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Last time in RE…. Non religious arguments for. Life after Death such as…. Lesson objective. The aim of this lesson is to use the Bible and a clip from the film “The invention of lying” to understand more about Christian views on Life after Death. Lesson outcomes.
Last time in RE…. Non religious arguments for Life after Death such as….
Lesson objective • The aim of this lesson is to use the Bible and a clip from the film “The invention of lying” to understand more about Christian views on Life after Death.
Lesson outcomes • Grade C: will be able to explain why Christians believe there is life after death and use quotes from the Bible as evidence • Grade B: will be able to explain how beliefs about heaven and hell will affect a Christians life • Grade A: will be able to express their own view about heaven and hell
The invention of lying • Watch the following clip (timecode 0:56:00-1:03:00). It is the part of the film where Mark (Ricky Gervais) tells the world about the “Man in the sky” and what happens when you die. • Note down everything that Mark says about the place you go to.
Recap • Look at the list of things you wrote down and compare them with other people’s lists. • Put a tick next to things on your list which sound like how a Christian would describe Heaven or Hell, and put a cross next to those that don’t. • How would Christians describe Heaven and Hell?
Key words this lesson…resurrection A – The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised B – Unexplained things that are thought to have spiritual causes C – When someone about to die has an out-of-body experience The right answer is .... A
Key words this lesson...immortality of the soul A – The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised B – Living forever C – The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body The answer is .... C
Why do Christians believe in life after death? • Copy the quote you have been given into the table. • Explain how it answers the question at the top of the table. • Swap your quote with someone else. • Do this until you have looked at three quotes.
Quote One “For we believe that Jesus died and rose again” (1 Thessalonians 4:14)
Quote Two “….those who have done good will rise to live….” (John 5:29)
Quote Three “Not everyone will enter the kingdom of heaven, only those who do the will of my father” (Matthew 7:21)
Quote Four “My Father’s house has many rooms; I am going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2)
Quote Five “Jesus Christ was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose again from the dead” (The Apostle’s Creed)
Lesson outcomes • Grade C: will be able to explain why Christians believe there is life after death and use quotes from the Bible as evidence • Grade B: will be able to explain how beliefs about heaven and hell will affect a Christians life • Grade A: will be able to express their own view about heaven and hell
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? • On the other side of the sheet is a second table with this question at the top. • Look at the picture you have been given and decide how it answers the question then complete one line of the table. • Aim to look at four different pictures.
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? Sharing what you have with others
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? Helping others – Love they neighbour
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? Reading the Bible
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? Avoiding behaving badly or in an evil way
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? Following the teachings of Jesus
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? Praying every day
How would believing in Heaven affect your life? Going to Church and worshipping on a Sunday
Lesson outcomes • Grade C: will be able to explain who Christians believe go to Heaven and Hell and use quotes from the Bible as evidence • Grade B: will be able to explain how beliefs about heaven and hell will affect a Christians life • Grade A: will be able to express their own view about heaven and hell
What do you think? • Watch the following short Truetube clip where people talk about what they believe happens to them when they die. • Now attempt Q1 and Q2 on p12 of your exam booklet. This is a (d) question so remember the formula is P-P-P and P-P-P.
Lesson outcomes • Grade C: will be able to explain why Christians believe there is life after death and use quotes from the Bible as evidence • Grade B: will be able to explain how beliefs about heaven and hell will affect a Christians life • Grade A: will be able to express their own view about heaven and hell
Plenary Why do you believe in heaven? I believe because…. Remember those Bible quotes!
Plenary How does believing in heaven make you act? Things I do include….. Remember those Bible quotes!