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CFC 101 Combined Federal Campaign. For ePledge registration instructions click here. For donating instructions click here. How to register for CFC ePledge. ePledge is quick and simple. Your profile will be save for future CFC use.
CFC101 Combined Federal Campaign For ePledge registration instructions click here. For donating instructions click here.
How to register for CFC ePledge. • ePledge is quick and simple. • Your profile will be save for future CFC use. • The ePledge program will remember your charities for future CFCs.
https://www.cfcnexus.org/_cfcni/ Click Register to start.
Select your specific unit, directorate, etc. Military example Civilian example
Fill in all fields. Military example Civilian example The e-mail you enter will be used for password recovery. Enter an e-mail you can access from work.
Click REGISTER ME If you get a red sad face, either a data field was empty or the username is being used already. Just fill in the missing data or create a different username.
https://www.cfcnexus.org/_cfcni/ Click Login to start. This window will appear. Note: Username is case sensitive.
Select pledge type Select payroll type. Then enter amount per pay period. Total donation amount.
This must be checked for payroll deduction Selecting yes creates the pink box. …this box will open
When searching for a charity be as specific as possible. Note: Some charities have local, national and international option. Please be careful when selecting. Examples Clicking the “plus sign” will expand the window with more information about the charity. The “Enter Pledge” button is toward the bottom.
After you hit “Continue” a long green print banner will appear. One signed copy will need to go to your CFC key worker any others are for you personal records.
You can print additional copies of your pledge. Under “My Pledges & Profile” select my pledges. Choose the pledge you want to print