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English 10 - 10/21/13

English 10 - 10/21/13. Of all the articles you have read which would make the most interesting debate topic? Why? Explain. Or Five minutes to study for Vocab. 7. How do you fix a tuba? Circumlocution – talking around a subject rather than getting to the point. Usually due to embarrassment .

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English 10 - 10/21/13

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  1. English 10 - 10/21/13 • Of all the articles you have read which would make the most interesting debate topic? Why? Explain. Or Five minutes to study for Vocab. 7. • How do you fix a tuba? • Circumlocution – talking around a subject rather than getting to the point. Usually due to embarrassment. Goals – Learn the basics about debate. Review Works cited. Analyze article. Evidence based discussion. Homework – Create a rudimentary works cited page. Analyze one article. Don’t forget to study Vocabulary 8 for quiz Friday.

  2. English 10 - 10/22/13 • I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. Aristotle. • Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? • Cledonism – using circumlocution to avoid using certain words that are believed to be unlucky; e.g. “twelve, twelve plus one, fourteen….” Goals – Analyze articles for content that would fit into a debate topic Homework – Write a summary of what you have that will be useful for the debate and what you need to get to improve your argument.

  3. English 10 - 10/23/13 • From your analysis of last night what do you think is the best way to improve education? What grounds do you have to support those claims? • What do “Alexander the Great” and “Winnie the Pooh” have in common? • Chiastic – inverting words in otherwise similar phrases; e.g. “He went to the door, to the door went he.” Goals – Arrange teams. Define the arguments. Analyze articles. Assign teammates tasks to improve your argument. Homework – Find articles that will support your team’s argument or rebuttal.

  4. English 10 - 10/24/13 • How much do you trust your own thoughts, attitudes, and inclinations in the face of public disapproval? How much do you trust your analysis? • What is the difference between roast beef and pea soup? • Catagraph – first draft. Goals – Continue the analysis. Check Dailies. Homework – Analyze articles! The sooner we finish the sooner we get to the fun stuff! Don’t forget vocab.8.

  5. English 10 - 10/25/13 • Five minutes to prepare for your vocabulary Quiz #8. • Did you hear about the giant that threw up? • Cacography – Bad spelling, cramped or indistinct writing. Goals – Complete vocabulary study for week 8. Analyze articles. Homework – Complete analysis of all your articles.

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