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Mack M Carter
's Uploads
11 Uploads
Using Logic Models to Plan, Monitor, and Evaluate Programs
30 vues
Optimal Routing Table Design for IP Address Lookups under Memory Constraints
19 vues
Intro to Ubicomp Privacy
17 vues
John M. Pezzuto, Ph.D. Professor and Dean, College Pharmacy e-mail: pezzuto@hawaii
19 vues
A Performance Analysis Framework for Identifying Potential Benefits in GPGPU Applications
16 vues
Fostering Empathy and Compassionate action in the classroom.
63 vues
COM municating U N certainty I n K ey O fficial S tatistics
13 vues
SSR time We need Homework folders, writer’s notebooks, and composition books!
14 vues
Status and first Results of the MEG Experiment
10 vues
KLAP: Kernel Launch Aggregation and Promotion for Optimizing Dynamic Parallelism
24 vues
Draft chapter 2 on education output
17 vues