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Smarter Balanced Assessment: Planning and Implementation

Smarter Balanced Assessment: Planning and Implementation. Tony Alpert Chief Operating Officer, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Mickey Garrison. Ph.D. Oregon Department of Education. Oregon Assessment Conference August 1, 2012. Objectives.

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Smarter Balanced Assessment: Planning and Implementation

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  1. Smarter Balanced Assessment: Planning and Implementation Tony Alpert Chief Operating Officer, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Mickey Garrison. Ph.D. Oregon Department of Education Oregon Assessment Conference August 1, 2012

  2. Objectives • Discuss strategies to guide development of a Local Implementation Plan • Identify resources that can support and enhance your LIP development (no lip service here) • Identify resources to support communication with Stakeholders

  3. Steering Committee Membership • Need to have mathematics and ELA represented • Don’t forget ELL and SWD • Should consider science, music, social studies, PE, art, etc. so that the plan incorporates a comprehensive implementation and holistic problem solving • Consider K-16 and potentially K-20 Teams

  4. Duration: 3 min Where: Person you don’t already know What: Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know and ask them what their district doing to address these first 3 critical elements of a local plan for transition. Now change roles.

  5. Duration: 5 min Where: Same person What: How can you create opportunities for a K-16 plan? What about a K-20 plan? How can the plan be sustained over time?

  6. Strategies for Building the LIP • Inventory your resources • Don’t completely reinvent the wheel. You have materials that still will work. Identify strengths, weaknesses and risks • Leverage work with other districts and schools • Don’t be afraid to cross state lines (you won’t be arrested) • Establish a integrated calendar of meetings. These meetings need to be protected because time is short • Frame the conversation around teaching and learning • Use curriculum and content standards as a resource • Be critical consumers

  7. Resources for Building the LIP • Professional development planning • Oregon CCSS Stewardship team developed a way to assist with PD planning and is posted at http://www.ode.state.or.us/wma/teachlearn/commoncore/aligned-ccss-pd-needs-final.pdf • Oregon will develop a webinar series to orient districts on the PD plan http://www.ode.state.or.us/news/events/

  8. Resources for Building the LIP • Formative assessment practices • Oregon Data project will roll out 2 day training in February and March regarding authentic classroom assessment practices • SBAC’s formative workplan is available at http://www.smarterbalanced.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Formative-Assessment-Master-Work-Plan-Narrative.pdf

  9. Duration: 9 min Where: With your team What: What can you re-use and what are some gaps in your resources that prevent high quality teaching and learning?

  10. Accountability Indicators Objective: All teachers have a basic understanding of the pedagogy of reading, writing and mathematics in the context of the CCSS Exemplar Evidence: All teachers incorporate reading, writing andmathematics content aligned to CCSS in their instruction Objective: Students learn knowledge and skills using academic vocabulary Exemplar Evidence: • All teachers explicitly instruct students on academic vocabulary by incorporating academic vocabulary in their lessons. • Teachers observe students appropriately using academic vocabulary as part of classroom interactions and classroom based assessments.

  11. Duration: 5 min Where: With your team What: Identify 1 additional objective and at least one exemplar that would serve as evidence that the objective was achieved

  12. Implementing the Implementation Plan • Level the playing field • Consider a team lead model with an expert regarding CCSS and Smarter Balanced Assessment respectively • Team leads can be empowered to interject information about CCSS and SBAC into team conversations • Dust-off your “Resource” argument • Establish a meeting date to review the plan and the Accountability Indicators. • Collect your evidence of success. Who is going to do this? Who is going to analyze the data?

  13. Implementation Resources • National Resources http://www.ccsso.org/Documents/2012/Common_Core_Resources.pdf • Introduction to Smarter Balanced Website http://www.smarterbalanced.org • Item Specifications http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarter-balanced-assessments/#item • Training Videos http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarter-balanced-assessments/item-writing-and-review/

  14. Sample Lesson Plan • Oregon’s Sample lesson • Modified from Archer & Hughes Explicit Instruction

  15. Duration: 7 min Where: Someone at another table What: What do you like about the sample lesson plan? What is missing? What needs to be removed/changed?

  16. Item Development and ECD Evidence Centered Design http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZPb56onUBs&feature=relmfu

  17. Duration: 5 min Where: With Your Team What: How might you use these videos as part of your approach professional development?

  18. Students Teachers Communicating With Stakeholders Parents Policymakers • I am challenged to complete complex tasks and apply my knowledge • I know how I am progressing toward college and career readiness • My test results will be accurate regardless of my ability, disability or proficiency in English • My child’s class time is focused on learning and not on testing • My child will have opportunities to improve • I will know whether my child’s school is performing as well as it should • I won’t be surprised by the test results at the end of the year • I will have the supports I need to help my students • The tests measures the right things in the right way • We are sharing costs with other states to provide a world-class test • We can compare the performance and growth of our schools, districts and state so that we can improve • We know the test will work for us because we helped build it

  19. Duration: 5 min Where: Person at table next to you What: Who’s story is missing? What message do they need to receive? How would you deliver it?

  20. Duration: 5 min Where: With Your Team What: Give an example of how your Career and College message will be different from your current message.

  21. Questions?

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