF 100% - BOF 0%
Portugal 2 National and regional skill councils: No organization working specifically in the steel sector. Vocational Training Centres under the control of IEFP. Industrial funding of the dual-based system through IEFP. Influence of Social Partners on VET. Council / body specific to steel sector?: No Question: The lack of specific bodies concerning the steel sector is related to the relatively low level of steel production?
Romania 1 16.839 Employees Production: 3.61 Mt/y - Sites: 26 - EAF 30% - BOF 70%
Romania 2 National and regional skill councils: Economic and Social Council (ESC) - National Agency for Employment- (ANOFM) - County (local) Commissions for Professional Training – Sector Committees Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes Sectoral Committee "Metalurgia" (horizontal body but involving metallurgical industries) Question: Since the ANOFM is organised in county and local agencies and workstation, is the participation of social partners and of the educational system organised in the same way?
Slovakia 1 11.184 Employees Production: 4.59 Mt/y - Sites: 4 - EAF 8% - BOF 92%
Slovakia 2 National and regional skill councils: Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry SCCI (SOPK) - Regional VET offices - Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes Sectoral VET Councils. Question: The list of schools provided in the report shows a strong partnership between the steel industry and the educational and VET system. Are the social partners equally involved in these contexts?
Spain 1 26.000 Employees Production: 16.34 Mt/y - Sites: 44 - EAF 76% - BOF 24%
Spain 2 National and regional skill councils: General Council of Vocational Education and Training, Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes UNESID HR Commission – Spanish Steel Technology Platform (PLATEA) Question: Is PLATEA open to the participation of social partners and to the educational and VET system?
United Kingdom 1 20.816 Employees Production: 9.71 Mt/y - Sites: 35 - EAF 20% - BOF 80%
United Kingdom 2 National and regional skill councils: UK Commission for Employment and Skills - Local Enterprise Partnerships – EEF/UK Steel - Devolved Administrations (Regional): in Northern Ireland, Scotland – Metal Sector Strategy Group (SSG) Council / body specific to steel sector?: Yes Sector Skills Council (SSCs) – SEMTA - Metal Sector Strategy Group Question: Due to the complexity of the UK VET and educational system, are the social partners in the steel sector really involved in the activities of the various councils?
Canada 1 24.600 Employees Production: 12.990 Mt/y - Sites: 8 - EAF 55% – BOF 45%
Canada 2 National and regional skill councils: CSTEC-Canadian Steel Trade and Employment Congress – CMSO-Comitè Sectorielle de main d'œuvre de la Metallurgie du Quebec Question: Could you list the main results of your experience and the quality of the cooperation between social partners?
Conclusions and next steps • The number and the quality of national reports represents a meaningful step forward for the joint EUROFER-EMF project. • The feed back coming with the national reports indicates the existence of a sufficient number of council on skill and jobs operating in the main EU steel producing countries. • The next step is the compilation of the final list after a further analysis of the information and a targeted specific contacts with a selected number of national social partners in order to complete the missing information. • Representatives of selected national, regional and local councils will be invited to the project final conference in the perspective of the establishment of the • European steel sectoral jobs and skills council in the steel sector.